Oh wow, I had no idea this thread existed! Aqua Snake had it right: The whole event was mainly for SF4. I also came to ONLY compete for HDR. Since I already paid registration + venue fee, I felt like I needed to stay the whole 7+ hour delay. There were times that I wanted to leave because I thought the HDR tourney wasn’t going anywhere. Every time I checked back to the HDR set up, people were playing casuals. I would’ve played but there were A LOT of good players, so I stayed behind and just watched. :shake: Sorry if I seemed kinda quiet/shy.
I’m still playing HDR now! It’s a fun (and frustrating) game and it helps when I play ST too. I still get tournament jitters so I need a lot of practice anyway. :c
I’m a great theory fighter, and I have my clutch moments, but I’m not that great. Still though, most of the PSN crew is bi now, so if I ever have the money to do it, I’ll get an xbox. I wonder if I should upgrade to a 8 gate stick or if I should buy a converter and use this 4 gate hori.:looney:
Thanks Aqua Snake! I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one who felt like that WCW was a bust. Haha, you’re probably right about me being the only chick playing HDR. Oh well. I will probably play some ranked matches tonight after I’m off work! Why the hell do I keep losing to Bison’s and T.Hawks?!?! #&%Q#*()&$!#( :arazz:
Oh ok did not know waht i was looking at did not see the link to your page, Ya its you, I was the BISON played that you played for your last match. Dont know if you remember or not.
And, good news your not the only girl that plays HDR my sister plays it and, plays it well, infact shes the one that thought me VST and HDR I think that i have a pretty good bison but, hers kills mine all the time with out even trying at all. so does her chun
Mavrick: Yep, that’s me! I remember you. You eliminated me from LB at EVO, lol. I’ve played you once before on ranked too, and you still beat me. Haha, I think I improved a little since EVO though.
P.S. I wanna play Scribblenauts… I’m too caught up on Professor Layton:DB right now.
Aqua Snake, our team name next year should be: Team IHOP. Pancakes FTW.
I can’t say I had a bad time. I haven’t played so much street fighter in 1 day for like 10+ years. The place was a fountain of youth for me in the sense that it brought back good memories of playing in an arcade.
John Rog posted on the warzone website lamenting about the problems with the tournament. This includes the unexpected amount of sign ups for SF4 at the door. It sounds like they are ready to make this better next year.
Aqua Snake, here are some more reasons why the tourney shouldn’t be complete BS to you:
IHOP! You had breakfast at 7PM!!!
Afrolegends putting a magical luck mojo thing on my controller. Unfortunately, when I borrowed his stick, I forgot to put a bad luck voodoo thingamagy on it.
Getting to play Afro, Choi, Valle, and Watson in 1 day!
Getting to meet guys like DGV, Voltech, BlueTallCans, Mongolorobokop, ZASpacer, Kurropi, eamegaman, sweetjv, and tyram in person. Damn those guys are good!
Holding up 1 finger to play someone “ONE MORE TIME!”
I NEED you playing HDR so you can show me how to win the matchups that I can’t handle.
Besides, you’re a very cool guy.
Please don’t go.
(NOTE: I am actually very serious about my needing Mavrick to show me gameplay)
Does your sister play on HDR?
Always great to get more great players on there.
Next time just step up and ask for next. (or say you’d like to get in line if there is one)
It’s a great chance to get some practice in AND to meet other people in the commuity.
I personally find meeting the community much more rewarding than the actual tournament play.
I know for a little while it was Afrolegends, DGV, Choi, and Valle playing causal HDR.
And that was WAY more than enough to keep me on the sidelines too.
But as the hours ticked by, more set-ups were loaded with HDR in that corner, and it was seeing a lot more people playing.
Don’t be too shy to say you got next, nobody’s going to be a big enough prick to refuse a girl a chance to play (in fact, it’ll probably be more like, ‘oh sure! of course! here, take my seat! need a stick!?’) I remember you from Evo, my g/f pointed out that you wanted to go after me in some HDR casuals I was playing, then when I got off, some dude came outta nowhere and just plugged his stick in :lame:
Mezzasasha will straight-up wreck you with Gief. I barely came away with the set. She’s definitely in the top 10 Giefs I’ve played, and the only one that could regularly grab me out of of low rushes with a SPD.