just a few notes (dont take it as an insult)
u2 is clearly mandatory. u1 has only the hitconfirming fadc part on its side. and this is only viable in certain matchups so far. I’d write it a little different.
which poke you’re exactly refering to as “one of the fatest in the game”?
his zoning game is “okayish” but noway “great”.
“pinpoint” timing is not a “weakness”. most combos are pretty easy compared to other characters. he’s only one REAL viable 1 frame link that comes to my mind. You can mention it in brackets behind the “medicore combos part”.
he’s great anti air tools. but not “the best” - I’d use that word rarly anyway. it’s a big assumption. but you can add “one of the best normals [set]” ^^
knife is also a double-edged sword. it takes your best tools away, namely f.mp, cl.mp, b.mp
I’d also add “no block string combo” hence without knife no real chip damage.
bad spray is as good as it is bad. one should use it sparingly. can be punished on block + focused
Vs. Ken it seems like he recovers lightning fast from his blocked (or even hit) tatsu. I feel like the ONLY option is to Crouch tech afterwords. Any thoughts?
Fellow Cody players. I am starting a blog just for Cody and it will have all the info you need about Cody. Since I play at tournaments in the UK I thought I could help. I’ve already completed a beginners guide so check it out. Also in the near future expect an advanced guide and matchup guides for each character, as well as little gimmicks and tricks that I’ve thought of myself.
And zukuu I’ve made those improvements but I kept Cody’s ‘Great zoning’ because he is. I don’t know about you but I can zone perfectly fine. And that’s talking from tournaments not online or anything. Thanks for the tips dude.
it depends on the point of view. when cody has “great zoning” what has guile, akuma, sagat and chun then? that’s what i meant ^^. cody’s is okay, maybe good, but not as “great” as those others. ^^
Every character has a type of zoning. All zoning is, is keeping your opponent in a position where they are at a disadvantage and you’re at an advantage. Cody is ‘Great’ at doing this. Comparing is irrelevant. Because to be honest Guile and Dhalsim have better zoning than Ryu but that doesn’t make his zoning any less great.
So it’s still great zoning just not AS good as theirs and considering they are zoning characters (Sagat, Guile, Dhalsim) not gonna include Chun but she can also play the zoning game the same way Cody can.
Against chars that poke or footsie more than fireball game or the like. ex- Vega, Ken, Chun, Rog
I feel that requires Knife. For the balrog jab and chip damage pokes. Thats whta i gathered after playing a great vega and needing to keep out those Ken kara throws.
I’ve played good players of all those characters and each of those matchups are 5-5.
Good Balrogs won’t jab through everything you do and if you realise that they are pushing buttons, use frame traps to counterhit the masher, that’s simple enough.
Dealing with Ken’s kara throws is not really a matchup specific thing because every character has to deal with them. But he can be zoned with pretty easily because Bad Stone can win a fireball war against him and you can poke his f.mk if he does it from max range.
Vega’s pokes are extremely good but Cody can still win this using zonk, slide and sweep to go under his df.hk and high pokes and using f.mp (with it’s high priority) to beat mid height pokes. All badly used wall dives can be zonked but good Vega’s time their wall dives.
Against Chun it’s more about counterpoking and using the right poke against hers. Jumping in against chun is not smart at all, especially when she has Ultra 2.
The knife is more useful against grappler characters and Honda or Abel.
You can get 4-5 jabs in with the knife against a grappler without worrying about getting command thrown in between.
Against Abel if he uses step kick, he has no answer for your cr.lp unless he does one: a perfect tick throw or two: an EX TT, the knife is a very useful tool for stopping Abel’s TT game.
Against Honda you can use the knife to chip away at his health if he’s trying to turtle a win.
These are some of the knife specific matchups that I know. Another is against Bison for stopping his lk scissor pressure.
I never said you could beat it, i said you can use it to stop his lk scissor pressure. With the knife in your hand anything he attempts to do after will get stuffed. The cr.mk does beat scissors clean but if he follows up with a cr.lk the cr.mk will get stuffed.
hey did anyone know that dudleys cross counter normal/ex beats out u2 on its start up couldnt find that in the first few pages but it happened to me the other day
Its considered a fireball for certain characters to go through…AND its considered a physical hit to be countered by Fei U2, Zangief Lariats, Cammy U2 and Dud Cross counter. Still better than U1.