Wednesday Night Fights: HDR weekly tournament + stream

I’ll be missing this one and the next couple also. Will make it out end of the month :china:

Fuck! Someone needs to use my car so I can’t make this one.

Hopefully there’s still a good turnout!

Will be watching the stream.

HDR is on right now.

Did I miss it? They only had 14 minutes of HDR?

Yeah it wasn’t too long

for any one who is going to the next Wednesday night fights i want to do a 2 on 2 team tournament how do u guys feel about that

roll call for this wednesday?

last week was a decent enough turnout to where the tournament had to be super rushed at the end in order to get the finals on the stream in time. (changed from 2 out of 3 to single game).

if someone wants to bring an asus i will bring my xbox so we can avoid that happening and we can run double elim brackets. hopefully mr. valle is cool with that.

he should be last week my boy had to two TV’s up there and i have a tournament program on my laptop so we don’t have to be running around looking for paper or pens.

Hooked. I’m going to try to make it out for this one too. I work this wed so if I go I’ll meet you guys there this time.

synco i ask valle can we get one more tv for hdr so if u want to your xbox u can

i guess ill bring my xbox then . hope alot of people come out for hdr

How did this go? Was it still really good?

yeah dgv won the tournament beating snake eyes in finals. it was a good turn out over all

man the tournament finals was a super nail biter…

i hope some of you guys saw that on the stream

I checked the archives of the level up stream (I missed it XD) and it has the HDR finals as an audio, but even then I can’t play it.

dang that sucks and yeah i noticed they havent really given us any archive love.

anyhow…shout outs to run n gun for supplying us with an extra xbox. you saved the day homie. also shout outs to run n gun/bruce LB/and rufus for running the tourney.

not gonna make it this week guys…im gonna hit denjin on saturday but monday marks the beginning of a hell week at work and i cant spread myself too thin.

i won’t be making it either. my bank account is running on fumes so i have to start budgeting for the fall semester at the end of this month.

shout to everyone cause i forget name so my bad

Yeah, Skipping this coming week Wed Night Fight as well. I’m missing that food I used to eat all the time back in the day. What was it again? We used to get it all the time back in high school.

oh yeah, pussy.

I’m the guy screaming his head off for hype

I love HDR