Ways to support the community via online

For those of you that were looking to help with updating my FAQ, I posted excerpts from my updated draft in the applicable character threads. If you go through there and read those, you’ll see what I’m looking for: cross-up info. What they are…who they work on…what happens when they don’t work. So far, I’m very sure that I have all of the cross-ups listed in my FAQ, but I just don’t have the specifics for the following characters…

Zangief: I have the following cross-ups listed: Jumping short, Jumping forward, Jumping roundhouse, Short Jumping Knee Press (jumping d+short), Forward Jumping Knee Press (jumping d+forward), and the Body Splash (jumping d+fierce). I’m pretty positive the most reliable cross-ups are the Body Splash and the Forward Jumping Knee Press. Just need to know who each of those cross-ups work on or don’t work on (whichever list is shorter), whether standing or crouching.

Dhalsim: I have the following cross-ups listed: Crouching forward (crosses under and hits jumping opponents when you slide under them), Yoga Mummy (jumping d+fierce), Short Yoga Drill (jumping d+short), Forward Yoga Drill (jumping d+forward), Roundhouse Yoga Drill (jumping d+roundhouse). My guess is that his most reliable cross-up is Cross-under Crouching forward and…possibly the Forward Yoga Drill. Just need to know who each of those cross-ups work on or don’t work on (whichever list is shorter), whether standing or crouching. (Does the crouching short slide work like the crouching forward slide? If so, it needs to be added to the list.)

T. Hawk: This man has seven cross-ups, the most out of any character! I have the following cross-ups listed: Jumping jab, Jumping short, Jumping strong, Jumping forward, Jumping roundhouse, Flying Elbow Smash (jumping d+strong), and the Body Splash (jumping d+fierce). I think his most reliable cross-ups are the Body Splash and Jumping forward. Just need that whole “who it works on or who it doesn’t work on list.”

Dee Jay: This is the next one I plan on working on since he only has three crossups. Oh…you didn’t know? Yeah! Three! Not just one. They are…Jumping forward, Jumping roundhouse, and the Jumping Knee (jumping d+short). The most reliable cross-ups: Jump forward, jump roundhouse. Just need that whole “who it works on or who it doesn’t work on list.”

Claw: I would work this list after Dee Jay. He only has four cross-ups. Jumping forward, Jumping fierce, Jumping roundhouse, and the Wall Dive Claw Attack (charge d,u+kick, punch). Most reliable cross-ups: Wall Dive Claw Attack, Jumping forward, Jumping fierce. Need the list, please.

Dictator: Yeah…he’d be next after Claw. Four cross-ups. Jumping jab, Jumping forward, Jumping roundhouse, and the Skull Diver (charge d,u+kick, punch). (I guess you could count the Devil’s Reverse, too, huh? I know that it knocks down, but it still crosses up, so I’d list that.) Most reliable cross-ups: Jumping roundhouse, Jumping forward, Skull Diver. Need the list, please. :slight_smile:

If you want to help or you happen to have the info compiled, let me know and, of course, you’ll get credit on my FAQ. Thanks!!! :slight_smile:

For Dictator his Slide crosses up after the opponent techs a throw in the corner. Same for Honda’s cr RH after a Fierce Hug (or maybe it’s the Strong throw, not sure). Also for Dictator’s Psycho Crusher, it crosses up certain chars in certain corners. It’s not a hitting xup, just a trick. NKI’s got a video of it, just can’t find it right it now. And Ken’s RH Crazy Kick xup on crouching shotos.

Sry guys I don’t have time to do the frame data. I’m so overloaded with work and school, I don’t even have time to play HDR much less record video and count frames.

Sry. :sad:

Oh yeah…stuff like that will probably be included in the next revision. I’m just trying to get this one out. :slight_smile: If I have time to add it, then I will because that’s really good information to have.


Ganelon said that DC speed 0 is the same as HDR speed 0, but if t.akiba’s eye is that good, I must be missing something?

I’ve got for ken’s fierce srk in both classic mode and hdr mode on speed 0,

0 startup
2 hitting frames on the ground
14 hitting frames in the air
14 recovery frames in the air
3 recovery frames on the ground

I’m not doing anymore, unless I understand where T.akiba’s 24 and 31 came from? He does say he did it by eye though so i don’t know.

Thanks for the effort Coth.

I just wanna know where those numbers came from?

GREAT idea for a post blitzfu!

Not online does it gather and provide a comprehensive listing of the online resources out there, but it also looks to carry the discussion of where and how the community resources can develop as well and a means by which people can get involved.

I suppose we can break it down into different categories:

What’s out there now

  • define it
  • link it

The status of what’s out there now

  • talk about if it’s unfinished or where it could grow
  • any help it could use

What is out there for other games/subjects or what is possible that would be great to have for HDR/SF

Who would like to chip in

  • their skills
  • their time
  • what they’d like to work on

Groups, tournies, threads, etc. to participate in

Hey, Terry, I think that “How to inform others about resources while playing on XBox Live or PSN” is an important point, too. I mean…I was playing Street Fighter 2 and other fighting games for FOUR YEARS before realizing that an online community exists…and that was while I was playing in the arcades in 1996. Thank the Lord I met folks like Greg, Harry, and, of course, Bob and Milo, or else I’d have 25% of the combo knowledge I have now because I would’ve never known about alt.games.sf2. :slight_smile:

Now that arcades are extremely scarce (I won’t say gone because I’m in San Diego…sorry to those of you not near an arcade), the primary way to spread the word about resources is online, whether via e-mail, Facebook, Google searches, XBox Live, PSN, whatever media is out there. But, my question is…how? I know we have some creative minds on here that can fill that section up. Who knows? Maybe we’ll figure out a quick way to shut up the scrubs that think that tick throws are cheap! :smiley:

Very good point!

We should try to figure out who our current/future potential playerbase is, how to get information to them, etc.

Search engines really seem to be a mess currently.
It’d be great to actually get some navigation for players on there.

Also, should make a list of sites/fourm potential players can come from.
I have Google Analytics setup for streetfighterdojo.com, so I can pull from there info on sites that I get links/traffic from.
I can also pull country based, search engine directed, etc.

Thanks for the kind words zaspacer. Your streetfighterdojo site was definitely an inspiration for this thread, among other sites too. You’re absolutely right, and you have some great suggestions. I updated the 1st post with as many links to great sites as I could think of. However, I want to stress that this thread’s primary goal is to rally any ST fans who can accomplish some of the projects I listed such as capturing frame data or completing the hitbox videos. Like I said before, I would do it myself if I had the equipment, knowledge or resources.

Any contribution or effort is greatly appreciated though. Now, with a little more hype, hopefully the volunteers start rolling in. = )

Jiggly, lemme know when you complete that guide/tutorial and I’ll add it to the 1st post. Jeez, I’M not even on that list. LOL Gotta change that, don’t I? :rofl:

T-Akiba did his frame testing on the arcade version of X. However, from previous tests, we know that the JP X board operates at a different speeds than the US ST board (and possibly different versions) and both run at different speeds than the DC version of X. These tests can be found here: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=136571

And even beyond that, there are also differences in speed between stages in the arcade version whereas the DC version maintains consistent speed through every stage. There are definite differences in Turbo 2 & 3 (Spain is noticeably fast) but it’s possible that these differences hold even at Turbo 0 and thus make exact frames stage-dependent (e.g. Ryu jumping in Spain happens faster/has less frames than in Brazil).

How do I then accurately count the frames on HDR speed 0?

First off, if you haven’t done so already, read NKI’s input lag topic ( and make sure you’ve followed the same process he has. Make sure you’re recording at 60fps.

Honestly, if you would post in exact detail how you’re going about counting the frames, that would be good regardless if you’re getting right or wrong numbers.


I know its hyper fighting, but the videos are definitely good for showcasing BnBs and tick throws.

Question on the ryu vid does the block j.lk > jab srk still put shotos out of range from their own cr.hk?

The slow motion on the vids also helps to identify how crossups work, and the controller at the bottom helps with “combo theory” as far as what do I need to do on my controller when attempting a combo?

:rolleyes: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rolleyes:

I use slightly different notation and try to seperate stuff with different hitboxes…
Crouching Fierce (unchanged):
6 8 23
DJ Strong (unchanged - the first 3 are a hitbox around 'gief’s head.)
2 3 8
Hop Towards
2 3 6 10 6 3 2
Kick Lariat
1 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1
Punch Lariat
1 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
Banishing Fist/Green Hand
2 2 2 4 8 9 1 1 7
2 2 2 4 8 12 1 1 8
Running Bear Grab - Not sure where the hitting frames are because it’s a throw.
Short, probably the 2-4th numbers.
10 15 5 5 16 3 3
12 18 5 5 18 3 3
14 17 5 5 20 3 3
(No record on back hop)

Yoga Flame
Short first flame on 3rd frame of 18
10 3 18 9
Forward first flame 3rd frame of 23
12 3 23 9
Roundhouse first flame on 3rd frame of 29
14 4 29 9
(no throw range test)
Teleport (only tested towards the opponent) location change between 2nd and 3rd numbers.
25 12 8 11 10
(Did not test super)

NJ Short
7 30
DJ Short
3 4 35
Jab Torpedo
833 2012 10 3
Super (based on hitting)
1 [19] 3 1… 3 1 1 1 … 12 10 3

2 6 8 10 13
2 9 7 8 14
2 8 7 7 15
6 8 10 ?15
8 7 8 16
<=10 7 7 18
5 6 8 9 19
5 6 7 11 23
4 5 7 11 25
Flame Kick
6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 12 2 4
Chicken Wing (Rekkuukyaku)
12 8 12 4 3 3 4 5 5
12 8 12 5 4 3 2 5 5
13 8 12 6 5 3 2 5 5
1 [17] 2 6 3 6 6 5 2 6 5 10 6 4 19

Dive (whiff)
10 7 …9 10
Typhoon whiff … probably only active for first frame.
5 25
5 29
5 31

Falling time will vary.

3 4 4
Fake Slide
6 20 4

Not sure whether this sort of temporary transcription is worthwhile.

P.S. YBH numbers are more accurate than the T. Akiba translation on NKI’s site.

That’s great stuff right there Rufus. I’m trying to go through the data right now. Did you capture all this on speed zero? What type of equipment did you use?

All data speed 0 training mode Xbox360. Using Canopus ADVC-100 to capture.

Oh yeah, right. :looney::lovin: Sorry, still going through the data, and I’m a little blown away.

“Not sure whether this sort of temporary transcription is worthwhile.”

What did you mean by that?

“Typhoon whiff … probably only active for first frame.”

Is there no way to capture his active throwing frame? This is really important, maybe the most important of Remix’s changes. 30 frames for Hawk’s Jab whiff? Seems high to me, compared to 32 frames for Zangief’s Jab whiff as per YBH. Hawk players’ thoughts?

“(Did not test super)” You gonna be capturing Dhalsim’s Super and the other characters soon?

“Crouching Fierce (unchanged):
6 8 23”

It’s hard to notice, but Zangief’s crouching Fierce offensive hitbox was raised slightly by a pixel or so. Also, both YBH and NKI’s site show 7 startup frames, but you captured 6 frames. Can you explain the discrepancy as this attack was not changed at all?

I don’t know why I had Honda’s neutral j.Short, it wasn’t a change at all. Sorry, my bad.

It looks GREAT so far! :pleased::tup: Rep this mang up y’all! For real. Thanks Rufus.

The middle of a thread isn’t a good place for frame data - eventually it should end up in the Wiki or something similar.

To work out what the last active frame is requires getting lucky.

You might be surprised to learn that I can read changelogs too. The frame counts are the same. The hitboxes are changed.