Because I’m what you would call a newb in the weightlifting world, lol.
i weigh at least 160 lbs and above . my height is 5.8 feet ( is 173 cm actually if in SI )
i need to reduce 16 lbs … now i’m in a god damn breakin point .
i am doing anything i could , but fails to go down .
diet is also aproblem … do i have to fast ??
i did little bit of cardio …and resistance weight training .
Hey guys I wanna do like basketball training. What sort of WEIGHT training should I do if i wanted to get my body in shape for such a thing?
I’d much rather compare squats.
405 x 4
Yo MagnusMadness, Romie, or anyone help me out here! I need to gain at LEAST 45 lbs by the end of August beginning of September because of basketball. Right now I’m 140 lbs and would like to be in the 185-190 lbs range. Any tips and or recommendations? Also can anyone recommend me a weight gainer to take that doesn’t tear my stomach up? I’ve heard a few good things about Isopure but I haven’t heard enough to warrant a purchase yet…thanks in advance to anyone that helps me out.
Ugh, I can already feel my knee caps blowing out of my legs just trying to squat that much. I stay away from the squats really not because I don’t want to do them but I’m so fortunate to have Chondro Malacia. It’s some deal with the cartilage being inflamed inside the knee caps, so I figured I wouldn’t take my chances with the squats.
I was wondering. I only have a machine where i can do sitting press and fly’s for my chest. I don’t have a bench or anything. So any suggestions for a better chest workout? I do 4 sets of 25 push-ups 3 sets of 10 of press and 3 sets of 10 of fly’s. What else can i do without a bench for chest?
romie u look like my benching partner!
Wrong…the injectable form of winny is still toxic to your liver and is still degenerative to ligaments and tendons and is also un-esterified…do you even know what an ester is?? Just because it’s injectable doesn’t mean it’s not toxic to your liver. Not all orals cause ligament/tendon degeneration either…dbol for instance puts a ton of water weight on you which increases mechanical advantage (strength gain not directly correlated to increase in skeletal muscle tissue) and puts fluid in your joints…
Bottom line is any EDUCATED bodybuilder doesn’t use winny. If anything they would add a pure anabolic like deca or equipoise to improve the condition of their joints…
You’ve got to put on at least 45lbs in 6 months??? That would be an accomplishment even on steroids man…You better start eating the house like today…NO LESS than 6 meals a day…try and eat AT LEAST every 3 hours…and I mean FULL MEALS…I’m talking get the combo meal and add the cheese sticks…
honestly man the only way to accomplish that wouldn’t be very good for ur body…Your most certainly already beat up knees would not like that kinda rapid weight gain either…
Lemme give you an example…I did an 8 week cycle a year ago and gained a lil over 20lbs…lost around 4 or 5 lbs and waited 8 weeks and started a 10 week cycle and gained around 20lbs again…this time lost a little more weight cuz I started cutting cals back in prep for a cut that I’m about to start…So using steroids mind you…I gained a little over 40lbs in roughly 26 weeks or 6 months…and have lost about 8-9lbs leaving me at a net gain of about 32 lbs in I guess 8 months…so now you have a better understanding of how difficult it would be to achieve ur goal…not to say you can’t…but if you do reach ur goal it prolly won’t have been “natural”…or “healthy”…and it definitely won’t be all muscle…you will put on a grip of fat and water weight in the process…I recommend you set more reasonable goals in which you can not only meet them but exceed them and set new goals…
45lbs in 6 months. I swear you people are nothing if not full of positive thoughts. There is no way in gods green eaerth your going to gain that weight, specially at your age. I’m assuming high school or J. high since your doing it for basketball. The absolute best your going to do with steady diet and nutrition at that age is 20 lbs, and thats an outside shot. I mean clean weight here, not drinking 10 sodas a day and gaining fat.
Browser crash ate my last post so I’m gonna just briefly run through random people:
Some of you guys are asking questions with really long answers. Try hitting up a bodybuilding forum like ironmanmagazineforums or something for some good information. Proper lifting requires a crapload of knowledge.
RPDRookie: How the heck do you work out your legs then? You’re not going to put on size or weight just working upper body. I hope you deadlift if you can’t squat.
Doujinshi: Like other people have said. At most, 20 lbs of lean mass in 6 months is probably as far as you can go, but you need to get yourself on a good program immediately and start feeding. You don’t really need a weightgainer. I don’t think they’re particularly healthy with the high sugar content. They’re also expensive. You can buy whey powder and make your own weightgain shakes if it comes to that. You have a lot of reading up to do if you want to do this without impacting your health negatively.
ChainZ: Try dips for chest, or get dumbbells and a bench and start doing incline DB presses or flat DB presses. After a certain point though, dips and pushups won’t make your chest grow anymore though unless you add weight. Can you be more specific? Your post seems very unfocused, and I’m not exactly sure what you’re getting at. If you want to lose weight, there are a hell of a lot things you should do, but #1 is that you don’t want to starve yourself. Put yourself at a slight caloric deficit for the day, not a massive one. If you eat too few calories in a day, you’ll put your body into starvation mode, and you’ll end up burning off lean muscle and storing fat. The big problem people tend to have with weight is that they focus on weight more than physical fitness and body fat%. You can be 140 lbs and be completely out of shape, or 160 lbs and in spectacular shape, yet BMI might tell you that one is slightly overweight and another is in the healthy range.
Funny you should bring up the leg workout, Du Fugitive. Today at the gym, Crouchingtiger and I noticed there was a guy at the other end of the gym doing a certain type of leg excercise involving free weights. Well, it was basically a hinged machine, no cables or any that. Anyway, this guy was seated with the back of his head pointing towards the floor and his torso titled upward at a 45 degree angle I’d say. This guy had twentysix 45 pound weights he was excercising with. Yeah, that’s thirteen 45lb weights on each side of this equipment. I was baffelded. He wasn’t going all the way through the motion of extending the leg but traveling 40-50% of the motion. He did 3 sets of those, didn’t keep track of how many reps though but it had to be around 5 or 8.
So this guy was playing around with 1170 pounds. Now that’s a leg workout.
[quote=R.P.D rookie]
I don’t know if you’re being sarcastic or not, so I’ll post as if you aren’t.
The Leg Press Machine puts quite a bit of strain on the knees as well if you’re going through the full range of motion. Guys that only do half squats and never do full squats tend to be injury prone.
If that guy’s leg pressing that weight, he probably knows what he’s doing though.
I don’t know anything about Chondro Malacia so it’d be best if someone else told you what exercises you can do for your quads.
[quote=Du Fugitive]
That’s the beauty of the internet, you can’t interpret the tonality of the messages. Nope, I wasn’t being sarcastic, I was just letting you know I saw a guy in the gym today doing a crazy amount of weight. You telling me about the leg workout reminded me of it. You see things like that and realize you’re not as tough as you think you are, heh.
I’m sure that bullshit chondro malacia wouldn’t bother me if I only do two leg workouts a week knocks on wood.
You can try squats…just don’t go below parallel…also try lunges and step ups and even leg pressing with light weights…When you do leg press, place ur feet high and far apart, toes slightly pointed outwards ( I use this stance when I squat too) and make sure that ur knees don’t go past ur toes at any point during the lift…this is when the most strain is placed on the knees. Do you take any medicine for ur knees?? Ever tried glucosamine chondroitin??
I’m not a doctor…but try this…just to see what you might be able to do…on say chest day…at the end of the day…do squats, just the way I told you, just above or right at parallel…another day…try lunges at the end of the workout…then one day try leg extensions…and another day hack squats or leg presses…all with relatively light weight…and just see how it feels. Depending on how serious ur condition really is…you may just have to ice ur knees and take some ibuprofen…but then you’ll know what you can and cannot do…
Thanks for the advice. I knew the back could take a lot of excercise but didn’t know the legs could work the same way. And I’ll look up that medicine you recommended, I’ve also heard a form of aspirin, possibly Ibuprofin helps as well. Thanks for the info on the squat positions, it will definently come in handy. Time to man up and hit the legs I suppose!
That’s how much I used to do on leg press. It sucked unracking all that weight by myself.
I haven’t been consistant in starting again. I worked out probably twice in the last week. It’s hard getting back in my old groove. I’m a little weaker cause I haven’t worked out since end of the summer (you can tell by my picture, I’m getting smooth).
I’m gonna flip through Arnolds book again. I used to look at the pictures for inspiration, as corny as that sounds.
Everybody gets their inspiration from something. Crazy though picturing anybody doing over 1000 lbs. with leg press. The leg muscles are really something. This is an on campus gym I go to here at Auburn University and I gotta say it’s a damn good gym. I go twice a week, I’m not hardcore but everytime I go, I see a handful fo the same people all the time. And it shows that they are dedicated too.
squat properly and you’ll not injure your knees, just dont go below parralel.
romie, thats a good squat, i squat 380 for 8 reps, 400 is too much at them oment but i’ll get there in a few months. my bench, urgh, lets not talk about that
I just had to say that 1170 isn’t that insane for leg press.
I don’t really know how much weight I’ve done on those, but I fill each side with 45’s and then put 2 120s dumb bells on each side.
But my legs are easily my strongest bodypart.
Squats, uh I train a little different than average but I’ve done 550 for sets before.
Never tried a max.
I don’t like to do 1 rep maxes.