Watchmen movie - Tales of the Black Freighter animated trailer released

Has anybody seen the deal they have at Best Buy this week?

If you buy a 360 or a XBOX Live product you get two free movie tickets to see Watchmen, but here is the good part!

You can buy a 1 Month $7.99 XBOX Live card and get the Two Free Movie tickets :bgrin:

Well Isaw the movie…


THey got a lot of stuff right, and a lot of stuff completely wrong.

I’m predicting that people who haven’t seen the movie will be totally confused by the ending because they didn’t explain it at all.

“Oh hey, all this craps been happening, but um we just hacked this computer and it’s OZZY! HE DID IT!”

Crowd of movie goers - “Wait, what, what’s going on now?”

Like I can understand some of the changes done for the screen like shortening the Rorschach in jail part, that worked really well. And the costume stuff, that doesn’t bother me at all either.

But the way they handled the ending was laughable. It was barely explained, and a lot of the movie just felt like clips of the book that weren’t meshed well together.

Rorschach was great and so was the comedian. The scene when Nite Owl and Silk 2 had super strength and killed everyone was funny.

I was disappointed at how much action they threw in, even though it’s a hollywood movie. Like the end with Ozzy eating, that was all taken out for a long stupid fight with him talking.

Same with the prison break, no owl screechers, which was a weird thing to take out.

I was right to not want to see the movie, but I was pleased with the large amount of things they really nailed. Snyder just couldn’t bring it together.

The Comedian was the shit.

The ending part also made no sense because they didn’t reference the new frontiersmen the whole fucking movie.


I agree. The ending was the worst part of the movie. Having Night Owl II go off on Ozy at the end was just =/. jon was too emotional as well ugh

I did cave in and go see it with some friends lol! Yeah everyone won that bet. :rofl:

I kind of agree with the above statements. I don’t think it’s a bad film, it just doesn’t add anything to the experience of reading Watchmen and what it does add, the new ending, well… IMHO the ending in the book is more clearly defined and makes more sense.

Some parts are… too faithful? I know that sounds like a stupid complaint but they really just took the GN for a lot of scenes and used them for direct storyboards for the film. At no point do you get the sense of the director adding something, shining a particular light on one thing or another, nothing. And the few times something is added - ending aside - you just come off saying, “Yeah, so?” The movie just seemed to lack any kind of soul. Snyder’s a great ‘mimic’ but not a great film maker. It would of been better if he just went on copying straight on to the ending for me.

All that said I wish Hollywood video game and anime films had even an ounce of that faithfulness. But it took comic books a really long time to go from Captain America riding a cheesy motorcycle on TV to The Dark Knight. Methinks video game and anime movies have a longer way to go. Prepare for Dragon Ball in a few months… :wasted:

Rating, I guess three Squid monsters out of five? Yeah I know Squidly wasn’t in the flick but why can’t I use him as a stupid ass rating thingy? :rofl: If you’ve read the book, there isn’t much reason for you to see the film unless you want to see parts of it on the big screen and even then you are probably better off going crazy with a copy machine and enlarging panels. :clown: If you’ve never read the book, like what are you doing reading this post in the Comic Book Forum? Go read it NOW! Though seriously, if you are not going to read the book ever and just going to watch the movie - commit suicide - and if you fail, go see Watchmen! Then contemplate suicide again… J/K… maybe. :badboy:

Comics and video games both pose major obstacles to adaptation into other media, particularly film. With comics, the biggest difficulty is that the stories are told through space rather than time, and many comics (such as Watchmen) specifically exploit this quality. With video games, it’s much worse, because the defining feature is their interactivity, to the point where there is no such thing as a completely non-interactive video game.

When the most important features are the ones that will get lost in the translation, you might start rethinking your choice of projects.

Yeah that was awful. They were doing so well up until the last like 30 minutes of the movie.

Everything with the comedian was very well done, and I enjoyed how the flashbacks were handled. All of Rorschach’s parts were good as well, given the alotted time they had.

I’d give it pretty much the same rating as Sano, but out of ten, so it’d be like a 7.

does inky kill big figure? Please say yes.

Yes, the Rorschach in prison scenes were totally nailed. Although I wasn’t a fan of having the psych guy there during the riot and having Rorschach get his costume back from him.

Nite Owl is supposed to hand it to him, HOW COULD THEY MESS THAT UP. AHHHHH AWFUL MOVIE!!!

Issues 1 and 2 translated amazingly to the screen.

Yes, that was pretty annoying. I laughed when I saw who they casted for Big Figure tho. :D.