We Need More League of Legends Players

Had two great games tonight… I played as well as I have been able to play with Shen, and while my teams were not perfect, we had enough good players (probably 2 others) and teamwork to seal the deal and play well. Very exciting, very fun, and I feel like I tanked well :slight_smile:

Maybe tonight’s good matches were a product of after school homework :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha, I knew connor played. But now I’m just impressed, I had a 80% Alistar before I moved. Now with my shitty internet all I have are leaves on my account xD. But if anyone wants a dedicated ali tank who’s been playing this game since release hit me up. I’ll be playing more when i get my own internet. ST- Mugen ze Insane

Im pretty sure denys and gold loss are my two favorite things about dota. I cried for days in the shower while eating chips ahoy when they started giving experience for creeps u denied.

STUPID! PLAY DOTA! :tup: :tdown: :nono: :wtf:

Nigga I look like milk.

Oh Duncan, how I miss thee T_T <3

Oh Snap, I missed this LoL thread. Feel free to add me, guys.

This game is pretty cool and I’ve been playing since beta.

I got a friend who is pretty god-tier at Dota, and coincidentally, mostly LoL.
Why LoL > Hon when HoN is much more like dota? If you wanna play DoTA, play DoTA.
Creep denies aren’t difficult, its just abusing ranged heroes. Its a simple meta-game once you get down to it and seems pointless and boring, and not necessary to make the game have “depth”. Then one hero gets a kill or two and is already “fed”, gets OP and rapes the entire team single-handedly. Yay for balance!

For those that were having FPS issues in this game…

This morning’s patch apparently fixed that :slight_smile:

Nigga I’m milkier than you.

His days-long shower must’ve gotten real cold.

Alistar is the shit! My favorite tank thus far. It’s so satisfying to flash out of the bushes behind and enemy and headbutt them to your lane partner and imminent doom. I bought Nasus and I’m kinda sad I did. He’s cool but… I don’t know I just get raped by ranged guys, raped by snares, and end up at best harassing people with soul fire or whatever.

So out of all the cooldown timer settings, I tried straight up turning the cooldown settings off. Now I just have to estimate based on the little… pie chart animation, but I think it finally shows an accurate depiction of when my shit is cooled down.


We need more people to idle in the chat room “SRK”

I think nasus is best in the 2 v 1 lane(which you should have because having a jungler is a huge advantage(which probably won’t happen at low levels)), after about level 5 his spirit will kill the entire creep wave, I’ve never had a character who could consistently get all 6 last hits per wave in the 2 v 1 almost no matter who the opponent is. When you have tons of money and high levels you’re a tank that can tank without any CC because if they ignore you you will END them.

Also denial adds nothing as far as skill, it’s just last hitting with more creeps to hit and EASIER lane control.

edit: further with nasus. You won’t DO much during the laning phase(in the 2 v 1), you’re basically just there farming and pretending the enemies don’t exist until the jungle comes to kill them(in which case you drop slows and start hammering them). If you are in a 2 v 2 lane your goal is to get siphoning strikes as rapetastic as possible.

Nasus has been a Champion I’ve been looking at heavenly, he’s a tank & has a Egyptian motif, hitting all the right cords for me. Right now me & a couple of friends are making out premade grou

Me: Annie or Nasus
Matt: Ashe
Leo: Morganna
Danny: Cho’Gath or Ryze
John: Blitzcrank

Me & Danny are going to be switching Tank duties between us. Hoping he actually ends up going with Ryze, I love Cho’Gath but he’s not that great when it comes to high level play.

I can say from first hand experience… It can be frustrating dealing with teamfights that have Nasus in the endgame… Nasus is awesome :slight_smile:

Raptor, good luck to your premade, that’s awesome!

Morgana is dope.

Morgana’s high on my “characters to learn soon” list. Vlad is currently at the top. Been fighting enough Morgana’s lately to know what a pain she can be in group fights and coordinated ganks…

I found this link interesting, it’s a form of analysis of the runes and their value:
Competitive Rune Analysis/Ranking

I’m almost level 20, so this is something of great interest to me as I enter the expensive (IP wise) realm of Tier 3 runes…

Gotta love the weekdays. Good teamwork and some very satisfying victories the last few days. I think all the kids are busy with school, homework, and bedtime. Big contrast to what I was dealing with over the weekend or even the first week of school.


Nasus is weird as a tank since he doesn’t become super threatening or tanky until later in the game. That’s when the percentage life steal really starts to kick in.

Although, its great early game when someone tower dives you, you wither them, and then laugh as they try to escape the tower.

I hope I’m just having a couple bad LoL days in a row, and it’s not that this game is getting less and less fun the higher ranked I get.

I join solo queue or with one other, and all 3-4 randoms INSTANTLY lock in on some squishy dps character. Cool, I’m forced to tank. Which I’m fucking awful at. Then they shittalk me (my own team) and do nothing to help except tell me to quit feeding. Cool. If you’d stop running away when I engaged the enemy this wouldn’t happen.

team is fighting near our DEAD turret

Me: guys move back to our turret, use the turret

to my surprise, they listen… so I charge in at our turret.

but oh no, they keep running, far into the base to leave me to die. and then bitch at me for feeding. cool.

So if I do a premade, then yeah, I avoid idiots on my team usually. Cool. That’s good. Too bad you get put up against 5 people using vent/skype and then they completely outclass our communication and outplay us.

Every game I play is either we rape the other retarded team, or the other team rapes my retarded team. I’d love for a good match.

I was in such a great mood and made the mistake of playing this game today. D’oh. :rofl: Online gaming communities sure know how to rain on your parade.

Also, miss fortune is obscene. Strut is such a bullshit passive.

I learned this to recently, never do a solo que, god it sucks when five games straight you get nothing but griefers, fools who can’t communicate, items builds that make no sense YOU DO NOT NEED FIVE MALADYS ON YI, Jesus Christ, people who continue to face check bushes & get Garren’d, & just have no idea what the fuck they’re doing.

And yeah Strut is pretty ridiculous, but MF is pretty flowchart & is made of cracked glass. A stiff breeze at high level just kills her.

Seeing as how we lost to a no-tank team, I say dont even bother lol. Just play something you know you can do well with, or that you want to play. Its not worth struggling to learn a type of character that ruins your game.

Hahaha I know right? I laughed at their team and then we just got ganked early on and couldn’t catch up. I’ll just look at solo queue as a way to practice a character like everybody else does. No sense stressing myself out and wasting my time. Oh internet. I find tank characters fun but I have such a hard time starting out. Got harassed the fuck up by nidalee/cho in a lane last time and I didn’t know what the fuck I could do. By the time I got one minion’s worth of gold I’d have eaten 2 spears from nidalee to the forehead and cho’ spikes as I ran. XD

I’ma build a tank Janna. Come see me.

i play this game

Yeah, playing as a tank is rough in the beginning, unless you have good harass like Shen or a healer in your lane. Some even take Smite just to help out with the beginning or go jungle instead (Amumu/Udyr). Try to let them push you toward your own tower so you can farm safer.

As discussed earlier and well everywhere LoL (or MMOs) are discussed… Tanking is often a thankless job. You kind of have to be a professional and grow thick skin because you really get to see the real side of your teammates when you play tank.

  1. It’s a different skillset from damage class characters and pushers. It’s usually got a little support skills though. Because of this, it’s usually tricky to learn and takes some getting used to.

  2. It’s hard to gauge how well you do as a tank because the fruits of your labor are built on how well your other teammates are doing. And if they aren’t working as a team and their priorities aren’t in line, you can expect to fall faster than normal and look like a feeder.

  3. Again, you see the real side of your teammates. Good players that know what they are doing might appreciate you–these are pals you can probably play premades with in the future. There are also good players who might not appreciate you–well, if it was a victory you can be happy in that and the rest is up to you if you want to play with that persona gain in the future. I don’t have to say much for assholes, you’ll know who they are and you’ll probably not want to play them again–even if your team won.

  4. Because tanking is sometimes (often in solo queue) a thankless job, part of the job is to eventually develop thick skin and use /ignore <asshole’s name> if you have to in order to stay professional. Tanks sometimes have to be professional… which sucks sometimes.

  5. Tanks in fantasy settings deal with this crap the most. Soldier-class tanks from FPS games probably don’t deal with so much crap because they usually have bigass shields people hide behind while they shoot.

As I let assholes bother me less, and as I’ve seen myself actually tanking decently or well in a good team, I’ve been enjoying the job more. But I probably have had the most stress as a tank over other classes.
