What are some good MM teams?

I’m a strong Megaman user, but lately I’ve been having problems finding a strong backup team to go with him. I was wondering if anyone could share their thoughts and ideas on good teams and why?

I’ve been hearing MM/T.Bonne work well together, (plus MikeZ’s T.Bonne vids make you want to play her XD) so I started using MM/T.Bonne/Psycloke and they seem to work rather well together.

T.Bonne>> LP, LP(3-hit), Bonne Drill xx Lunch Rush DHC Hyper Megaman for some strong damage.

Also its possible to link MegaMan’s Aerial HyperMM into King Kobun DHC, but it depends gretly on the location and direction your facing (Or else King Kobun will whiff by being to far away)

If your T.Bonne/MM we’re force swapped out for Psycloke, you can do her aerial combo;

Psy>> LP, LK, HP, S.Jump, LP, LK, LP, LK, Up+HK xx Butterflies DHC King Kobun.

But I don’t think Psycloke works very well with Megaman, it seems that MM has different properties on his OTG’s on her Assist, compared to other characters. If the Assist hits, and you Dash+LK, it will usually knock the character away and they will roll to the other side. (Maybe it’s just me, but I noticed that XD)

So… Your thoughts on good MM Teams?
Maybe even help me out with my MM/T.Bonne/_______ choice? :rolleyes:

Good Megaman teams IMO:
MM/BH/Cable or CapCom
MM/IM or Cable/Sent
MM/Storm(Vertical Typhoon)/Cyke or CapCom

As for your tron issue:
MM/BH or Sent/Tron


Mega Man is a keepaway/ trapping character, all his teams need assists with range, and assists with quick AAAs. BH, Storm, Sent all have good trapping assists (Yes there is ALOT of lag ont hem, but thats where Mega Man is supposed to be covering them), and Cable, CapCom, IM, Cyke, all have good AAAs to keep rushdown off MMs back… Now Tron doesn’t really fit either of these catergories. I guess you could use Tron to try and stop Mags and Storm from rushing in, The problem is for Tron to be her maxium effectiveness her point character has to be close, which is why you see Magnus/Tron work so well…but Mega Man is supposed to be kepping away, he has no rushdown game at ALL… so Tron doesnt really help… I really wouldnt suggest it…If you want, you can try to use her to keep rushdown off MM and use BH or Sent to help keepaway…

Team I’m playing right now is MM/Cable/Tron. There are alot of characters you can throw in there, honestly Sentinel would be a great choice since all three characters work well together. As for the keep away, yeah mostly you’re going to trying to keep your opponent at bay, but in certain matchups you will be forced to go after them. ie Storm, Blackheart and Cable.

MM/Cable/Commando is the Megaman team I use, although sometimes I toy with MM/Cable/A-Sentinel.

For fun I play MM/Hulk/Ryu.

currently trying to understand


MM/Cable/Cyke. MM builds meter like crazy and once you get Cable in, you have Cyke’s godly AAA and MM proj. assist which even nullifies HSF. :wow:

i use mm (proj), cammy (aa), camando (aa).
i picked up marvel for fun, (and i still think it is), but i am surpised on how well this team does.
rock back/air buster/choice of aa that covers all angles and you got yourself a good lockdown.

Try using Mega Man’s Beat Plane in place of the Hyper Mega Man Super combo. It not only adds more hits to the combo, but it also allows you to manuever closer to your opponent, and pins them in place for a very effective cancel. Try this combo with your current team:

Start with Tron:
J. LK, J. LK, S. LP, S.LP (3-hit), Bonne Strike, XX Lunch Rush XX MegaMan’s Beat Plane (as soon as first Servbot connects), repeatedly tap FP+FK, XX Psylocke’s Kagure (can’t remember the whole name).

And I believe Psycloke can pick the opponent off the ground with her C.LK, try that and see if you can continue into an aerial rave ending in Kagure. Very effective team you’ve got there.

But, if you want to replace Psylocke, take these guys out for a spin, if you wish to remain competitive:

Sentinel (Y)
Doctor Doom (B)(VERY effective partner for Tron)
Iron Man (A or Y)

Or, if you feel a bit whimsical:

Roll (A) (Try using her Beat Plane after Tron’s Lunch Rush, and cancel into Mega Man’s Hyper MegaMan. If comes like having two Beat Planes at your disposal!)

Servbot (Y): (I find Servbot’s speed very effective in creating very nagging triangle jumps with Tron’s Sonic Ring Assist. On top of that, his Gamma Lunch Rush takes down a TON of chip damage.)

Well, that’s basically my two cents, anyway. Good luck with your team. :tup:

Mega/Cable/CapCom is my current team in Marvel. I’m trying to learn how to hold my own if Cable dies…

What gives you problems? Megaman should usually own Magneto, do really well against Storm, get fucked by Cable, and do surprisingly well versus Sentinel (but that fight sucks).

The trick against every character in the game is to know the exact Megaman height to land the counter jump buster for that character’s move. You can even pretty safely hit Sentinel in the head during his spit checks, but that’s probably the hardest timing for me to get. The most fun you can possibly have is against Cable, since there’s about five heights that punish various of his options.

If you’ve played Tron at all, you know that there’s a certain height as you drop down from normal jump that you can press FP and beat pretty much everything a rushing-in Magnus has and most of what Storm has. That same height / distance is really good for headshots to Storm/Magnus. Kind of weird, just learn it. It’s just a very late buster, but it comes out quick and you get recovery (block low anyways at that point).

Lay out jump busters like enemy fire in Gradius. Easiest thing against flyaway Sentinel is to SJ and as you are drifting backwards, lay out a buster just as you reenter normal jump airspace - usually the screen will stupidly adjust them into it. But that requires them to either not have good antiair or for the antiair to be hurt. :sad: It actually works pretty well to rush Sentinel the hell down. Plus it’s funny as hell.

All in my scrubby opinon, of course.

I’m currently having a good deal of fun with Megaman/Cable/Cyclops, although I’m thinking I might switch Cable out for Sentinel.

I would add that having tron + megamans normals speed makes up close encounters scary…this means not only do you have to work to get in with mags, you have to look for safe opportunity as well. If the MM player is a solid blocker…this quickly turns into an uphill battle for anyone doing anything more than watching for a mistake and playing safely around that premise. It can be frustrating, even for good players.

Megaman/Cable/Tron Bonne is an excellent team. Megaman/Tron build meter for Cable to unleash up to five Hyper Viper Beams, rinse and repeat. Solid strategy, but requires work.

i think that megaman steve is not around anymore, although he doesn’t know me but his megaman gameplay is tops!!! i think that i might rip his fav megaman team off of him MM/cable/BH if you read this man, sorry is just that i need something new and that can incorporate BH in it.

MMMasterSTE = MegaMan Steve o.o ???
Yeah, MM/BH/Cable is up there mosdef…haven’t heard from Steve in a hott minute!!!


What about mega/sent/tronn? Im also thinking about using mega/sent/capcom
so sent has an AA.

Mega/Sent/CC works, but with Mega/Sent/Tron… what’s your anti-air? Do you have Megaman on mega punch assist? That helps Sent and Tron, but what about Megaman needing anti-air?

I think you’d die to Cable/Sent. Try it and report back. :tup:

Your right I like mega/sent/capcom better due to the A.A, by the way preppy good stuff.

i usually run with megaman/cable (projectile assist)/and sentinal (ground assist)
mega also works will with doom anti air commando anti of course. as for tron bone thats effy i mean her broken projectile assist along with megaman fp does some nice damage but really you have better options she doesnt help megaman trap or help his air or ground game much what will you do if you run into cable?

A good team to Megaman is a Capcom-b storm-a and megaman-a
Megaman-to attaches great advantage besides a good change insurance besides that Megaman has many blows with high priority is very difficult to be caught is a good anti-msp

Here in Mexico we have our Megaman is very good here this suit
