Well gents, we just got screwed by Combofiend

Nigga you just went full Saikyo


Dude. Take it a bit easy, alright? You are asking for A LOT of stuff here. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m just gonna say this.
Combofiend have confirmed that these changes are a TEST. All those buffs that you’ve seen? That’s just half of it. He confirmed that, for example, Adon will receive a pretty hefty amount of buffs to compensate for his nerfs. They just haven’t gotten to that part yet. The majority of the changes that have been announced are just one part of it, as they are currently focusing only on one part of each character. That is, each characters strength and weakness. Adon, as I mentioned received a lot of nerfs because that is what they focused on for him at the time. Some other characters, like Zangief, got hit hard by the nerf hammer(you can clearly see this in the Japanese location test). However, in the European build, he was actually changed. He could now combo into Light GH from light attacks, compared to the Japanese version where he couldn’t, and this turned out was amazing for him.

All those nerfs and buffs, or lack there off from both, are not final. Just hold your horses for now and wait for the next major location tests. If he haven’t received any decent changes after a couple of times, then you can start worrying.

Also. Dan doesn’t need the Command Grab. This topic have been discussed a lot already. :stuck_out_tongue:

You can never be too Saikyo.

Oh sorry. It’s my bad. I forgot to say from my post in the Dan changes website that I do not want ALL of the changes that I listed to come true. I just listed them so that at least SOME of them will be picked. They’ll just see some and think “Meh, this is a bit too powerful, but wait, maybe this one we can try out.” I’m just listing all of Dan’s bad ones just in case they can see it and try it out.

Also for the Command Grab. I actually kind of agree about no command grab, but as Ixion said, at least give him the overhead. HP normal could become an overhead, but to balance it out they can nerf the damage to 80 and make it non special cancelable. I get tired of Turtlers especially those that tech you so there’s nothing you can do but watch them back down all day and counter.

And like I said in my post I have already made. I understand it is all a TEST, but the problem is that the characters you see all have more buffs already made on the first test compared to Dan. I mean why doesn’t dan have at least a bunch to try out whether they’ll be good or not. I mean it’s not like Dan will be propelled to top or even mid tier (which I myself do not want. I like him below the tiers). All I’m hoping for is that the tier grading is lowered. So say every character is either S, A++, A+, or A except for Dan, who will be A- or B+. His stuff could just use some help.

Now I’ll play Dan no matter what. I’ve been playing with him since Alpha and since Vanilla SF 4, but this will most likely be the only patch left for this Iteration (although to be fair this is the third or fourth time they said it would be “final”) heck, I don’t want Dan to be super good, just good enough to keep up.

Your post says you want to be able to do cl.HK > cl.HK > Sweep…

Like I said to Texas in that very same post I replied. I wish for SOME of the suggestions to be used, not ALL of them.

Here’s the quote I made in the comment link from Capcom-unity I posted and I’ll quote it here:
So thank you for hearing me out and, as I stated, I don’t want ALL suggestions to be put in, but rather maybe a few of them I thought of would be considered.

If cl.HK, for example, were to be 7 start up and +7 on hit, then DO NOT give him a 7 start up sweep. Or if he gets a 7 start up sweep, keep his cl.HK the way it is.

Of course, not cl.HK>cl.HK>Sweep. I agree it’s way too powerful. I want Capcom to just see what the “closest” they can make around Dan without making him too powerful.

I do NOT want to break Dan’s character. It’s every Dan player’s nightmare.

I had dan kicks wiff on elena or not get all three hits

We should mention this to Combofiend. I was wondering if they intend to make Dan’s kicks hit all the time or just make it “slightly” less likely to wiff (even though it can still whiff on characters like Oni or Chun li).

With everyone buffs dan is worse than before, everyone else got more damage or they are more safe, the dj match is rough now

That’s mainly because her hitbox is buggy as hell. A lot of stuff whiffs on her, just not Dan kicks. Almost every character have something that whiffs on her that shouldn’t whiff. :stuck_out_tongue:
Combofiend already knows this and while it was intentional that her crouching hitbox was going to be really low, it wasn’t supposed to be this broken.

Agreed. Even though this is just the first tests, everyone is getting buffed with a lot of changes compared to Dan. There are even additional questions answered where his Gadouken hitbox is still not fixed, his Ultra 2 is still not invincible, and his recovery on whiffed low dankus.

It’s too early still as Texas said, but seeing Dee Jay, Chun li, Dhalsim, Guile etc., some of Dan’s worst matchups getting tons of buffs, I don’t blame people for worrying.

Also I tried out double ultra, its not worth it, I swear ultra 1 only did like 200. On the bright side rose is really good in this build if you play her. I see all but poison in the new character being bad matchup for Dan. Also Rolento ultra 2 is like seths u1 but on the ground

Dan needs some work, maybe damage increases to keep up with the rest of the cast or maybe far cancle st lk or mp. his meter gain on cr taunt is good but air taunt is meh

It wouldn’t hurt to give him back his 150 damage Hard Danku. Never understood why they nerfed the damage to it. Ryu does 160 on his EX, Ken can do 150 on med, 180 on hard, and even 210 on EX hurricane kicks, Dan should definitely get that 150 back.

I think I remember reading a while back it was to help stop it being abused so much. Obviously didn’t work though, but yeah there’s no real reason it shouldn’t be 150, really. I think Dan’s damage output is OK though, even better with U2 juggle buff. Then again, I haven’t actually tried a location test, so I can’t really have a concrete opinion on it. I think air taunt should be 20 though, 10 just seems a little too minuscule.

They could give Dan’s st.mk the two hits that they took away from Adon’s (identical) st. hk! :smiley:

that would be nice

I think that Dan’s Medium Koryuken should be 2 hits, 2nd hit being juggable, or at least be juggable on airborne opponents (You can juggle it off LP Koryu or low danku off corner). I mean I can safely say that Medium Koryuken is absolutely useless. It does 20 damage less than HP Koryu, yet it has the terrible invincibility like LP Koryu minus LP Koryu’s anti-air combos to HK danku and Ultra 2 and EX danku (off corner). Giving it juggability can give it a purpose, though I’ll still use HP Koryu most of the time.

Maybe they can also make Medium Danku have -1 on recovery (Since the only time I use Med Danku is to switch sides, though I could use Low Danku for it too). Maybe increase the active frames on some of his Normals, all of them are 2 active frames. cl. HK, cl. MP, and cr. MK should at least get 3 or 4 frames active.

Still waiting on the Gadouken hurtbox reduction and air danku recovery. Hurry Combofiend!

I would like to agree, but I believe that Capcom thinks that unlike crouching which is very unsafe, Jump taunt is incredibly safe (for the most part at least). They think that it somehow will be spammed too much, but so far crouching seems to be more promising since it’s 40 meters compared to 10 for jump taunt. I would choose jump taunt far screen from fireball wars.

Hi guys, would like to inform that I actually got the opportunity to talk to Dawgtanian at DreamHack Winter 2013. I talked to him about some Dan stuff, like the Gadouken hurtbox et.c. et.c. … all the things I already submitted to eventhubs and stuff.

Well, a few days ago he contacted me on Facebook and asked for an update of the changes I wanted! So, maybe I could do some use now? I was planning to write like 4 short rows of the changes I wanted, but it really didn’t turn out that way.

Here’s what I wrote to him… I don’t know if he will hafve the energy to read it all through hahaha, but let’s hope…

Ok so…


/* First, here are the really stupid things about Dan right now that I really think should be fixed. */

  • The Gadouken hurtbox is far too bad. I mean exaggeratedly bad. It’s one of Dan’s few useful footsie tools, and since his footsie game is so limited in general already, it’s devastating that this move is constantly being stuffed and trading… Please make it better. I mean, isn’t the fact that the fireball in itself is really small and dissipates fast bad enough?

  • If you hit with e.g. cr.MK xx Gadouken FADC, and the opponent dies by the Gadouken, the FADC will still come out right before the “K.O.”, making Dan waste two meters… which is really annoying if it wasn’t the last round. As far as I know, this isn’t happening to most of the rest of the cast. If it’s possible to fix this, please do.

  • L Danku is still randomly whiffing on some crouching opponents, without them using low profile moves. For instance, cl.MP xx L Danku on crouching Chun-Li is impossible to connect, and (CH) cl.MP xx L Danku on shotos frequently whiffs. I want this out, although it should still be possible to dodge L Danku’s with cr.MKs and such.

  • M/H Danku also randomly whiffs and goes over crouching opponents… try doing H Danku very close to crouching blocking Makoto or Vega for instance. Fix this please.

  • cl.LP is in the way. Long startup, long recovery, and whiffs on crouching opponents. Fix this somehow please.

  • KRKs launch too short. If you do KRK FADC on e.g. Cammy, Dan accidentally changes sides for a short period of time because his forward dash goes as far as it does, and the KRK doesn’t launch the opponent far enough. This wouldn’t be a devastating thing for most of the cast, but it is to Dan since all of his follow up juggles (nj.MP, nj.HP, and H Danku) has to be triggered instantly after the dash to be able to hit. This should be fixed somehow, and I think making the KRK launch a bit farther would be a sensible solution. If not, then maybe his dash could go slightly slightly shorter… he needs to stop changing sides like that.

/* And here are some adjustments/additions that I believe would make Dan’s game significantly stronger, but not too strong of course… I know he’s supposed to be an underdog character… */

  • Slightly faster forward dash. Since focusing through normals often is Dan’s only option due to his limited normals, it would be great if the situation after the dash would be slightly more beneficial to him.

  • cl.MK 3 frame startup. This is because this move basically has no use right now, and Dan has a shortage of fast hit confirms. Right now, the only hit confirm combo he has that can be converted into a true blockstring is cr.LP > cl.LK (> KRK)… and this combo really is very limited sometimes. If his cl.MK was 3 frame startup, Dan could, kind of like Akuma, do cr.LP/cr.LK > cl.MK (here Akuma does cl.HP, which is much more powerful) xx Gadouken FADC > whatever. It would add another dimension of interesting hit confirms that I think would not be too powerful at all since cancelling cl.MK creates much pushback and wouldn’t let Dan do very damaging followups after the Gadouken FADC… if it’s not done in the corner that is.

  • Slightly less recovery on airborne L Danku. This is to facilitate Dan’s ability to get in on his opponents. In my opinion, a blocked L Danku shouldn’t be able to get punished by 3 frame moves, which it is now.

  • Add an AA option that has a significantly longer hitbox than KRK. When opponents empty jump from farther away, I feel like the whole cast EXCEPT Dan has sensible means of anti airing from afar. The only options Dan has are basically far.MP and far.HP, and they really aren’t that reliable at all. cr.MK is good, but can’t anti air empty jumps because of “trip guard” or whatever it’s called. My suggestion is to make make far.HP slightly faster, which would benefit his footsies a bit as well.

  • Added lower hitbox on either far.MK or far.HK (or both?) to make them able to hit low profile normals. This is because the typical shoto cr.MKs are devastating to Dan and basically blows up the whole MUs. If Dan had a sensible way of countering these, which don’t include yolo focus attacks or air L Danku reads, I would be very happy.

  • Slightly faster recovery on EX Danku ON HIT to make Dan able to dash up and apply more pressure afterwards without getting counter hit by various 3 frame normals. EX Danku ON BLOCK unchanged. Many have been talking about giving EX Danku hard knockdown but I believe that would be too powerful.

  • cl.HP is now overhead, but not longer special-cancellable (but still Super-cancellable) and with slower startup. This is actually a good suggestion because currently cl.HP does 10 less damage than cl.HK, so it’s mostly not worth using, and also cl.HP makes tons of combo follow ups (KRKs, L Dankus, M/H Dankus) whiff, when they really shouldn’t. Try j.HK > cl.HP xx H KRK on Akuma/Oni in the corner, and see what happens.
    Imagine doing overhead cl.HP xx Super Taunt > combo, how cool wouldn’t that be!

/* And here are some adjustments that are mostly for fun, but would also add really interesting non-OP reasons for using all the taunts he has… */

  • Legendary Taunt removes damage scaling by one or two steps, making it sensible to use in combos. The way it is now, you can spend fewer than four EX bars on another combo and make more damage, making it worthless spending all bars on the Legendary Taunt. If the Legendary Taunt affected the damage scaling positively somehow, it could actually be useful.

  • Legendary Taunt fast-forwardable by means of some method.

  • /WOW/ Legendary Taunt jump-cancellable, dash-cancellable, special-cancellable, and ultra-cancellable, in ALL frames, even when in midair (hahaha). This would work as an awesome complement to the eventual super-cancellable overhead cl.HP, as well as adding a another (four bars-consuming) hitconfirm AND an interesting comeback opportunity. The more I think of this one thing, the more inspired I get to playing Dan even more in USF4. If you added this, damn I would be so happy.

  • Air taunt same recovery as empty jumps.

  • Crouching taunt dash-cancellable, jump-cancellable, special-cancellable, super-cancellable, and ultra-cancellable.

/* EXTRA FUN! /*

Changed appearance of Dan U1: Remove everything that is shown after the first cinematic dash punch to the face, and make that one punch do all the damage. The ending part is shown by means of Dan (not cinematic) running past the smashed opponent, and then running back to the original side, and then tripping on the floor.

I know a lot of this may sound very powerful, but I feel like the whole cast is getting some serious buffs here and there so he really needs to get something gamebreaking or else he won’t be able to keep up with the cast.

I hope you found this helpful, and sorry again for making it so long, I just couldn’t resist.

Oh and PLEASE consider these two general mechanics changes:

  • Added option on turning off Negative Edge in Button Config menu (could be used in button checks at tourneys). I know you said the source code is made up of “layers” for each iteration or something like that but still, I (and many others) would be extatic if we got this option.

  • Please make the connections bars stop lying the first minute when entering lobbies on XBL and PC. I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but it’s the truth. The bars ALWAYS show one additional bar the first minute you enter a lobby. This is big big pain when hosting in Ranked, because you can never be sure what the connection against the player who entered is actually like, if you don’t wait for one minute… which you can’t because they will have left the lobby by then.

Have a good day, David! :smiley:

Great Suggestions Ixion! Just wanted to know, since you have connections to Dawg, would it be okay for you to see if he can help with these annoyances as well:

  1. Make Super come out as 2x QCForward 3 kicks OR 2x QCBack 3 punches. I HATE it when my uppercuts autocorrect to it. Free punish for opponent AND a wasted Super…

  2. Make Med Koryuken juggable. It’s a very useless move so far. I use HP Koryuken most of the time due to invincibility and high damage. Only when I use Ultra 2 for fun in endless, I use low koryu to juggle it from airborne opponents. Making Med Koryu do maybe 50 damage juggable and hitting airborne opponents from the corner after a Low Danku or Low koryu (Combos like cl. MP > low Danku > Med Koryuken or cr. MP > Low Koryu > Med Koryu both from corner can be a sweet deal instead of relying on EX koryu which costs meter).

  3. Give 1 or 2 extra active frames on some of his normals (Preferrably cr. HK, cl. HK, cl. MP, and cr. MK).

  4. Gadouken should have 1 or 2 extra active frames and stay out just a bit longer, and have shorter start up and recovery (probably 1 or 2 frames shorter). (If not this, at the VERY least, fix the Gadouken hurtbox.)

  5. Give cr. MP some extra frame advantage on HIT, maybe enough to link to Dankus even (Leave blocked frame advantage the same).

  6. I don’t know if this is just me, but Dan’s whiffed throw animation has a HUGE hurtbox, Every time I whiff throw, I get thrown when Dan is like 2 feet away from someone. Can they maybe lower the hurtbox?

  7. make Med Danku do 110-120 damage (+10 or +20) and give Hard Danku its 150 damage back from Super SF? Low Danku should do the same damage (Although, MAYBE giving it +10 more damage (100 from 90) wouldn’t hurt, though I’m asking for too much. Yeah, maybe that is asking too much).

I agree 100% on your stuff though. I think that MK and HK Dankus should hit EVERYONE, whether they are crouching or using low profile moves just for the fact they are -2 on block and can be punished by certain moves. LK danku should hit all crouching characters, but it should still whiff on some characters’ low profile moves (cr. MK, cr. HK, etc.) since it’s the best of the 3 Dan kicks and has its 0 frame on block advantage.

Looking forward to seeing if he responds. I also really hope we can see a vid of Ultra SF Dan in action!

Fucking hell, I just wrote a formatted post about each of those buff requests and it vanished. To summarize though, I agree with the annoying hitbox changes obviously. Dan’s dash is fine though, well in line with the rest of the cast, and making it faster increases FADC recovery which can be a big balance change. Don’t understand the cl. mk request, that doesn’t add any block strings or hit confirms, and it would make the move VERY strong for corner pressure. Agree with air danku recovery, it’s 17f, that’s absurd, makes it highly punishable if it ever whiffs.

Agree he doesn’t have a far AA normal, but don’t think it’s a big deal for Dan’s game. Rose has a terrible one too, was hoping they would buff it some. The far. mk/hk request make no sense, those normals should not beat a shoto’s best move. Possibly they could have their lower hurtbox reduced some, but they shouldn’t beat out a low forward. Agree with ex danku buff, since that’s probably his most landed KD move.

The overhead thing is interesting, but really a LOT of the cast doesn’t have an overhead, or doesn’t have a useful one. I think it would have to be punishable on block (like -5 at least) to make it a real risk, and not a regular part of his mixup. Being cancelled into super makes me think of overhead xx HD mode in KoF, would make an epic last ditch comeback attempt if it worked.