Welcome to the World Warriors League!

(Feel Free to Visit Our New Webpage @ http://www.worldwarriorsleague.com Site is down until further notice, but we are going to come back bigger and badder than ever!)
Welcome to the WWL (World Warriors League)! We are a dedicated group that plays together on Monday and Tuesday nights and our goal is to bring players of all different skill levels together so that everyone can grow, meet new friends, and generally kick (or slap, or knee, or fireball, or uppercut, or? oh you probably get the idea) each other?s asses.

Every Monday begins with pool play. Each person plays each other person in their pool in a best 2 out of three games format. Each game consists of a best of three rounds affair with standard timing (speed 3). Winning your set nets you three points, winning one game nets you one point, and you get zero points for going 0-2. For EST and CST participants, pool play starts at 8:00 EST / 7:00 CST. Pools are more closely organized to reduce lag. Pools will usually consist of either 8 or 10 players and we allow for 12 minutes in-between each match. The pool lists will generally be posted no later than Friday morning for the next Monday?s pool play. All results should be e-mailed to our league’s e-mail address. The subject line should have your gamertag and your pool information. Use the reporting spreadsheet to send your results! It takes less than 5 minutes to fill out so USE IT!

For our top scorers, on Tuesday we will have a tournament (and depending on the week, the size of the tournament may vary). The initial match-ups will be posted here. All tournaments are double elimination / best 2 of 3 (like pool play) / best 3 of 5 grand finals. **For everyone who qualifies for the tournament, you?ll be sent an excel spreadsheet Tuesday morning detailing the tournament brackets to your e-mail address, if we don’t have your e-mail address we can’t send you your bracket so please send an e-mail to use and make sure we have your gamertag so we can get these out to you timely. ** Tuesday tournaments begin at 10:30 EST / 7:30 PST. Every tournament match will be in 15 minute intervals. On the spreadsheet, put the number of games won by each player in the appropriate spaces and excel will direct your name to the next match. The top player on whatever bracket is 1P and the bottom is 2P. 1P has the responsibility to send an invite. If no invite is received within 3 minutes, 2P should send a notice. If 5 minutes have passed and your opponent is not present, you win. Each tournament match is numbered. After you note your spreadsheet, please post a quick reply on SRK detailing your match number, who you played (the gamer tag of your opponent) and the characters played. This will allow players the opportunity to quickly fill out the rest of their spreadsheet with other results going on in the tournament so they can quickly identify their next opponent (with the extra requirements I thought 15 minutes over the normal 12 would be best).

Based on these results we?ll keep a season long score to see who have consistently been our best players. As the league grows and opportunities arise we?ll have special events and hopefully be able to offer some prizes and such to our top players and maybe some random drawings for prizes for everyone who participates in our league. Every WWL season basically lasts for a quarter of the season and will always end with a very large open invitational (that will be on a weekend). We hope that these large, open events, will bring more people into our league for our regular play and our large open finale will be worth double league points. Seeding for that tournament will be based first on league results, so league members are guaranteed higher seeds. The more often you play, the more league points you?ll acquire? it?s that simple.
Starting this week and then every other Friday, we’re going to put a twist on the play of the game, mix it up a little, put a little spice in the action, maybe make a couple people laugh, and generally force people and players out of their comfort zone. Every two weeks we’ll draw 2 unique variations which will be in play for all matches on Friday night. The variations are as follows and will likely be in the round robin pool format:

Classic Mode Only
Random Character Select Only
Mirror Match Only
All Sets Best 3 of 5
Must pick other person’s main
All matches infinite time
Game must go best 3 of 5 rounds (Still best two of three games unless All sets is also drawn)
Single Man Team Style (Each player declares a team of either 2 or 3 characters in advance and plays game with them. Moving to the next character when they lose. The match is considered won when the opponent has lost with their entire team)
Loser Picks Winners Next Character (Both Players pick normally in the first game, the loser than picks the winners character for the second game and so on until the number of games required to win the set has been won)

League Scoring Tabulation System:

8 Person Pool
1st Place - 5 Pts
2nd Place - 3 Pts
3rd Place - 1 Pt

10 Person Pool
1st Place - 7 Pts
2nd Place - 5 Pts
3rd Place - 3 Pts
4th Place - 1 Pt

For every 10 points you get in pool play you also get 1 league point. Last week, we treated every pool as an 8 person pool for scoring with all the drops.

4 Person Tournament
1st Place - 6 Pts
2nd Place - 3 Pts
3rd Place - 2 Pts
4th Place - 1 Pt

8 Person Tournament
1st Place - 14 Pts
2nd Place - 9 Pts
3rd Place - 6 Pts
4th Place - 3 Pts

16 Person Tournament
1st Place - 18 Pts
2nd Place - 14 Pts
3rd Place - 11 Pts
4th Place - 9 Pts
5th Place - 7 Pts
6th Place - 5 Pts
7th Place - 3 Pts
8th Place - 1 Pt

32 Person (and larger) Tournament
1st Place - 25 Pts
2nd Place - 20 Pts
3rd Place - 18 Pts
4th Place - 15 Pts
5th Place - 11 Pts
6th Place - 8 Pts
7th Place - 6 Pts
8th Place - 4 Pts

If you are interested in signing up for the league, please feel free to send me a private message here on SRK, a message on XBOX Live, or an e-mail to worldwarriorsleague@gmail.com or even put a post in the thread. Please include your XBOX gamer tag, your timezone, a brief bio about yourself, who your main character is, and maybe some interesting information about your play style. If you’re already in the league, please submit the information listed above and feel free to invite others!

There is no cost to entering this league. All we ask is that if you commit that you be there if possible on Monday and if you qualify, Tuesday nights. You are not expected to compete every week. You can come and go as you please, we understand this is real life and people have schedules and things come up? HOWEVER, if you are signed up in the league, by default your name will be entered for whatever weeks events, unless you tell me ahead of time you can?t participate so if you know that you can?t play the next week, just let me know. So good luck everyone, have fun, meet new friends, and kick (or slap, or knee, or fireball, or uppercut, or? oh yes, I went there again?) each other?s asses!

**IMPORTANT NEW NEWS! All WWL HDR members should add ‘WWL HDR’ as friend on XBL. This is the dummy account which will act as our list so that we’ll know who all the WWL members are and when they’re on without destroying our own friends’ list!

Please, when reporting Pool Play Results use the following spreadsheet, just e-mail this spreadsheet to me at the league’s e-mail address. http://thelo.ca/uploads/files/Results%20Reporting%20for%20HDR.xls I have filled out an example for you to look at here: http://thelo.ca/uploads/files/Results%20Reporting%20for%20HDR%20EXAMPLE.xls **

After what’s happened recently and the rate of drops, I am thinking its time to have people re-enroll. Just send me a PM or post or send me a message on XBL, to let me know you’re still interested in participating. I am clearing the slate with everyone so if you are interested, let me know and we’ll get that ready. I’d like to know ASAP so that there won’t be an interruption. I’m going to use the same list for next week but the week after I’d like to use an updated list. Consider this open enrollment for Season 2. We’re going to roll out some changes and some other things that I’m very excited about so if you haven’t played with us before, now’s the time to sign up! If you have played with us and have stopped, come back! If you’re Damdai and destroying everybody, play a new character! (Oh wait… is that how that goes?.. Wait wait wait… I’m pretty sure that’s not the next line…) Oh! What I meant was if you’ve been playing every week, stick with us! We’re only going to grow in power! MWAHAHAHAHAHA.

Season 1 is coming to a close. We’ve had a good run and we’re going to finish this season with an open tournament this Friday. Anyone who WANTS to play can. The tournament will start at 10:30 EST / 7:30 PST Friday night. We will use a live chat room to keep tabs on the results. I’m hoping for a VERY large turnout. Even if you’ve never done a league event before, now is a good time to start! You do not have to be a league member to sign up, so please consider joining us Friday night as we close the books on our first (beta) season. To all the league members, I hope you won’t mind taking a week or two off, throwing some ideas at me as to how to improve the league, and we’ll come back stronger and better than ever!

ALSO… please note if you’d be willing to be an observer for some matches as well. Thank you.

Since you are starting “another” tournament, could you provide a reference for one of your previous tournaments.

Admittedly, the title is from the parody, but I’ve run tournaments in all sorts of things, risk, chess, other games, etc. locally. I really enjoy event planning. It’s a crazy hobby of mine. (Of course the another tournament coming from the idea of their being a sequel the original world warriors tournament). I’d handle all the scheduling and event management stuff and I can also be trusted to take care of the prizes as well.

You may just want to run one without money involved first to get support, i’ve helped with and been to various types of events as well… dealing with gamers is a different experience, and it’s even more different online. Not saying you aren’t capable, but we don’t have much to go on.

That’s fair enough. So then lets go ahead and say that the first season (first 3 months will be free). We’ll just do that. It’ll be like the 1 vs. 100 beta before prizes. The first season is purely for the pride, then if its a success we’ll go from there. I think that’s perfectly fair. I have to prove myself first, so let’s go with that.

HDR’s netcode is good and all, but how will you deal with the latency between the coasts, not to mention continents?

Just a question, not trying to call you out or anything.

Well that’s why at first all pools will be organized by time zone to reduce latency issues. Then when we get to say semi final pools they’ll be organized so maybe its pacific and mountain time zones and then on the other side central and eastern time zones and then eventually single or double elimination finals which will be across time zones.

In those matches we’ll have two observers and they’ll have the tough job of making the call to say if latency affected the match enough to render that match invalid. They’ll both have to agree for that to be the case or the result will stand. Also we can have an appeal process where if both players feel the match was unplayable we can recreate the room and see if that fixes the problem. If not, then with the players consent they’ll either take a draw, or play the match to the best of their ability.

Of course if this grew large enough we could always have the finals right here in Indianapolis at the beautiful Indianapolis Convention Center and that would fix the problem of having ANY lag at all during the final 8 or whatever it may turn out to be based on how many people sign up.

Unfortunately, this won’t work, since in HD Remix, spectators see the game with a small delay that’s set in place explicitly to hide lag for them. A game may be crazy laggy for the players and the specs will see it just fine.

Well, then, I guess we’d have to go on some player honesty or accept the result. I think if both players report to the observer then the observer will nullify the result or the option is to play it and accept the result regardless. I’m not particularly fond of the latter option though.

So we’ll leave it at if both players report to the observer that latency was an issue the result will be nullified and if not then the result will have to stand. I mean other people have ran online type tournaments with some success. I can organize the matches to minimize latency as much as possible but sometimes it is what it is I suppose. And if at that level we give both players say a one minute break in between matches there would be enough time to send a message to the observer. We can call it a short code that the observers would instantly recognize.

I think in a lot of communities that might not work but I think in ours if latency was a problem I think the winner in a league type setting would be willing to say so.

I’m interested in joining. My zone is PST. You don’t need to ask for people’s gamertags as they are in green to the left. Dunno about paying money, since as soon as money is involved we’ll see the number of lag abusers etc multiply. But I’m up for a tournament!

Well, not everyone includes their gamertag so I just wanted to make sure, but yes if you are so kind to have it posted, its not necessary to post I suppose. Thank you sir for being the first good man!

I’d like to play too.
Pacific time, and my gamertag is rightupuralley.

Alright, I guess we can give this a shot.

My Xbox gamertag is TheloTheGreat and I live in the Eastern time zone (UTC -5).

Ohhh… I’m sorry. Someone should have said Honda playing quebecers not allowed… sorry… lol j/k

We need to ban Honda’s to make my life easier (that means no Thelo, lol) :’(

Anyway, you should consider doing it with no prizes or money but just bragging rights. There is always lag to consider, right? Granting a cash prize will probably bring out the worst kind of competitiveness in people, trust me.

EDIT: Also, no Akuma. And participants should declare their character before the tourney to avoid counter-picking.

Sorry just gave a quick read through but have you got any idea of the possible dates?
I’ve been playing SFIV so it’ll me a few days to get up to match fitness but I’m also busy with work at the moment so as long as it’s a couple of weeks away, I’ll enter.

I’d also rather not have prize money or entry fees involved. Bragging rights and videos of the later matches is good enough for me.

Also I know it’s jumping ahead a bit but any ideas on rules such as character limitations. I assume no Akuma, but do we pick one character throughout etc to avoid counterpicking?

Anyway, gamertag is Hitwari and I’m GMT.


Time Zone: EST

I disagree; I think everyone but Akuma should be banned - just for kicks. :smile:


GT: GoldenArch88
Time Zone: Eastern (GMT-5:00)

you could handle lag by just having the players play 1 ‘warmup’ match to test lag. If you find the lag unaccceptable, do not continue. I don’t think it’s fair to accept any lag complaints during the actual match, it’s really distracting to deal with.