Watchmen movie - Tales of the Black Freighter animated trailer released

A pretty funny rant on the whole fox lawsuit on the Watchmen

I’ve been a comic geek for 20 years now. I never even HEARD of “Watchmen” until the movie surfaced.

I was in my local comic shop a couple weeks ago, and my brother sees the re-release of issue #1…for a buck fiddy. Well crap, I’ll read just about ANY stupid ol’ comic for a dollar and change, so why not.

Turns out that “Watchmen” is indeed one of the coolest, most sophisticated comics I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. The TPB is on my list now, because I don’t think the entire run is going to be re-released (though it should be). I’d love to have all the original separate issues.

I think the trailers look fantastic, the music even sounded great, and I actually think that it’s all in very capable hands with Snyder. I was very impressed with his work on “300”. I mean c’mon, if having panel-exact scenes from the comic in the movie isn’t paying due reverence to the source material, then I don’t what is. And it’s already apparent from the trailers that there will be just that–scenes lifted directly from the pages.

I’m pyched about it. March can’t get here soon enough.

Now to find a bloody smiley face pin…

this sentence is an oxymoron btw fyi


All the really cool Watchmen fans forgo the merch.

Exclusive Watchmen Images @ Total Film

Watchmen Producers talks development, and lawsuit

Good letter. Pretty dead on.

I know I know…I’ve been derided elsewhere for it as well.

Thing is, I’ve always been exceptionally picky about the comics I pick up. I usually just stuck with a few select titles that I was interested in (“X-Men”, “G.I.Joe”, “Batman”), out of desire as well as not having much money. And through the '80s and '90s I didn’t have an actual comic store to go to, so all I had available was the most mainstream of titles. Couple that with the fact that I never really got into much of what DC was putting out, and you’ve got a formula for ignorance.

Advance 15 or so years. My tastes have matured, as well as my willingness to try out new titles (having one’s own cash flow makes a world of difference). Now you’ve got a formula that leads to the discovery of such phenomenal works as “Black Summer”, “Gravel”…and yes, “Watchmen”.

Legal stuff is settled kinda and this movie is coming out on March 6.

New Site update! Includes score and new dialogue!

Some Photos from the ‘‘Watchmen Portraits’’ Book

‘‘Unseen Watchmen Images’’ @ TotalFIlm

Edit: More photos

Trailer for the Black Freighter.

i told zephy to stop being an elitist comic book nerd and go watch this movie. at least give it a try at the panel at wondercon.

It’s against my principles to watch the movie. I’m not even going to sneak into the theater or obtain it illegally. Just watching it goes against everything I believe in.

It comes out the same week as my birthday, one day after. So that Friday I will be getting drunk somewhere when it comes out. :looney:

I’ll wait to hear what everyone else thinks before I decide to go see it. I have zero point zero faith in Snyder after 300. Oh well, the Wonder Woman animated movie comes out the same week. Already seen it at the NY Comic Con and I know that’s good. Picking that up most def. :smile:

Me too. One day after birthday. I plan to see the movie in imax :wgrin: cant wait actually.

You were born on March 5th too? Hey small world. :smile:

Let me know how the movie turns out.

So when this movie comes out they’ll toss The Dark Knight out of Imax? Because my older brother wants to see it in the theater with me (I’ve seen it in Imax twice, last time was 2 weekends ago with another friend) but either he’s busy or I’m busy. He’s in San Francisco now working, maybe if he gets back in time.

I was born on March 9th. Does that mean I can bask in the nearby radiation of March 5th?

It’s all Pisces right? :smile:

9 movie clips from ‘‘WATCHMEN’’