Are you saying that the EX danku buffs and the air danku buffs are relevant enough to make Dan tournament viable after everyone else gets their new goodies?
Whoa whoa whoa, what happened here now… guess my tweet had an impact.
UltraDavid, first of all want to say that Dan’s fb (Fireball) IS a very important part of him as a character. We’ve already clarified several times that the mid range game is what Dan does the worst in, and the Gadouken is a huge part of it since it’s a great poking tool. BUT, the fact that it gets stuffed extremely easily because of it’s ridiculously expanded hurtbox is really really debilitating, and annoying. It’s just… too bad. It’s spraying salt the wounds. It needs a better hurtbox, end of story.
Additionally, one of my suggestions actually was what you’re mentioning, the reduction of recovery on air L Danku. I’ve written “slightly” because I don’t want it to get too good and turn Dan into, like, Cammy. As for the EX Danku, I feel it’s a very good move already. It’s very fast, and hits tons of times in matches… I’m not sure if it would be sensible to make it open up pressure possibilities. But maybe. It’s just that I’ve felt that it’s a good move already, and I can manage getting in without it… (ok not on Dhalsim, that MU is hopeless, so maybe this EX Danku buff would help me there)
Continuing… UltraDavid, the reason I’m suggesting a removal of cl.LP is NOT because I want these new links, they didn’t even cross my mind. I want cl.LP removed because it’s fucking up Dan’s strings in several situations. It has slow startup, slow recovery, doesn’t hit crouching opponents sometimes. It’s just, horrible. It’s in the way, and i want it out. That’s my reason.
As for the B+HK for far.HK… I’ve never felt a need to hold backwards while doing frame trap HK’s. Is that needed? Additionally, holding back while anti airing with cl.HK sounds unreasonable since the reason I wanted this change was for Dan to be able REACH opponents that jump from farther away. If Dan can catch them with cl.HK by holding backwards, they should be close enough for it to turn into a close version anyway, right? I want an AA-normal I can move FORWARD with, and stuff jumps that come from farther away. Think of it Ryu’s far.HK basically. This is why I’m suggestion cl.HK to be either “f+HK” or “nothing+HK”, and far.HK to be B+HK. I see no reason why this wouldn’t work, far.HK is a dodging move so holding backwards while doing it should feel natural. When you say “I do like making close hk the default hk, although I’m confused why you’d want current far hk to be back+hk when you want close hk as an antiair, which mostly comes up when you’re… moving backward” it kinda sounds like you’re talking about Fei Long or something, since he cannot hold forward while doing it since that executes his double kick. For Dan, I don’t see why I would have to do cl.HK while holding backwards… that’s not needed imo.
The taunt buffs are just for the lolz and coolness… I added them because of their current total unusefulness.
What I DO agree with here though is the buff on far.MK and far.HK; they SHOULD hit low opponents. This would make it much easier to fight shotos spamming cr.MK for instance, and far.HK would actually work as a counter poke against e.g. Fei Long’s cr.HP. Good stuff, this definitely should be added to the list.
As a sidenote, I don’t feel I need any changes whatsoever to the cl.LK, it’s godlike the way it is.
That tweet by Ultradavid literally made me remember that I haven’t posted here in a while. Sup guys, how’s it going?
I’m not confident in my grasp of the game system as a whole, so I mostly stayed away from potential changes in all the characters. That video with the far s.LP and cl.HK suggestions were the best suggestion I’ve seen or heard since Ultra was announced, and even then I’ve been having my feelings played with by friends suggesting that the fifth, unrevealed character is to be Go Hibiki.
Taunt cancelable would be goofy as hell. If only for giggles, but not seriously.
You know, just a thought, but GroundedSF had an interesting idea… if Dan’s super was like Makoto’s… if he shouted like “Father!” or something and got that extra damage timer, that would be quite nice. He really needs his EX bar so it would be an interesting tradeoff
GroundedSF, make a video where Dan anti airs with crouching taunt and then dashcancels and runs past them to start a reset. I keep picturing it in my mind and I think it would so fecking awesome if it worked.
I’m not sure if his forward dash is good enough to make that work. I tried it in the corner with the taunt reset after lk danku and he would never land on the other side of Ken
Well that’s in the corner, dashing past them in the corner basically never works.
After LK Danku? Hum? Now I’m confused.
I was just going to mention that Ixion! Thanks to whoever submitted the change list and video link - first time anything of mine has ended up on EventHubs in over a year of uploading
It’s funny reading some of the opinions on Dan in the comments though…
It was me bro.
Great job Ixion! Thats how you get shit done haha
Cheers Seems to be having the desired effect at least in terms of video views. Generally after a day or so there’s about 30-40 views I assume mainly from subscribers (a sizable portion of which will be XBL friends!), but in the last few hours it’s climbed to almost 900! Amazing what a little pimping can do eh?
I don’t understand why half the people in the comments gotta hate on Dan, no lie at SJ7 everyone thought I was trolling
Me neither, nobody seems to realise that Dan is decent. A few days back I got kicked by some guy who couldn’t actually accept that anyone played Dan seriously.
The whole ‘Dan is a joke character’ as the sole reason for not giving him buffs is a crap reason.
Just finished reading the two pages of comments, good stuff everyone we are making some noise.
yeah I get kicked too, people complain about dankus and its like how do you deal with Bison scissors or Sakura’s lk tatsu spam? there are ways to deal with it, people just don’t want to learn matchups
I’d just like to mention that the removal of cl.LP wouldn’t be unreasonable at all. Look at Sakura, she doesn’t have any, and she was trained by Dan. It makes perfect sense.
I was wondering if there was anyone who already had no close LP - is Oni maybe another one? Just had a look at Sakura’s move data and she has separate moves defined for close and far LP… but they both use the same animation and seem to have all the same attributes!
That’s strange, as far as I know they’re the same… but I guess it could be the look only then. In any case yeah Oni is another one, and so are Makoto and Guy.
Sakura also has cancellable far lk