Ur right…I’ve done 1100 roughly for 8 or 9 reps when I was at my strongest, it’s not that bad…1250 is stacked out at my gym…then you can have someone sit on top of it…
As much of an ego booster as leg presses are.
I’d rather squat 400 than leg press 1000.
any reviews of musclemilk?
just bought a 2 lb bottle of it last night for sale.
Its okay, A little high on the fat side though…14-17g’s.
I have been on / off weight training for like a year, but have been training reguarly 4-5 days a week for seven months. Which exercise set will make me the most gains?
I usually do something like monday, back / biceps . tuesday chest / tris wed rest. thurs / chest tri or back bi (alternate weekly) and fri shoulders / legs.
I was thinking a full five day split with something like back / arms / chest / shoulders / legs on their days respectively?
Or something like back / tri - chest / bi - shoulders / legs over 3 days?
Do everything!
I watched a pretty informative thing on steriods last night on MTV.
Basically, if you want to look like guys in magazines —not like, MUSCLE MAN magazine but like Muscle and fitness, like big-symetrical-cut, you NEED steriods.
This dude on MTV he did everything I do – eat right, train right – but w/o the steriods, you just get to a ‘peak’ and theres no going further. IF you want to achieve the look you see on TV or whatever, you use steriods -safely- like that guy did.
Just food for thought.
Me personally? I’ll stick to where I am, not huge but cut and lean and big but not big-big. So make sure u set ur goals realistically and know that to achieve a certain look steriods is the only choice.
Do everything!
On a sid enote : I manage to clear 315 on the decline B.P.- another month
I can go up another 40…maybe… And I just eat good regular food with ocassional Protein shake…Exersise… eat right.
You don’t NEED steroids.
It just makes it a lot easier yes, but it not necessary. Obviously you’re going to peak and that’s why you change things. Your diet can always be tweaked just a little bit more to get you into the shape you want.
parryall, in order to have a great body as big as or bigger than the guys on the front of those health mags, you either need to train well and take gear, or train well and eat a gram or more of protein per pound of your bodyweight.
The reality is, once you get to around 180+ lbs, its actually hard to eat 180 + grams of protein. any form of protein is expensive. for me to hit the protein intake i need, i need 2 shakes, 2 cans of tuna, 2 chicken breasts a steak and maybe something else, a day. Thats hard to do but once you do, you get results. If theres an easier way to pack on mass, someone let me know. I believe that is why most people stop improving. diet is the hardest aspect of bodybuilding.
I’m no expert, but i know what works for me, gear isn’t neccessary, i dont believe you need it to gain a decent body.
Nice definition Mullah. Yeah eating alot of protein is a bitch, I take two shakes a day and I know I’m still not getting enough.
Anyone else feel like posting up pics? I’m always interested in seeing other bodybuilders’ physique.
yeah i second a call for pictures, i’m still hoping for juicemonkey to post progress pictures. He has a good physique and since he’s competing it’d be fun to encourage him along the way.
Biggzy, post up a picture too, just make it better quality than romies camera phone!
First of all…Parry All, why the hell are you watching MTV for information? God. And, no, like it’s been already said. You don’t need steroids to get big. You just need to motherfucking eat right.
a piece on steroids worth watching for those unfamiliar with the history of the steroid ban.
Now that that’s out of the way, VruS, post up an actual routine? That’s not very specific.
What compound exercises are you doing? Deadlifts? Squats? If you’re not squatting, you’re not getting big.
Ok so ur trying to get big…then the method of training for you would be using is repeated effort, as opposed to maximum effort or dynamic effort…this means the rep ranges that you should see the most would be between 8-12 rep sets ( I recommend periodizing rep schemes but with sets of less than 5 reps you are not causing hypertrophy ((muscle growth)) you are only shocking the CNS into making neural adaptations to increase motor unit recruitment to include more of the pre-existing muscle fibers into the lift ((gains in strength but little gains in size))) …also for size, I recommend lower volume, higher frequency PROGRAMS, not routines…there’s a difference…
Alot of programs I’m seeing written now by elite fitness coaches are push/pull/legs splits or upper/lower body splits or even full body routines…I’ll post up some links to another forum later…but you will have to join the forum to be able to view the pages…I believe now as most are starting to, that the body works and functions as a whole and should be trained as a whole to develop a balanced, symmetrical physique…not to mention the time you free up by condensing 3 days of workouts into one allows you to increase frequency and will ultimately lead to faster gains in size…also, if you train chest one day, then back the next and then shoulders the 3rd day, ur shoulders are actually getting a ton of auxillary work on the two days and then (as most prolly overdo it) get obliterated on the 3rd day…this leads to shoulder imbalances and even injuries…
And about steroids being necessary…unless you are a professional BBer (or plan to be), or a pro athlete (don’t pretend like it’s not in sports) then you don’t need it…most people “peak” because their bodies have adapted and they have reached homeostasis…people forget that the human body is an adaptive machine and it strives for homeostasis at all times…if you have a shitty program and don’t implement any form of periodization then a great diet can sometimes not make up for it and by adding cals u just put on more fat and water…I’ve done it…some people mistake the shit weight for muscle because they are stronger but being stronger doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve put on LBM. But yeah steroids are all over hollywood too. The guy that played Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins went from like 120 sumthin (for a previous role) to 215 in a year or two…
Alright I definitely need some help in terms of jump starting myself into gettin fit and toned.
I’m about 6’4 and 180 lbs. I’m pretty skinny somewhat but i’m tryin to keep myself from gettin big and fat. I don’t really pig out when I eat and I usually eat just three meals a day if that.
I’m really just tryin to get some muscle on me and get rid of some of the fat that I do have. Don’t know if this really helps but what do I need to do?
Diet and train with weights…u should eat sensible meals 5-6 times a day and train with weights 3-4 days a week, be sure to get plenty of rest and spend no more than an hour to an hour and a half in the gym on days ur lifting…go join a gym and try to start lifting heavy shit…when u have more specific questions I will be happy to answer them to the best of my ability…
Ok sorry it took so long for me to post these pics. Let me know what ya think?
And yes I did just wake up…LOL, this last 4 week diet is freakin killing my energy levels. I’m exactly 3 weeks from competetion today, so I’ll try and post pics here weekly till show time!!
BTW, I’m really flat right now because of the low carbs, I should blow back up when I start carb loading the last 3 days before contest time. Doing the middle wt class which is 156 to 176 lbs. Planning on stepping on stage right at 175!
dude ronie coleman does like 1000 lbs with one leg for like 15 reps LOL fool does like 3500 lbs 2 legs…rediculous…
im outi
The acne from waxing or shaving or something? I’ve been thinking about waxing, but I have sensitive skin.
looking good juice, i can see you’re a little flat, but i’m impressed with your delts, nice, round and full. your back is great, looks decent thickness in the upper-middle and wide from the front! calves are good. i think you could do with slightly bigger legs and tris, although i could be wrong!
Just so i can get your size in perspective, what are your measurements for thighs and arms?
looking forward to the next update!