We're All Screwed: Cops shoot and kill 17 year old White Girl

Source: http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2015/01/26/3615294/kristiana-coignard-shot-cops-longview/

I know some of you have some very strong opinions about police abuse of power. What’s your take on handling the mentally ill with deadly force?

whew, one less crazy girl to accuse us valuable men of rape, or sexual harrassment, or making boobs too jiggly in Dead or Alive.

Okay, now the police have gone too far.

(I stopped reading at the title.)

Nothing to see here, move along.

Gender is irrelevant when deciding to use deadly force. But…this is a Matriarch thread, so whatever.

But if they are killing their deity, white women, this proves that the cops are really fucked up. Honestly, this might be the case that reforms police. I ain’t read the article. Is she pretty?

She was cute, if the image is accurate.

Matriarch thread


Oh shit, they killing the holy, protected species of young white women now?!

Everybody is fucked… You’re all niggas now.

Fucking Texas.

Without more info (especially the video), we really don’t know what happened. Apparently she’s depressed and has history of attempted suicide. There’s such a thing as “suicide by cop” where a person deliberately provoke police officers to shoot him/her. I’m not saying that’s exactly what she did, but it really wouldn’t surprise me.

Why should the cops be expected to not shoot someone because they are mentally ill?

I mean, obviously there can be cases in which the person isn’t dangerous while acting crazy, but walking up to cops and getting a weapon out explicitly because they are cops is probably not one of them. It doesn’t matter if you’re legitimately crazy or not, if you’re trying to kill somebody then the cop should treat you like someone trying to kill somebody. Specifically them, in the immediate future. Training doesn’t mean shit, the article just wants to shame cops for just being then and there when their lives are threatened.

This is, of course, assuming the weapon was lethal. If it was just a pipe I’m not even sure a kid that size could hurt a cop.

It doesn’t take a lot of effort to hurt someone with a pipe.

Exactly. With little to nothing to go on, and a pretty extreme history of mental issues that immediately came to surface by her aunt, i dont know what to say.

She walked into a fucking police station looking for a fight. If she didnt have a gun though, she shouldnt have been shot dead. Thats ridiculous. I’ll gladly take on a stupid 17 year old female with a knife, even in my current drunken state, cause i know thats an easy win, even with my hands in my fucking pocket.

But if she came through with a fake gun (bb gun that looks real), or an actually tooly, then oh well.

Also, this threads trash. Is this suppose to be special because she is a white girl? She walked into a fucking police station brandishing a weapon. Even the michael brown case wasnt this cut and dry, and stupid. I’m sure video will surface soon, and what the weapon was will surface. Although if it had been a gun, they would have said something by now, so they must be trying to reup their PR shit to see why she was gunned down at a police station for anything less than a gun. Maybe she was threatening others in her stab distance, if she had a knife, i dont know.

Waiting for the flood of incoming white feminist backing this girl, while conveniently ignoring the issues revolving their brown and black sisters who they constantly ignore.


thats what you get for waving a dildo around in the police station :wtf:

It doesn’t matter about her mental status. In that particular instant, she was (supposedly) a threat enough to warrant lethal force. Whether or not she was delusional, deliberately instigating the cops, etc. isn’t the main point. If any person is threatening enough, cops should have a right to take that person down.

Now if she really was holding a weapon is a different story.

Mental illness only becomes a factor when white people are involved. She probably smoked cannibus and listened to hip hop, a sure indication that she was deserving of the death penalty.

Just ask these suspected murderers:



Whoa, a 17 year old white chick got killed? The thugs in blue must be ready to exterminate the population, and that was some sort of trial run.

The government is getting ready to kill us all.

Girl walked into a police station holding a knife and only gets shot 4 times? Your cops are getting better at this. Shit next time they might just take the knife off them.