Well gents, we just got screwed by Combofiend

@GroundedSF Add Juri to that list as well.

In another note, has anyone found some normal meaties involving St.LP vs big hitbox chars like Rufus and T.Hawk?

I don’t understand the question. :<

I think he asks about meaty setups with far st.lp. However, that’s quite a weird idea. It already gives +7 frames on hit and it only have 2 active frames, meaning that a meaty with far st.lp would only give 1 additional frame, meaning it would be +8 frames on hit. In fact, there’s basically no meaty setups with Dan because all of his normals have only 2 active frames. The only exception to this is cr.hp which have 3 active frames and that move is -2 on hit and -7 on block.
It is MUCH better to focus on meaty setups with Dan’s Dankuyaku’s. The lk.Danku, for example, have 10 active frames making it able to be anywhere from 0 to +9 on block.

So I’ve been messing around with Ono, that program which can change frame data and such. I wanted to take a look at far st.mp and how it would work if it was special cancable.
To be honest, it might be a bit too much to buff it. It got a lot of surprisingly easy hitconfirms, the best one being a 2f link from far st.lp. Far st.mp got longer range than far st.lp, only at the absolute maximum range far st.mp won’t reach due to knockback and that’s only on medium to small hurtboxes. On big ones, you can do the link even at max range. Far st.mp even hits crouching opponents. Even if it would help Dan a lot, it would be too much of a buff. With the good range on both far st.lp and far st.mp, it gives him a really easy and far reaching hitconfirm that works on the whole cast. Even tho the hitconfirm can only combo efficiently into EX Danku, it would be too good.

What makes it too good exactly? Surely the only difference in hit-confirm terms is that it would be a 2-frame link instead of 1-frame into c.mk?

I told you…

Isn’t the fact that there are few changes listed for Dan probably because no one’s playing him at the loc tests?

So far this is all we got:
All taunts gain Dan meter
U2 - Juggle properties changed making DP FADC U2 fully hit
LK Dankuyaku - better downward hitbox and should connect on crouching characters

Yeah that is most likely the main reason. We may have more changes

Well, at least he didn’t get any senseless nerfs. I’m curious if the U2 buff was just a hit box one or it got more juggle hits (specifically if lk/exair danku > U2 gets more hits now).

eventhubs.com/images/2011/sep/30/dans-hit-box-information-super-street-fighter-4-arcade-edition-image-1/I wish they would do something about all the green


These are really good changes, the expanded hitbox being the main one. The expanded hitbox might remove certain character’s ability to low-profile Dan during Danku pressure. This means certain matchups got better. We might have gained 100% safe Gouken pressure. All that was stopping us before was wakeup cr.LK on LK.Danku. EDITED FOR DELAYED WAKEUPLOLZ cl.MP xx LK.Danku may be a true blockstring now. O:

However, it also means chaining multiple LK.Danku’s versus bad opponents got worse. Oh well.

Taunts building meter on whiff is also good.

U2 change is good.

Let’s wait and see for the rest of the changes as they come out.

I agree, these changes are pretty good so far. These were some key things for him, U2’s damage is going to be so much better.


DP FADC Air ex Dankyu into U2 juggle connects all hits now.

Hitting with a taunt gains much more meter than before too.

Source - I was at Taito Nipponbashi this morning and did it.

These changes don’t address Dan’s weaknesses at all.

  1. How is the Gadoken Hurt box?
  2. Is close st lp still there?
  3. Dan’s Super still qcf, qcf+punch?

Exactly! Those are key issues

His LK air Dankyu can hit crouched opponents. Forgive me for not being able to test everything out. By the time I started tooling with Dan, the heavy dudes had arrived and started beasting everyone. Winner stays on for 5 wins, loser gets off. Feel free to hold my spot in line while I go take a piss.

Thanks for doing this at all, I’m just eager for information is all.

My questions are:

  1. Does EX Danku hard knockdown?
  2. Any noticeable changes to any of dans normals (esp fierce & Roundhouse)
  3. EX Gadouken, still the same?
  4. Does Knee still break armor? (Personal fear of mine with the addition of red focus)

Other ones that will be harder to test, but still curious

  1. Any new properties of Dan’s Super/Can you hitconfirm into it with anything besides cl. st. rh
  2. Even if taunt on hit builds meter, is stuff like DP > FADC > Cr. taunt safe on hit? or is it still like -33 or whatever.

EX.Danku still gives quick rise apparently

From the above listing, his Fireball got no change… shame