Wednesday Night Fights: HDR weekly tournament + stream

Looks like HDR (and other games) are big time on Wednesday nights.
Catch it live if you are in So. Cal or watch the live stream.

I didn’t make it out to the last session (7/28), but I caught some of it on the stream.
Great stuff, DGV vs. Snake Eyes in the finals.

Anyone who was there, please chime in on your thoughts on the HDR play there.
I know there is a thread for the event, but I want to get some HDR only discussion going on it.

Here are the general details for the tournament:

What: Wednesday Night Fights: HDR weekly tournament + casual play + stream

$5 to play all night
Free to watch

Top level HDR competition (Snake Eyes, DGV, Alex Valle, etc. showed up for the 7/28 session, Afro and many others live in the area so might go to future ones)
HD Remix: was at 9:30PM - 10:00PM for the 7/28 session
Tons of set-ups (to play on)
Multiple non-HDR games (SSF4, Tekken 6, TvC, BlazBlue)
Cheap booze ($2.50 beer) <-- per someone who was there
Live DJ (dannahan - Sets - SoundCloud)
Free parking

Read player feedback:|up-presents-wednesday-night-fights-%40-hollywood-park-casino-244758/index4.html#92

I left around 11:30
There were 5~10 people actively playing HDR for most of the night - more or less casually, on two stations. That includes Snake Eyes, Aqua Snake, DGV, Evoanon, Mooocus, and a couple of others. Even Jchensor played some games. Alex Valle was mostly busy running things and promoting. Everyone kicked my … which is unsurprising, really, considering relative skill levels and the fact that half the room was deep into semis at Evo a couple of weeks before.

Several people came a little ways, I think Evanoan was the furthest from home (all the way from Bakersfield), and it’s a minor trek for several of the others like Aqua Snake, so I’d be a little surprised if they showed up every week.

I am stoked people showed up to play HDR at the wednesday night fights. If I was still in SoCal I am sure Mongolo and I might have gone. More people need to show up to boost the HDR player base. Maybe more people will be inclined to play is they see it more often

Work beasted me this week, but I definitely plan on going to future ones when I can. It’s great to see non-SF4 games get some love at these events!

next week valle said to run a tourney so he can stream finals, that should be cool. this last stream was just casuals, not finals from an hdr tournament. it’s really cool being able to meet and converse with various dudes i know of from srk, rufus being one of them :tup:

it’s sick to see dudes coming out to play hdr, we had a pretty solid showing. solid enough i’d say to warrant more hdr stations for the next event.

i have a tournament program on laptop if u guys want to start something

Makes me want to move to cali…I wish more cities would help support other fighting games besides SFIV…

the wednesday night fights event was fun as hell…we had 2 stations running on xbox and about like 10 people ready to play…some others had strayed over from SF4 to play a couple times too. james chen and valle even played a bit with us.

i feel its important that the socal heads support this event…the fact that valle offered us the opportunity to turn it into a weekly tournament with a stream on an already branded event is a great opportunity for us to promote our scene and draw some new players.

the free blackjack chips was kinda nuts too. i saw a couple people who payed 6 bucks to get in the event…and left with 100 dollars in theyre pocket!

hope to see everyone again next time

The place was pretty awesome. Lots of good players showed up that I’m used to playing online. Being able to play in person is much better than online, no lag to worry about and your inputs not getting skipped/moves not coming out. Like others have said we had two setups on XBOX running, was kinda pissed I brought only my PS3 controller. Good thing there were friendly people letting others use their sticks, eg TheAquaSnake & DngrS Papercut. I’ll be making this gathering whenever I’m able to. :smiley:

The thing we need for it is: At least one more screen for the game, and tournament stream time =P.

to all hdr players i will be hosting a little tournament at Wednesday night fights so if u want to join come see me by the hdr station

I might be able to make it out again this wed. I need to work on my hawk game.

just agreeing with evoanon, i think our numbers could warrant another station. pretty please?

ps: papercut has a big ball.

I had to use those balls to get out for this Wednesday nights tourny.

ps: it was kinda weird last wed, with everyone playing with my huge ball and them telling me how big it was.

I thank Valle for running this he hit me up a week before and let me know about i apologize for that going i couldnt get off work in time cause i needed at least three hours to get there it sounds like everyone had a great time on wed i hope to make it to one of them in the future :slight_smile:

And Moocus WTF do you know… :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m thinking of driving out again for this tomm.

Every week though is killer. LOL

I hope players that actually live in LA can attend this to keep the HDR hype train going!

How many heads are heading there for HDR? We “may” be able to make it tomorrow…but it wont be till after 9 (probably like 9:30ish). I know Valle mentioned running a tourney and streaming Top 4. What time do you guys plan on starting the tourney? Oh yea, long live SF2:cool:

ill be up there again

I want to try and make it out tonight. Sorry about flaking last week I had some family issues :frowning: So who else is coming out totnight?

im there

What time does the stream start?