West Virginia Thread: Shouting from Mountaintops

Northern West Virginia Thread: Because NOWVA sounds cool.

I think we’ll call this area “NOWVA”. It’s like NOVA, on westish.

Hopefully with the introduction of SFIV some of those lazy college kids in the Morgantown area will pick up and play and I’ll get to pretend like I’m good at the game because everyone uses a pad.

I should be hitting up the University Drive SFIV tournament this Saturday (20090221) at 1400 (Two of the clock for those who don’t know how to tell real man’s time).

Edit: Update post GS tourny.

10 people showed up and I got knocked first round by one of the guys who won. Talked to a few guys and some said they posted here. Since I’m posting from my phone I’ll keep this short. It looks like we might be able to run tournaments at that gamestop, and I will be talking to the best buy manager about running something there since that is a bigger venue.

Hopefully we can get a decent scene going here and get people in to other games as well.

Original post:


I’d still come to C3 to hang out with you/be really racist, but I’d like some local comp so I can at least pretend like I’m getting better.

No WV players I see. A sad day for me.

you have tittie bars and charlestown, go nuts

give it time bro. im sure someone will answer.

Really? I’ll have to check these out… Maybe that’s why no one plays.

I gave you time and you never called. I thought what we had meant something, but now I see you just used me.

I like how more of the MD/VA players are in the WV thread than WV players.

Oh and yeah…I don’t think I’ve seen more than one or 2 WV occupied posters on SRK. Those bars will have to make do.

Well they don’t have internet here. I’m stealing wireless from Pittsburgh. I would have posted earlier this afternoon, but I had to feed the chickens, milk the cows, and chop wood so I won’t freeze tonight.

LoL. Out of the corner of my eye I come across this and I’m not surprised that there’s no-one else. Well, tell you what Faight, atleast 3 times a year I come back to my hometown of Charleston, which is two hours south of you. I play mostly 3s and GGAC, as well as any older street fighter games. I do happen to be in town right now, but I’m kinda stranded here for awhile with my car getting repairs, plus I didn’t think to bring my PS2 stick. Next time I’m in town, maybe I’ll pm you and drive up to get some games in with you if we’re both bored out of our minds.

I think Iceman officially lives in WV as well, but he sure spends a lot of time in other places like Blacksburg and NOVA.

hey man i live in mercersburg PA if you all want to come up here to game, i play everything from ggxx to mvc2 to cvs2 to umk3 to alpha 3 and even some 3d fighters.

plus i have alot of arcade’s to play on.

and i might start hosting tournaments soon again my basement is getting finished as we speak



heard you were havin a little session a while back, I couldn’t make it out, but I’d definitely like to make it out to your new place sometime, and see how you’re doing.

No sticks on the pool table!!

oh shit! been along time man ski you missed the last one bro i had some og up here with some custom marvel on the neo candy with the bbq going shit was nice, next one is gonna be 1st sat of april.

you gotta make it up bro. hit me up if you need a ride


Maybe with SRK boasting membership IN THE THOUSAAAAANDS we’ll get some college kids from Morgantown posting.

I can’t believe I missed this last year. I officially live on the Virginia side of the line. But the problem is, I’m nearly Bluefield. So hell, if anyone near Bluefield sees this, yay for me.

Bluefield is like 3 hours south of me, but you’re right across the border from “Southern X-Posure”. I always see it when I drive up 77 from my parents.

That place any good?

Bumping this back to the top for the guys from Gamestop to see. Feel free to post and maybe we can get some casuals going or something.

Im here…


Its me, Eric from the GAMESTOP tourney today (Big guy; leather jacket; sunglasses).
Just figured I’d show myself to this thread. Just an FYI, I currently live about 30mins north of morgantown on PA side, but i dont mind calling this thread home.

With SF4 out now im gonna need a new next gen stick. I am thinking about getting the new SF4 Arcade stick TE. I also need to bust out my MAS from storage see if that thing still works for PS2 (I used to play GGXX:AC alot, and before that CVS2 on my MAS). And as you stated above SF3 can go to hell. lol

Well hit me up. as soon as i figure out what im going about a new stick we will have to hang out and play some casuals. peace :smokin:

Hey Eric,

The TE stick is a good value. As for choosing your stick it all depends on what style you prefer; TE is japanese style, your MAS would be American (Happs most likely). If you like the bigger feel of the American buttons/stick you could mod your MAS to run PS3 or 360 or both pretty easily.

Casuals would be sweet, I was talking to a couple of the other guys when you left (the guy who played Chun and the other Gief) and I’m pretty sure they live in Morgantown, so perhaps that would be the best meeting spot as I’m about 20-25 minutes south of there and you’re 30 minutes north of there.

If anyone is interested it looks like the kids in NOVA are doing a game night next weekend, I might hit it up. Obviously it’s about a 3 hours drive, but I work nights so I’ll drive during that time. More info as I get it.