Watchmen movie - Tales of the Black Freighter animated trailer released

Well, technically, we were born under the Aquarius sign. All this astrology nonsense was written up about 2000 years ago, and the assignment of signs to birthdays assumes that you were born in that time. Due to the precession of Earth’s axis, the position of the astrological constellations relative to the time of year has been slowly shifting westward since then.

I’m the guy at parties that people decide they don’t want to talk to anymore after about 10 seconds of conversation.

zephy, it’s just watchmen

i wasnt really gonna watch this movie, but the trailers look great. now im stoked
some friends are also hype but they never read the comic and some of the stuff from the trailers ( such as mentioning them as superheroes) might be misleading to them, but i guess the reactions are gonna be better.

sorry if this was asked but is it true the ending is gonna change?

Yeah no squid monster in the live action movie. :crybaby:

im gonna start booing during that moment :clap::clap::clap:

i read on imdb of all the nudity/violence in the movie and i have to say…goddamn this has to be the craziest superhero movie ever made.


Yeah, I was going to pass on this movie too and just wait for a dvd release. But the trailer makes me really want to go and buy a ticket. It looks to be one of the better comic films just judging off of the trailer.

noontide, you play at the MUGA? I was there from 2001-2005.

Just because this thread wasn’t quite blasphemous enough…

Who’s gonna buy the game on Wednesday?! I’m at least gonna play the demo.

it’s just watchmen

…I think I’m just going to go to sleep for the duration of Watchmen’s theatrical run.

Me, too.

Not in the same bed, of course.

But it’s got co-op play and next gen lighting and gritty textures and Rorschach beating thugs to death with a baseball bat! That’s what it’s all about, right? I mean, what are intellectual concepts and allegorical storytelling anyway? All it needs is a cover system and quick-time events and it’d be the best thing ever!

Does anybody know when Alan Moore will be doing convention appearances in my town? I was wondering if he’d sign a copy of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen DVD for me.

There is gonna be a Comic Book Forum at MSU this month. I dunno if Alan Moore will be there though.


Richard Dawkins was speaking in town today, but I didn’t find out until the event had already sold out. I was pissed.

I know that has nothing to do with Watchmen, but as long as I’m complaining…

:rofl: thats fucked up man.

That wasn’t funny.

If I get Zack Snyder to sign my leather Watchmen already signed by Moore, Gibbons and Neil Gaiman, do you think it’ll burst into flames?

edit: And having just seen the film, I can confirm that you get your fill of blue wang.

Alan Moore’s signature might reach over and smack Zack Snyder’s signature in the mouth.

On the subject, I wrote one last piece about the Watchmen film. I dispensed with most of my usual arguments and went mainly with the purist angle on this one.