What DLC character don't you want to see?

2 words: dick-whip.

Umbrella, Victoria, and D.Violet

So what? Out of all the “suggestive themes” found in this game, a phallic whip is where you draw the line? I mean, you make it sound like that would be the most egregious thing in a video game, as if Capcom didn’t create a character that stripped down to a thong and set people on fire because he was both metaphorically and physiologically hot, or that Jojo didn’t feature a character that literally shot her breasts at you for a super, or that Omega Red was quite literally a tentacle monster with phalli sprouting from his arms (which don’t even look like that in the comics). It just seems like your sensibilities and morals are a little unfair is all… unless you hate all of the characters I just referenced… Even then, a character with a dick-shaped weapon seems like a perfect fit for Skullgirls considering what’s already in the game.

Nothing to do with morals, I’m just allergic to dick, runs in the family.

No. A dick shaped whip is not a perfect fit…for any game.

Well D.Violet seems to be among the more popular characters on the list, so perhaps we’ll soon see just how well it fits. There was a joke in there somewhere, but I lost it.

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/2877/Y2Ryoko">Y2Ryoko</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>
<blockquote class=“UserQuote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/52978/j13901">j13901</a> wrote: <a href="/discussion/comment/8063224#Comment_8063224" class=“QuoteLink”><span class=“ArrowLink”>»</span></a></div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>No. A dick shaped whip is not a perfect fit…for any game.</div>
<br />
Well D.Violet seems to be among the more popular characters on the list, so perhaps we’ll soon see just how well it fits. There was a joke in there somewhere, but I lost it.</div>
if the dick fits…ah F#$^ it.

I don’t think when people asked for more dicks on the roster they had D. Violet’s whip in mind. :bz

I don’t see why you can’t have more than one large character, considering the game never had any from the get-go. Y’all playa hatin’.

My picks for DLC characters I don’t wanna see are:

D. Violet: I just can’t dig her or how she plays.
Andy: I know people like him for s***s and giggles but I feel like there’s better opportunities here.
Umbrella: She’s just too basic for me.

d. violet, venus.

the obligatory “lets make characters that have tits and ass falling out all over the place and not worry about doing things in good taste.”

just looking at static images of them is bad enough. i would dread to see what they would look like when they are animated. valentine is already pretty much at the limit of tastelessness.

umbrella, marie, leduc.

they just look very boring to me.

Something about arguing for good taste in a game where the only character who doesn’t flash their panties is the one character who wears pants seems kind of… cute.

I wouldn’t mind any of the characters getting voted in…

Oh, except for Adam… anything but Adam.

*I personally don’t find anything wrong with D.Violets character design, at first glance she reminds me of Soul Caliburs Ivy. Besides the phallic symbolism going on with the whole whip thing there’s a nice invocation of mythology permeating her aesthetics. The cloven toed boots, spear tipped toes, echidna-esque chest covering and snake whip reminds me of a mix between your standard Greek mythology inspirations mixed with cheesecake. I would have liked the aesthetic design more if it was dialed back some in the cheesecake department but other than that I don’t have too much of a problem with it. That’s not even getting into the gameplay description of her game design being inspired from like Whip.

A character who is absolutely loved by anyone who has touched her in KOF2002/2001. In those games she had good space control while having a surprisingly scary pressure game that she could apply. Her attacks had great priority, i’m talking some of the best in the game. Think Iori hop C, Kyo hop CD or Duo Lon’s hop forward B/CD in KOF13. *

Panties = in bad taste, confirmed.
Next up: the long journey from sexism and prudeness to the liberal america we know today, join us after the break.

Can’t find Kappa smiley, too bad it’s me, new SRK.

Like, everything else is fine, just not a drooling dick-whip.

Interestingly enough, I know several women who are confirmed to wear panties with skirts. Incidentally, the amount of those women who have flashed me with those panties, either intentionally or accidentally is relatively few. I would say that out of every 100 girls I encounter who wear skirts, only about two end up revealing their panties. That means the odds of seeing a pantyshot in the wild are around 2%.

Comparatively, encountering the cast of Skullgirls comes with an 88% chance of finding a woman who will then flash their panties at you, which is a statistical anomaly. Therefor I’m forced to assume 88% of the cast of Skullgirls is doing this intentionally. Now, I’m just a humble South Carolinian, and in South Carolina, a woman who intentionally flashes her panties at passersby is, for lack of a better word, a floozy – one could even say “hussy” – and is without a doubt in poor taste.

While I appreciate your efforts to keep this matter scientific, I do have to wonder whether you added alcohol and martial arts to your equation. It seems to me that said components would drastically alter the outcome of your calculations.

Seriously dude, that made no sense and it’s a big fallacy. And I’ll tell you what, how many of the skirt-using women you see JUMPING or KICKING? If they did that, I guarantee you that 2% would become 98%.

Seriously, you people are nuts. xP

It’s their decision to wear skirts while jumping and kicking, so my point stands. They’re clearly doing it on purpose to excite the audience. Maybe they should think about putting some pants on if they plan on fighting Skullgirls as a hobby.

Ryu doesn’t have money to buy new clothes. Maybe it’s the same case with them. xP