-Bad Spray seems to be quite effective against Rufus when he scores a knockdown then tries to immediately get on top of you with a divekick. Bad Spray will hit hiim out of the air and you’ll be safe.
-Blocked EX Messiah Kick with no follow-up attack can be punished with U2.
-Blocked EX Messiah Kick with LK & MK follow-up attack can also be punished with U2.
-Blocked EX Messiah Kick with HK follow-up attack cannot be punished with U2.
(Same conditions with regular Messiah Kick as well.)
-Be careful of unsafe jumping in this match. Rufus’s jumping HK comes out much quicker than any of Cody’s air-normals and you’ll be eating a knockdown/Ultra if you get his by this and you’ll be on wakeup which is where you do not want to be…
-When Rufus has no meter, this is when you can really put the pressure on since he can’t EX Messiah. If he’s knocked down, with no meter, you better make the best out of these opportunities.
-Rufus can close the gap by using down+forward MK. Two rolls can cover the length of an entire screen. This move is unfortunately non-punishable on block so if you block this, you’re up shit creek because Rufus is free to start his up close mix-up game. A common mixup after a blocked down+forward MK is: grab, EX Messiah Kick, jump back/forward HK. Choose wisely on this rock/paper/scissor mixup. To keep Rufus in check and to keep him from making you block his down+forward MK, go back to Third Strike tactics and use Cody’s crouching LP or crouching LK pokes to stuff it clean since Rufus’s down+forward MK has a bit of start up.
-You can zone Rufus with HK Ruffian, your normals and rocks. It just requires a lot more attention than against some other characters.
out of curiosity could you back mp someone in the air and on their way down hit them with low rk i was working this ryu hard with this i even nailed him with the super…only missed once when i did it to early and went right through him when he was still in the air.
I got cut up by a DeeJay tonight, it was embarassing! He might as well have been beating on the practice dummy. Kept me locked in a really good cross over game on wake up that I just couldn’t get out of. When I did get some space he just turtled up until I did something stupid (not a long wait the way I played tonight) and beat the hell out of me.
if he is putting alot of pressure with fwd.kicks then use the slide and keep a zonk charged and on wake up vortex is pretty powerful i was getting f’d up by jeenyus the other night.its R-P-S when you get knocked down so try not to. and h.rk and b.mp destroy his jump in options
Pretty sure back-MP doesn’t leave them in any juggleable state. However, if they block high or attempt to mash out something without invincibility when they land, timing a low attack so it hits them just as they get down is useful. Bit of a gamble at that distance, though… Pretty sure they can punish sweep at that distance if they block, fast though it is.
EDIT: Oh, low Ruffian Kick, not low roundhouse. Ahem. Well, the same thing goes here… Though low Ruffian is even MORE punishable on block than Cody’s sweep that close. Seriously, if they block low, you’re screwed.
dont even charge up a zonk vs bison seriously its useless vs that guy unless he is very predictable with his footsies other wise zonk is fail on wake and just overall really
anywas tips for bison matchup always keep the pressur eon him dont zone him out force him to use his ex escapes and punish accordingly since LDD punish anything he does ex pc ex dr ex hs ANYTHING
cool tip - dont back and mp or nj mk bisons HS just FA absorb then fadc forward then U2 a split second after u have forward dashed (if the bison doesnt use skull diver which…most dont, as they usually just steer back) the U2 will catch em
good info, if anyone is having problems with sim, i find using the slide, with bad stones to stop his fireballs pretty helpful
if you make you way in and he tries to escape , use the slide to cover some ground while he’s flipping in the air, and try to predict the teleports and reset him with lp
sry , not really a very in-depth strategy , but i should take the pressure off of the match-up a bit
guile is taking all my bp…seriously does anybody know how to deal with the b*****d…there are so many of them online…also when is stuff gonna be put in the first post…theres only info on like 4 characters there
For guile. Just bend over, Seriously
Guile is almost impossible For Cody, Guile keeps Cody out with just standing there.
My best advice is, Wish for a miracle.
You might be able to do MK ruffian or LK super but I don’t know for sure.
EDIT: You can do LK super but the timing is sort of strict. You can do Crack Kick, MK Ruffian or ex Ruffian in the corner too. I haven’t been able to follow up with anything else but you might be able to follow up with MK Ruffian depending on what you trade with.
anybody able to offer advice (aside from rage quit) for dealing with run away shotos? Still having trouble with Ryu’s who just jump away and throw fireballs, and back into the corner, then air tatsu to the other side of the screen and repeat
I try to get within bingo/U2 range (via FA, jumping, maybe the odd CU to mix things up a bit) and punish fireballs. If they get into the corner then either HRK (if you’re fairly close, it should hit as they jump to tatsu away) or n.jHK [?] [not sure what option would be best really…] to try and keep them in the corner then pressure them.
having a tough time against against high level juri players.bad stone and fake bad stone are punished by dive kick in everyway.i feel like its pressure or be pressured in this match up
I’m horrible at writing out ideas like these in paragraph form so I apologize in advance.
VS Honda
-You have to steal the lead away from Honda ASAP. This is your goal when the round starts. Clever use of rocks will get you far. You do not want to chase down a Honda resting in it’s natural environment (D/B Land).
-Once you take the lead be sure to keep it with your amazing AA options. B+MP will shit on all of Honda’s directional jump ins save for his jump MP. It is possible to use your B+MP early to stuff his MP but then there’s the chance he’ll go for another of his attacks and you may run into some trouble. The solution here is cr.MK! It’s almost braindead good against Honda jump ins.
-Early RH and RH Ruffian are also good AA options. Especially against Honda’s NJ Fierce. They really shine vs that move.
-Know your punishes against headbutts. IMPORTANT! Jab and EX are not punishable UNLESS Honda is cornered. In which case U2 WILL punish them with reversal timing.
-Knife isn’t super important in this match up but it does come in handy in keeping your lead.
-Honda’s cr.LP is 4 frames. This means it’s a bit easier to fish for counter hit cr. Fierce into EX Rocks after jab or F+MP pressure. Be sure to look out for reversal headbutts.