There’s a lot of good discussion in DGV’s thread about keeping the ST community alive. But most of it has to do with organizing or attending offline tournaments, and I wanted to post a list of ways that people can support the community online. In other words, things that can be done right now.
I believe one of the biggest reasons that ST stayed alive in the years since the arcade scene died, was because of the contributions of people like NKI, Sirlin, SRK staff, EVO organizers and numerous other people. If we want our community to remain vibrant and strong, we should follow their examples, and do whatever we can to contribute. I personally do not have the resources or the knowledge of how to capture frame data for example, but if I did, you can bet that I’d have done it already.
List of unfinished or unstarted projects that need completing (please feel free to add to this list, I may have missed somethings):
Shoryuken Wiki
Needs to be updated and finished, especially in the character matchups. This I can do, but I don’t have editing rights.
Hitbox Videos
R|C started this, and many thanks to him, but it needs to be completed. The main thing to be gained is the ability to pause hitbox data, which is not possible with the hitbox function on console. I don’t have the necessary equipment to do it myself, but I know a lot of SRKers do.
Hitbox Images
Pics of each character’s vulnerable and offensive hitboxes, captured by Rufus, on XBOX360, training mode, speed zero, hitboxes on, using video capture device Canopus ADVC 100 and edited with Kino. Many, many thanks Rufus. = )
Chun Li
Fei Long
Dee Jay
Starting positions
Classic hitbox images using HDR’s hitbox mode by Akiba (Google translation, English links don’t work though)
Remixed Attacks Frame Data
Even though Remix frame data has already been captured, if you are capable of capturing frame data, I encourage you to do it anyway. The more people that can confirm existing frame data, the better, as that will only add to the accuracy of all existing frame data. Also, some changes have still not been captured, such as Ken, Boxer and Dhalsim’s new throw ranges on the Knee Bash, Headbutt and Noogie respectively. As well as the damage on the 1st hit of the Knee Bash and Headbutt. Also would be nice if someone can capture Hawk’s active throwing frames on his new Typhoon whiff.
Some of the attacks in Remix were changed from their Classic versions, sped up or slowed down, and as a result, the frame data was changed. I created a rough list of changes that (probably) had their frame data changed. This list is based on David Sirlin’s balance articles.
Some articles have the exact frame data changes (eg. Ryu’s Fake Hadoken, Zangief’s Banishing Fist), while others do not (Cammy’s Cannon Drill recovery, Sagat’s Tiger Shot recovery). In the Sagat thread, somebody posted the new recovery on his Shots (13/41, 13/42, 13/43), but there is no evidence or link to prove this. I tried searching for this evidence, but couldn’t find anything.
Other changes, such as added invincibility or fireball-killing properties, do not necessarily indicate any frame data changes. Example: Devil’s Reverse can escape fireballs now, but is probably the same speed and duration as its Classic counterpart.
The original frame data, captured by people like the creators of the Yoga Book Hyper and Akiba, uses empirical means to capture the frame data. This means that you have to visually count the frames, as the game is progressing. This is most easily done on Speed 0, which does not drop frames and is one of the features in HDR. Same for damage and throw ranges. You have to physically count the pixels that indicate damage and range.
Hitstun And Blockstun Frame Data
The blockstun data for Super Attacks needs to be captured. Also Overheads, Command Normals, Jumping Special Attacks on a crouching opponent (eg Air Tatsu, Air Hadoken, Air SBK, Hawk’s Dive) and Special Attacks that have to be blocked high (eg Fei’s Flying Kicks, Dictator’s Head Stomp, Honda’s Sumo Splash). If someone can translate pages 173-177 of the Yoga Book Hyper (courtesy of Geo), that would also confirm all the current stun data. Also needs to be confirmed if the 1st light normal attack of a combo increases hitstun/blockstun or if the hitting/recovery frames are shortened or if the initial attack causes less hitstop for the attacker than the opponent.
If anybody has the knowledge and resources to perform these tasks, I urge you to do it, as it will not only be a benefit to all Remix players, but will also strengthen the community as a whole.
Examples of community contributions:
SF2 Frame Data captured by Akiba, translation by NKI, hosting by BlazeD of
SF2 Misc Data (throw ranges, damage and more) captured by Akiba, translation by NKI, hosting by BlazeD of
ST Hitbox Pics by Akiba (Google translation, English links don’t work though)
Sirlin’s Tutorial Videos: [media=youtube]d0cFs5mHQC4"]Beginner, Intermediate, by David Sirlin
[URL=“”] (balance articles, forums, strategy, etc) by David Sirlin
[media=youtube]6i1TPQQ_AVA"[/media] by NKI
[media=youtube]yY3Yx9mT6Ks"[/media] by NKI
Yoga Book Hyper translation pic by NKI (blog, YBH scans) by Geo
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix: Combo FAQ by FreshOJ (informative articles on various SF2 game mechanics and fighting game terminology) by Majestros matchup videos of top Japanese players) by zaspacer, art and layout by Kuroppi
World Warriors League SRK Thread (online XBL only league and tournaments) created and directed by Silver Rain 007
World Warriors League Euro SRK Thread also created and directed by Silver Rain 007
World Warriors League (website with videos linked to youtube) created and directed by Silver Rain 007
World Warriors League youtube channel some videos captured and uploaded by alex6x6x6 and Thelo among others
SSF2THDR Weekly Tournaments (XBL only) by GeneiJin87 (online PC fighting games) by Tom Cannon and Tony Cannon (Inkblot and Ponder) (online PC fighting games) by damdai
EVO (annual national fighting game tournament) by SRK staff including Tom Cannon and Tony Cannon (Inkblot and Ponder), Mr.Wizard, s-kill, jchensor and others
SRK tournaments & events forums (mostly offline USA only tourneys), strategy, surveys, etc) by various people including nohoho and fatboy (blog) by Snatcher (blog) by Zass (forums, matchup diagrams, strategy, etc) (shared videos, tournaments, forums, etc) (online leaderboards, W/L records, etc) (news, forums, capcom feedback, etc) (SF news, forums, strategy, etc)
HDR No Honor Crew Facebook group
Some of this info may be wrong such as SRK staff that organize EVO. Please feel free to send me a PM so I can correct it.
My apologies to anybody who’s work/blog/site I’ve missed. This list is not intended to be comprehensive.