Hello Everyone. I too have been an avid Dan user, and I agree that Dan seriously needs those buffs. Here was what I listed on http://www.capcom-unity.com/street_fighter/go/thread/view/7411/29831847/dan-balance-suggestions?pg=16
Here’s what I suggest:
Biggest problem:
Normal moves (linking each other): By far the biggest problem is his normals. I understand that he is suppose to have awful normals to make up for his decency in his only tool (dan kicks), it’s still so awful to see other characters who could only easily pull off a light to medium and even to high normal attacks. I remember getting a few angry emails when I beat them how (Hey why don’t you actually use your light attacks a**hole) or (Stop using your cheap tatsus), well first their dan’s tools. How could you not use them? And even if I want to use those “normal” moves, dan’s normal moves are absolutely horrible.
Make his cl S. HK be 7 frame on start up (down 1 frame)and +7 on hit (up 1 frame). This could make combos a little more diverse.
His cl S. MP should have slightly less pushback for other possible combos afterwards. cl S. MP > cl S. MP > other normals can be useful.
His Far S LP should have +8 on hit (up 1 frame) so it can link just easier to Far MP or Crouching MP.
Crouching HK should have 6 to 7 Start up frame (down by 5 to 4 frames respectively). If so, you can increase the recovery time to compensate for for the frame advantage. I can tell that alot of dan players think twice, or even thrice, to even use this move.
Neutral jump HP should have a wider hit box. For several characters, such as Yun, Cammy, Rose, etc., the Koryuken > FADC > Neutral j. HP combo sometimes wiffs with these characters.
Crouching MK should have 5 or 6 frame start up (Down 2 or 1 frame respectively) to at least stand somewhat of a chance.
Also, according to the frame data from several websites, All of dan’s normals have only 2 active frames. If anything maybe add a single or even several active frames to some of his normals ( especially his MP, MK, LP, LK) to give him at least a fighting chance, since I have noticed ALOT of characters’ normals beats him. (Chun li, Ryu, Cammy, Fei, etc. are a nightmare for Dan).
The above is just those. I don’t want to continue because again, I don’t want Dan to be powerful, just want him to be viable.
Other minor to medium problems that could use fixing:
Below are things that would be possible if it is possible.
Make Dan’s Danku’s have a slightly bigger hit box and especially heighten the hitbox in the bottom so it can hit crouching characters. Characters that crouch or even when the hit actually connects from attacks like St. cl MP (Chun li, Rose, Cammy, Oni, etc.) will always tend to wiff. It’s almost impossible to actually hit them when you work hard to land an attack to link to Danku’s (low, medium, and hard dankus.) heightening the hitbox to the bottom and making it slightly bigger could fix it.
Danku’s should adjust for SLIGHT damage increase. Low Danku should be 100 damage (up 10 damage), 120 for medium (up 20 damage. Don’t understand why it has 10 more damage than low dank yet it has bad recovery just like high danku) and High should either stay the same, or maybe up to 140 (up from 10). They nerfed high dank from 150 to 120 back in AE. I never understood why they would do that… But it’s not anything upsetting, just irritating.
Crouching MP and crouching MK should link to the Dankus. I don’t know why Ryu and Ken can easily link almost any of their normals to their tatsu’s but Dan can ONLY link it with a HP or a cl St MP normal. It would be very helpful because crouching is a much more comfortable and useful normal to link with. Plus St cl. MP > Crouching MP > Danku (l, m and h) would make a decent combo.
Make his Stun 1000 (up from 900). This was literally the ONLY change they made from Vanilla SF 4 to Vanilla Super SF 4 for Dan. I don’t know why they would do that when Dan was already dead last in the tier list, but again, it just makes fighting Ibukis, Cammies, and other characters that are stun inducing very dangerous for Dan. Several characters could stun Dan with just 1 combo (Chunli for instance).
Make his Koryuken, or at the VERY LEAST, his low Koryuken, trade hits like back in Vanilla, similar to Ryu’s trade with his low shoryuken. I remember back in the day my Koryuken would trade I would always follow it up with High Danku for some decent damage follow up. I miss that. I don’t know why they would make his koryuken air reset in SSF 4 AE. It was a really bad nerf and I cannot follow up anything. Back then it was trade Koryuken > High Danku or trade Koryuken > EX Koryuken (off the corner), or even trade Koryuken > Ultra 2 (But it was tedius and strict on the timing). It would be great if he could get it back.
Give him back his Vanilla SSF 4 Ultra 2 OR lower the start up to 10 frames w/10 frame invincibility (down 4 frames startup and up 2 frames invincibility frame). This was the one nerf they did to his Ultra 2 I cannot understand. I usually use this off and on for fun in endless, but majority of the time, Most dan players, me included, STILL preferred Ultra 1 because it had better damage, didn’t require much EX meter, and it was more reliable in start up (9 frame U1 compared to 14 frame startup U2). Plus, U2 damage is cut off every time you combo your moves. Example when you use Koryuken> FADC > U2, the last hit won’t connect and the damage becomes severed. It does low damage compared to most other characters’ DP > FADC> Ultra ( Ryu, Adon, Cody, Sakura, Ken, Gouken, Cammy, etc.). His nerf in the U2, incase anyone forgot, was the cutting of the Invincibility frame in half. I would sometimes pull of a grounded U2 against players who spam fireballs or when their characters dashed back or forward (especially Dudley players and Cammy players). In Vanilla SSF 4, it has 14 invincibility frames and 14 invincibility start up, so the fireball comes out even if he traded. In my opinion, it should be one of two things. Either he get’s his old U2 or lower the frame start up and match invincible frames with thsoe start up frames. Even one split millisecond late and U2 will not connect with other moves (koryuken FADC, low danku in corner, etc.) without strict timing. Lowering the frames could help with it.
Very important one. Give Dan a Command Grab AND/OR Give him an overhead (like forward MP). I didn’t even know Dan had unused frames for his command grab in his data until I saw the youtube video. That would honestly be very helpful. I’ll explain why. One of Dan’s toughest challenges is not only character specific ones, but rather a player specific one as well. Fighting against a turtling down back character who is VERY good at teching my throws is almost unbearable to play. Since dan has no overhead and the only attack useful for turtling characters is his throws (which again, can be teched free of charge), gives characters the abuse to turtle and punish with reversals or their own command grab as well. Giving Dan either a command grab or an overhead (Or if asking too much, both) could help against this tedious challenge. I don’t care much for the damage, heck even if it does 40 damage, it at least tells the opponent to not abuse the turtle tactic.
Either slight increase in damage of Gadouken OR very slight DECREASE in start up and recovery. I rarely use Dan’s Gadouken except either against grappling characters or when I use it to FADC to my other combos like any move > gadouken > St. cl MP > low, medium, or high Danku. Either let his fireball be 80 damage (up 10 damage) or slight decrease in recovery and/or startup to compensate for it’s awful range. Deep down I wish, but in all honesty I want the range to be the same. It’s just not damage without his awful fireball range, but the above suggestion would help compensate for it.
Make forward jump LK link to crouching LK, crouching LP, etc. Many characters, especially Ryu can do this with ease, and off the corner it would be very helpful if this could work. It makes the move slightly more reliable.
Medium Koryuken should be like Ryu’s Medium Shoryuken. I might be confident enough to speak for many, if not all, Dan players that Medium Koryuken is absolutely useless. Most of the time we use High Koryuken because it has invincibility, decent damage, and has FADC priority. The only rare times I personally use low koryuken is to link it to U2 (When I don’t have U2, which is most of the time, I almost never use low koryuken). Medium Koryuken only has 10 damage more than low, and has 20 damage lower than High Koryuken, but the invincibility, damage, and high recovery is not worth it. If it can be juggled as a combo ender in the corner, like Ryu’s medium Shoryuken. Dan’s Medium Koryuken could be like 90 + 30 damage (Still the same damage which is 120), and when used, say after using low danku off the opponent from the corner, it links to medium koryuken to do 30 damage. Example of combos: low danku in corner > medium koryuken, low koryuken in corner > medium koryuken, and High Koryuken > FADC > medium Koryuken. And med Koryuken in these combos only do 30 damage from the second hit, so it’s not alot, but it would at least give medium koryuken an actual purpose
Take out the hurtbox from Dan’s Hand on his Gadouken animation start up and make it similar to Ryu/Ken/Akuma’s, etc. I just realized that if someone even uses a reversal (dp) that comes within range of his Gadouken not only don’t get hit by his fireball but also can hit dan if they touch his hurtbox. Look at the hitboxes of Ryu and Ken with their Hadouken startup compared to Dan’s. Hilarious enough Ryu and Ken use both hands when using their fireball, yet they don’t have hurtboxes on their arms compared to Dan’s fireball that uses one hand yet has a hurtbox that extends to the tip where the Gadouken comes out. Taking out this hurtbox can help Dan not completely get destroyed in fireball wars. This is also noticeable when Zangief’s greenhand wiffs on Ken and Ryu’s fireball animation yet hits Dan right where the Gadouken comes out (his hand region). So taking out the hurtbox in his hand would be a start in balancing Dan out.
Make his crouching and jumping taunts gain meter even without actually hitting the opponent. Maybe increase the meter build by 20, which is only 2% (doing it 13 times will build up a full meter). This would not only be fun, but when I fight and bring a fireball character like Ryu or Akuma to 30% lower health than Dan, they will start turtling back full screen and start spamming fireballs. Using Jumping taunt to not only taunt while jumping over their fireballs but also gaining a bit of meter would not only making it Dan-ishly annoying but also make it worth it as a rewarding mechanic.
Possible, if not suggestive, increase in damage on EX danku. Many characters have their EX moves do much higher damage compared to their Hard versions. Dan’s EX danku does 120 damage compared to his hard which does 130. EX Danku should have it’s damage increased to 140 (up 20 damage). And in the previous statement either leave Hard Danku damage as 130 or give him back the 150 damage to Hard Danku that he had before it was nerfed in AE (nerfed down 20 damage).
New ones added now:
- Decrease frame recovery on whiffed Grounded AND Air low Danku.
These are pretty much the changes. Now, I am so glad that they gave the taunt suggestion, but that still isn’t enough. And I’m pretty sure that I’m not the only Dan who uses Ultra 1 (aside Ixion). Even if Ultra 2 did 500 damage, all juggable, I still prefer Ultra 1 just for 2 facts: 1) Invincibility, 2) No trade Koryuken. I know it seems kind of dumb, but I hate it when I earn my ultra 2 to the enemy, only for them to stuff it completely.
Also, for everyone else saying that “This is just a test he’ll get more coming”: Look at the changes for Chun li, Ken, Dee Jay, Dhalsim, E. Honda, El Fuerte, Evil Ryu, Gen, Guy, Rose, Sagat, and Juri. They got TONS of buffs. I mean some have twice and a few have THREE times more buffs than Dan does, and hilariously, half of them are some of Dan’s worse matchups (Particularly Dee Jay, Chun, Dhalsim, Honda, just to name a few.) This is just the “INITIAL” Testing but everyone is getting tons of buffs and may get some more. According to Combofiend this MIGHT be what they will only Test unless needed. We need to remind him that Dan is a fairly popular character that we all play, and we deserve to at least fix Dan’s major problems.