Wesker Combo Thread

Complete. Global. Saturation.
Let’s post and discuss his combos here!
I’ll be constantly updating this thread :smiley:
All contributions are appreciated!

Here is a quick guide for people who are new or unfamiliar with the button notation or terminology for Marvel vs Capcom 3:

:atk: = any attack button
:atk::atk: = any 2 attack buttons
:l: = light attack
:m: = medium attack
:h: = hard attack
:s: = exchange/special
:a1: = Assist 1
:a2: = Assist 2

:db:=db, down back, 1
:d:=d, down, 2
:df:=df, down forward, 3
:b:=b, back, 4
:f:=f, forward, 6
:ub:=ub, up back, 7
:u:=u, up, 8
:uf:=uf, up forward, 9

dj=double jump
nj= neutral jump
jc=jump cancel
AD=Air Dash
IAD=Instant Air Dash
~=right after/follow-up
OTG=Off the Ground
XFC/KFC=X-Factor Cancel


  1. Please refer to the following thread for notation http://shoryuken.com/f340/notation-should-we-use-mvc3-256191/
  2. Include what distance the combo works eg. Midscreen, Corner, etc…
  3. Include the damage if possible. If the combo damage is variable due to how a Super works then just put a note that it’s variable.
  4. If your combo includes an assist please state what character and what type of assist you have choosen. Please avoid using the A, B, Y assist notation and just type out which assist it is.
  5. Please note any important information needed to perform the combo such as delays or timing.

** Combos - No Assist:**

:d::l:, :d::m:, :d::h:, :qcf::l:, dash, :df::h:, :d::m:, :h: (both hits), :qcf::m:, :h: teleport, late j.:h:, :d::h:, :s:, j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, j.:s:, land, :df::h: = 515, 200

NOTE: If your close to the corner, instead of doing the :h: teleport, late j.:h:, :d::h:, :s:, you can either dash or :l: teleport into :d::m:, :d::h:, :s:, j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, j.:s:, :df::h: for 504,900

Anywhere on Screen:
Kimbo Combo (doesn’t work on Iron Man)
(j.:s:) c.:l:, c.:m:, c.:h:, :qcf::l:, Dash, :df::h:, c.:m:, s.:h: (both hits), :qcf::m:, Dash (if mid-screen), :h:, :s:, j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, j.:s:, Dash, :df::h: - 501,100 (522,300 with starting j.:s:)

:d::l:, :d::m:, :d::h:, :qcf::l:, :df::h:, :d::m:, :h: (both hits), :f::h:, :d::m:, :s:, j.:m:, :m:, :h:, :s:, :df::h:

** Combos with Assists:**

Anywhere on Screen:
AvariceX Combo
:l:,:d::m:,:h:,:qcf::m:, :f::h:~:l:,:m:,:h:,:s:,j.:m:,j.:m:,j.:h:,j.:s:,:df::h:, Dante Jam Session Assist,:qcf::atk::atk: or :dp::atk::atk:

Trag Combos:

df.:h: (whiff)~:h: (teleport), (while falling) j.:s:, c.:m:, c.:h:, :qcf::l:, Dash, df.:h:, c.:m:, s.:h: (both hits), :qcf::m:~:h: (teleport), (while falling) j.:s:, c.:m:, c.:h:, s.:s:, j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, :qcf::atk::atk: - 645,700

Mid-Screen to Corner:
df.:h: (whiff)~:h: (teleport), (while falling) j.:h:, c.:h:, :qcf::l:, df.:h:, c.:m:, :qcf::l:, df.:h:, c.:m:, c.:h:, :qcf::l:, :dp::atk::atk: - 953,300

:qcb::l:, [:f:.:h:~:l:, c.:m:, s.:h: (first hit only)] repeat x2, :f:.:h:~:l:, c.:m:, c.:h:, :qcf::l:, :qcf::atk::atk: - 438,600

NOTE: The damage on this bad boy isn’t much to speak of, but that’s because it starts with a throw. The loop can be done in normal combos for BIG damage.

:qcb::atk::atk: (get hit), c.:m:, c.:h:, :qcf::m:~:h: (teleport), (while falling) j.:s:, c.:m:, c.:h:, s.:s:, j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, :qcf::atk::atk: - 768,600

oh god…thanks a lot, forum update -_-…I’ll re-format soon, sorry guys. :frowning:

c.:l: c.:m: :h: :qcf: :m: :h:followup air :h: :h: :s: air series–>Maximum wesker or airseries–> :s: :df::h: (for a nice consistant 45%—about 58% with the super)
c.:l: c.:m: :h: :qcf: :l: wave dash X2 :df: :h: link c.:m: :h: (:s:–> air series{for a nice chunky 45~50%}) or level 3 hyper(for a juicy ~75%)

For Bread and butters i’d pick one of these they both do good damage and aren’t too hard to do

One of these days I need to experiment with counters to see what is possible off of them…

This is my BNB. Over 500k damage. Fairly easy!

c.:l: c.:m: c.:h: :qcf::l: dash :df::h: c.:m: :h: (both hits) :qcf::m: dash :h::s: j.:m: j.:m: j.:h: j.:s: dash :df::h:

After the last :df::h: you can assist and go for a lvl 1 or lvl 3 (with the lvl 3 it does over 900k).

I had something similar as my bnb (instead of :qcf::mp: I just did :s: etc).

Anyway point I want to make is I don’t think it works on iron man. Iron man has a really wonky hitbox when it comes to the :df::snkc:, :d::snkb: … Only way I’ve successfully consistently followed up is wavedash in then sam then :d::snka: into wahatever… Maybe old but I don’t know. Also makes me wonder if there’s anything else with similar problems

:l:,:m:,:h:,:qcf::m:, dash or :dp::l:,:s:,j.:m:,j.:h:,j.:s:,:df::h:, Dante Jam Session Assist,:qcf::atk::atk: or :dp::atk::atk:
This is basic combo that I use all the time,that’s very easy to pull off.

Yeah, dash 3c -> 2b definitely does NOT work on Iron Man… tried in corner, could not hit him at all. Everyone else I’ve tried so far, works fine.

BnB i’ve been using. I forget where I saw it. Similar to another posted here but uses a teleport in there.

:l:, :m:, :h:, :d::df::f::l:, dash, :df::h:, :d::m:, :h:, :d::df::f::m:, :l: teleport, :d::m:, :d::h:, :s:, j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, j.:s:, land, dash, :df::h:

I haven’t tested it with this combo personally…but as with another combo listed above that is similar, you could probably call an assist before the last df.H and go into either Phantom Dance or his lvl.3. Though, if you don’t have/want to save meter you can also teleport away after the shot instead and restart neutral game. Could also teleport forward to try and confuse the opp.

You can change this to:
:l:,:d::m:,:h:,:qcf::m:, :f::h:~:l:,:m:,:h:,:s:,j.:m:,j.:m:,j.:h:,j.:s:,:df::h:, Dante Jam Session Assist,:qcf::atk::atk: or :dp::atk::atk:

Also - :d::m: does more damage and has more range than :m:. Use it.

Mustang Kick Combo

:hcb:+:l:, :f:+:h:~:l:, cr. :m:, st. :h:, :qcf:+:m:~:h:, air :h:, cr. :m:, st. :h: into whatever ender you choose (:s: -> Air Series ending with :s:-> (dash if needed) OTG :df::h:, :s: -> Air Series -> Phantom Dance, or Lost in Nightmares)

If opponent’s in corner, then you can probably cancel doing the teleport after the :qcf:+:m:.

I know a few good combos with Wesker, one of them pretty much the same as Kimbo’s. At the moment I’m just practicing on throwing my assists in them. I’ll post some combos when I’m messing around on training mode some more.

:l:,:m:,:h:,qcf+:l: > :df:+:h:>:l:,:m:,:h:,:s: > j.:m:,j.:m:,j.:h:,j.:s: > Dormammu Portal Assist > df.:h: > :dp:+:atk::atk:

902,400~911,800 damage, 3 meters, no XF

:l:,:m:,:h:,qcf+:l: X-FACTOR > :df:+:h:>:l:,:m:,:h:,:s: > j.:m:,j.:m:,j.:h:,j.:s: > Dormammu Portal Assist > df.:h: > :dp:+:atk::atk:

~1,376,600 dmg, 3 meters + level 1 XF

Here’s videos showing this combo:
[media=youtube]K8lO-hpnmIo[/media] 552,900 damage
[media=youtube]XROccxRT5WI[/media] 906,600 damage

It’s sexy. More-so because my combo made the list ^^.

I tried to search our threads for this, but I didn’t see it:

Wesker can hit crouching Sentinel with jump forward :l:, :s:. Combine this with an assist (I use Task horizontal shot or Mag EM Disruptor) and landing a 100% combo on him with Level 1 XFactor is entirely possible from the beginning of the round. I don’t remember the exact combo for certain, but I believe it was:

:a1:, jump forward, :l:, :s:, land, c. :m:, s. :h: xx :qcf: + :l:, :df: :h: , c.:m:, s. :h: xx :qcf:+:l:, :df::h:, XFC, s. :h:, s. :s:, jump, :m: , :m: , :h: ,:s:, :a2:, :df::h: , s. :h: xx :dp:+:l: :m:

Note: I had Task horizontal as A1 and EM Disruptor as A2. This combo does like 1.4M, and there’s ways to do 1.3 M with only two bars, but I haven’t been able to come across a one bar combo for 1.3M damage.

The same combo (replacing everything before the first c. :m: ) with a Rhino Charge ( :qcb: + :l: :m: ) is also a Sentinel kill combo, but I believe you can replace the Lost in Nightmares with another :s: , jump :h: xx :qcf: + :l: :m: .

Sorry if this is old news. Just wanted to get it out there.

I think a lot of people probably knew just because checking instant overheads on Sentinel tends to be a top priority in the current metagame. It’s good to have it written here explicitly, though.

I just made a Wesker combo video, I hope there’s something there worth using: [media=youtube]QlYOz_7OfKs[/media]

Here are the notations for the combos:

  1. j.S > cr.M > H > Ghost Butterfly > H teleport > j.S > cr.M > Samurai Edge (front shot) > L teleport > cr.M > H > S > j.Mx2 > j.H > j.S > Assist > (dashing) Samurai Edge (low shot) > Ghost Butterfly > Phantom Dance.
  2. j.S > cr.M > H > Cobra Strike > Samurai Edge (low shot) > cr.M > H > Ghost Butterfly > S > j.Mx2 > j.H > j.S > Assist > Samurai Edge (low shot) > Cobra Strike > Phantom Dance.
  3. Air Throw (front) > (dashing) Assist > Samurai Edge (low shot) > S > j.Mx2 > j.H > Phantom Dance.
  4. Air Throw (back) > Samurai Edge (low shot) > cr.M > H > Ghost Butterfly > H teleport > j.S > M > S > j.Mx2 > j.H > j.S > Assist > Samurai Edge (low shot) > Cobra Strike > Phantom Dance.
  5. Air Throw (front + corner) > Samurai Edge (low shot) > cr.M > H > Ghost Butterfly > cr.M > S > j.Mx2 > j.H > j.S > Assist > (dashing) Samurai Edge (low shot) > Ghost Butterfly > Phantom Dance.
  6. Mustang Kick H > Samurai Edge (front shot) > L teleport > M > H > Samurai Edge (front shot) > H teleport > j.S > M > S > j.Mx2 > j.H > j.S > Assist > (dashing) Samurai Edge (low shot) > Cobra Strike > Phantom Dance
  7. Mustang Kick H (corner) > cr.M > cr.H > Cobra Strike > Samurai Edge (low shot) > cr.M > H > S > j.Mx2 > j.H > j.S > Assist > Samurai Edge (low shot) > Cobra Strike > Phantom Dance.
  8. Tiger Uppercut L > j.Mx2 > j.H > j.S > Assist > Samurai Edge (low shot) > (dashing) S > j.Mx2 > j.H > Phantom Dance.
  9. Tiger Uppercut M > Samurai Edge (front shot) > L teleport > M > Samurai Edge (front shot) > L teleport > M > H > S > j.Mx2 > j.H > j.S > Assist > (dashing) Samurai Edge (low shot) > Ghost Butterfly > Phantom Dance.
  10. Tiger Uppercut M (corner) > cr.M > cr.H > Cobra Strike > Samurai Edge (low shot) > cr.M > H > S > j.Mx2 > j.H > j.S > Assist > Samurai Edge (low shot) > Cobra Strike > Phantom Dance.
  11. It’s basically combo 9 with a Tiger Uppercut H starter.
  12. It’s basically combo 10 with a Tiger Uppercut H starter near the corner.
  13. Rhino Charge > cr.M > cr.H > Ghost Butterfly > H teleport > j.S > cr.M > H > S > j.Mx2 > j.H > j.S > Assist > Samurai Edge (low shot) > Cobra Strike > Phantom Dance.
  14. Rhino Charge (corner) > cr.M > Cobra Strike > Samurai Edge (low shot) > cr.M > H > Ghost Butterfly > cr.M > S > j.Mx2 > j.H > j.S > Assist > (dashing) Samurai Edge (low shot) > Ghost Butterfly > Phantom Dance.

Can’t really know if anything is worth using since I don’t know the damage:/ Since you already did all the hard work couldn’t you just add the damage for each combo?=)

I believe it would be pointless to have the damage counter on-screen since the damage varies every time you use Phantom Dance. You can get a rough idea from the damage these deal judging from the health meter alone.

^cosign the damage request

I think having the damage meter on and minimum initial meter are both important. Damage to help compare combos (usually before Phantom Dance damage kicks in). Also a lot of us are using Wesker as a battery and find both pieces of information very helpful.

^^ The initial meter part is there, I’ll just have to work on the damage that these deal. I’ll post the damage from these combos later on today.