What are some good MM teams?

Megaman-a, Cable-b, Sentinel-y is not fair. Test it out. See it to believe it. :slight_smile:

What do you guys think about mega/sent/cyc?

I personally like mega/sent/capcom, but the team above
would be a good doom and tronn assist counter.

I Started playing mvc2 on line! jeje If you want to get some matches, you can add me like your friend. Ok my gamertag is PPMEGAMAN.
see you soon!

^-- he’s fun to play against. He generally used Megaman-A/Storm-A/Capcom-B when I played him. It’s pretty/very effective against rushdown.

Hello Peppry! jeje have a good day! see you on x box live!

So I’ve started experimenting with MM, and it’s fun. I was doing really well against Magneto, but Cable was killing me.I was mainly going MM/Cab/Tron, because I saw it’s effectiveness in videos of Preppy and Vidness. I then tried MM/Guile/Tron, and I think the Guile assist helps MM’s bad angles better than Cable, but obviously, is not as good on point, and doesn’t have the great counter xx AHVB*3 that you can do when MM’s low on health.

Megaboy takes a lot of damage, which is a reason I tend to practice with him. His aerial combo does a lot of damage to most characters.

A good team, with two big boys to back the snotty nose up…lol
Starting with Megs, cr.lk +2, cr.hk, tornado(lp) + IronMan anti-air, wait…hk, air combo.
Or, at the end with IronMan, cancel tornado to super. You have to time the tornado just right, or else the repulsor will just knock them upwards, instead of boucning them back to you.

MegaMan has a little 3-hit combo standing or crouching that ends with a projectile. Its lp+2, hp, /Or lp, cr.lk, hp, /Or cr.lp, cr.lk, hp/ Or cr.lk +2, hp. You can mix it up, going from crouching to standing at the end with the beam. Alone, the combo takes like 26 damage. With Sentinel’s RP, it takes like 50 damage against most characters.

Of course, the THC is awesome, takes like 100 damage on most. A key point with the THC with that team is, you can sweep with MegaMan, and do the THC. Once theyve fallen, the light or forcefield or electricity…around MegaMan hits them on the ground, kinda like a lk connects with Magneto or Storm when the opponent has fallen. Just cr.lk+2, hk, THC. While the standing version of the THC does 100, this version does 111 or more (depending on character)
MegaMan can be quite formidable, with the right pieces around him. Practice a lot with him in training mode, you’ll find that he is quite cool.

P.S. Have you ever noticed at the start of a match, his dog’s tongue is placed in way on screen as MegaMan’s uhhh…well…lol…

Megaman builds meter like crazy. I usually pair him with Cable/Cyclops.

MM/hulk/mando or MM/juggs/mando can be tough to get around and dangerous to make mistakes against.

MM/Cable/tron is scarry sometimes… chasing MM around while dodging trons damn glichted assist and cable AA… …and the team plays so smoothly and easily… ey! ey! ey! ey! ey! ey! ey! ey!..

MM/Doom/Tron works very well for me. you can set up good chip traps with doom and this also sets up a decent jump in loops and once you catch them unblocking you can get some stupid damage if you call tron.

jump in
call assist: (doom if they are blocking) (tron if they arent)
dash and do it again… its an ok lockdown IMO

even when MM needs a break doom and tron have many tricks of their own no matter whoz out. i think all 3 characters compliment each other very well

my main team is MegaMan Sentinel and CapCom but u could try to mix in blackheart and doom since they are pretty good with megaman as well