We Need More SFIV Players in Seattle

James is really good with Gen, but refuses to use him. >:/ (until he learns gouken)

Honda isn’t so one sided to play against if you don’t know the matchup well like he was in HDR.

I think it depends. I’ve found that when I make my requirement set to ranked match, I usually get good connections and people with high bp. Custom match set to same skilled or more skilled usually gets varied results because while you do find people with good bp, most of the time they only have like 2,3 bar connections.

But I agree with you, they do need to change the online system. I think BP is a bad idea, I’ve had more people disconnect on me on SFIV than I ever did on Remix. Player match is hella where it’s at, I can’t wait for championship mode and multiplayer lobbies.

You want some Cammy…hit me up.

Speaking of A-hole Honda. I didn’t notice at first they changed his ochio to a full half circle back. I ended up with a lot of random jabs before I started practicing him. :frowning:

I beat the 14-stage Hard Time Attack and got the gold medal I needed (as far as I can tell - what are the three different tokens? One’s silver, the other two are confusing), and was happy to exit out to the Challenge Screen … and realized that that progress didn’t save because God Hates Me. :sad:


edit: waaaaaait, I get it now. I’m a retards. It goes Bronze, Silver, Gold. I merely am unable which is which because either I am a moron or it’s really fucking difficult to understand what the fuck is going on there.
I’ll pick answer number one, but answer number two is probably equally valid.
Seriously, who the fuck designed that bullshit art/logic? That’s pretty horribly done. Why not say “BRONZE MEDALED!” as opposed to hoping I luck into understanding your crazy moon artwork?


For the leauge it’s one man teams…

and you can’t leave your team. So I had to make a new account

It’s still in BETA though, and it’s a pretty cool concept imo.

Edit: Bison’s Broad’s has challenged you.

Anybody near Tacoma want to play a random Guile scrub with too much time on his hands?

You have SF4 on XBOX live?

I haven’t played this game since last Tuesday. Back to Fallout 3.

Your priorities are in the right place. Fallout 3 was too tight.

Dictator is so fucking easy mode in this game. I can’t beat him.

try dictator dittos, its fun, whoever applies the most pressure wins!! lol

Nah, I won’t play him. He was my first character and after about five matches I vowed to not play him anymore. He’s so butter.

I’ve decided El Fuerte is the nastiest sf character ever. His mixup move is just retarded, and what’s up with his choppy ultra animation? He’s just all of a sudden twenty feet in the air, who needs to see how you got there. And he’s searching for the ultimate recipe? In a fighting tournament? Dude I thought Abel’s story was bad. Maybe I just don’t understand the luchadore craze.

EDIT: On second thought Rufus is the nastiest design wise. HA HA HA HE’S REALLY FAT AND AGILE

last but not least, I can’t block shoto crossups. at all. ever. I just don’t understand their jump arc in this game.

Be sure to [media=youtube]VTbYUd1jUc4"[/media] and prepare for the future.

Took me a while to realize that you meant MIRROR MATCH. :looney:

Anyway, check out what Gootecks has cooked up for April. He’s got a damn pay-per-view-style SFIV event coming up. Sounds pretty hype.


That was amazing.

Dic has weaknesses, he seriously does NOT have any good anti-air options at all, and also he cannot do shit about people crossing him either, he has to block like a bitch and try to run away. He’s not easy mode unless you’re playing against hella scrubby ass people…

You really have no idea how much work a BISON player has to do to get the win. It just looks easy, but we have to do hella shit…We have to have a lead early in the match or else it’s an even bigger hill to climb.

Try to play catch up against shotos who do nothing but jump back…headstomp is null and void, devil’s reverse is null and void, have to move forward so you’re not charging for scissors or psycho crusher, all while the clock is winding down =[.

EX headstomp might as well be an anti-air. Shit beats jump-ins while its still heading up.

I’m so confused right now… do you mean Boxer or Headband?