Welcome to the World Warriors League!

Anything to help the fighting game community, my friend. :slight_smile:

As for me, I’d play if I was actually subscribed to XBox Live. :slight_smile: One day…

Juuuust in case you didn’t realize it, Silver Rain, Sirlin just gave you pure gold advice here. Being able to change characters when you either start a new match or lose while in that match is absolutely key to getting accurate results. The tournament should demonstrate the player’s ability, not just the player’s ability with one character. I, for one, would absolutely hate being stuck with one character since I know how to use all of them to a certain degree. (Plus, I’d get just plain bored…but that’s not really your problem.) :slight_smile:

I’d go on, but I’d just be repeating what Sirlin said, so…yeah…what he said.

Well of course you can switch when you change opponents, and you can change inside of a set when you lose. I.E. Best of three games, I win the first, I have to keep my character for the second, i lose the second, i can switch for the third and final game. (I guess I see where this might not have been clear).

Each result in pool play will be determined best two out of three games with appropriate scoring as discussed earlier. Observers will be necessary if (hopefully when) this gets large enough so that we have a group of people who may be dedicated to recording matches. I have a pretty grand vision for this and I know its going to start small and have its bumps as it gets off the ground but it’ll get refined and I hope people really enjoy the experience.

So I think in the end, I’m not really changing any conventions here except adding a league style pool play to qualify for a tournament, or when it gets larger, into a more elite pool that will lead down to a final tournament.

ANNOUNCEMENT: We officially have our time zone eligible for pool drawing, NICE JOB TO THE EAST! Interestingly enough, the Euro League is close behind, then Pacific, with central and mountain bringing up the rear. The moral of the story, we need more people from everywhere. Also, if there’s not enough in a time zone, we’ll move people to the timezone west of their location, eastern to central, mountain to pacific to be more accommodating to schedules.

ADDITIONAL EXPLANATION: So if you’re in pool play and you are going to play 7 different people, you could play as many as 14 different characters. Ryu, Ryu Loses, E. Honda (Game 1) Blanka, Blanka loses, Ken (Game 2), etc. etc. I think this is what people were looking for and I think this is what works.

It would be great if someone could set up a site or something with the pools, results, and later on, the brackets. That could be asking for too much, but it would really go a long way towards making this thing quite “grand.”

Ill give this a shot too

GT: BlueTallCans

GT: alex6x6x6

Sounds fun, GT: Smooth4200

I’m down to play.

tag: evoanon
zone: pst

Put me in PST if you can. AZ does not observe DST, but it should be on PST and my connection to the west is good.

  • Pete

Oh I’m working with someone on a website right now, where we’ll post pools, have links to our World Warriors Youtube page (which at some point, maybe season 2 we’ll get more recorders available) and I plan on having a weekly highlights show a la (a cheap) sports center where people will talk about results, have ‘highlights’ and prognosticate on future matches, how pools may fall out and such. When it gets larger we’ll do the pool draws on the show, announce tourney brackets, etc. maybe even have interviews with players, get statements, just like a real league.

I forgot about AZ. Indiana didn’t used to observe DST, but then we changed…the one decision I really haven’t liked… we’ll put you in PST.

BTW, this latest batch of PSTs makes PST the second group which can field a complete pool. Nice job guys! Keep it up!

Sounds good. Hope this thing really takes off.

I’ll join in if you want me.

I’m Euro though so it’s up to you if you feel the pools can be arranged in a good way


Gamertag: Sharizord

Gamertag: Sweet Poison

Central Standard Time

GT: CWheezy22


I need more practice against thelo, this’ll be exciting!

EDIT: Oh yeah, I am in bc, canada if that helps for matchmaking

Remember, if you’ve already signed up, tell other people to get excited and to have them sign up too! You can send me a message on XBOX Live or post here. The more numbers the better, I’m working with possible sponsorship now after I showed them what I was going for and they want to see the numbers on the first event, so lets get this thing started with a bang! More people = more power!

Sorry I can’t enter after all, going to be really busy with work for a while and no time to play SF. Good luck to all those that participate!

How did i miss this thread…Is this for PS3 or Live?

I’ll join

Gamertag: Baklakiller (xbox)

It’s for Live, and I’m not sure how you missed it either, probably spending too much time watching Saved by the Bell… j/k

I’m not going to join this, since I’ve had bad experiences with tournaments that drag out for days/weeks/months online. I’ll give you two tips though:

  1. Run a tounrment(or multiple ones) for each continent. Even EC vs WC US is a bit ridiculous, but Germany vs Japan is just plain retarded. Doing regional tournaments makes a LOT more sense.

  2. Just run the thing on a single day at a given time. Tournaments that take days/weels to complete fizzle out and are no fun for anyone. Just pick a time and make everyone get online then.

If you hook that up, I might be down for this. Otherwise, I wish you the best of luck in running this :smile:

I agree with point one, that’s why we’re starting with regional pool play before tournament play begins.

I’m sorry we won’t have you this time, but hopefully this will be an incredible success and you (and others) will just HAVE to join next time. \

I certainly understand the apprehension and the fear that this will go on for days / weeks / months (certainly not weeks or months). I think it does take some dedication and some committment, and I’m hopeful that will work itself out.

This could be a complete failure, but I hope not, and judging by the competition enrolled, no matter what I think we’ll at least have some fun.