Wallcade saturday gatherings. were BACK ON 8/14

also I like this idea well start the first day I get super and keep everything in my lappy. If people like it we will stick with it but I think everyones laziness will set in.

I definitely do not recommend going to Anime Boston if you’re just going to go for the SFIV tournament. If you’re not an anime fan then just don’t go at all, lol. But to other people like me, it’s almost like heaven. Although I barely watched any anime at all last year besides the hentai. I was in the game room the entire weekend, participating in random ass fighting game tournaments. I still had a lot of fun.

I like this. I’ll tell my friends about it so we can start coming more often…to win. :razz:

The “Woonsocket Crew” and I aren’t coming today because we’re actually trying to save up for Anime Boston. After Anime Boston, we’ll probably start coming down more often. I do want to get up on this ranking system myself.

Good games every one. That rog made me look bad on TV. :frowning:

was fun last night… heres the fight we was lookin for last night watch it before it gets taken down. Link down.

thx to everyone that came most importantly the new players hopefully you guys are here next saturday and around for super also and with wallcade around the corner these sessions are great practice.

ggs to everyone i played. BIG shout outs to mama wall for her pasta and meatballs. first special i wasn’t allergic to (no milk or cheese). was VERY godlike. have her make it again!

I forgot all about these region threads until someone reminded me at PAX yesterday. Wall you still doing this? If you are then you just found another player.

Also is your SF4 setups on 360 or PS?

Street Ryder, most of the setups are ps3, but whenever I show up i’ll be bringing my xbox setup… so if you want to bring your stick go for it I guess.

I dont mind the version but i dont have a PS3 stick, and im also willing to bring my box if it will help Wall and the scene. Unless you guys just pass around the PS3 sticks.

Forgot to add that ill be posting some SSFIV matches from PaX East on my channel tommarow. Shaky cam though (I was trying to keep track of the list while the Empire guys were playing SSFIV)

Yo, how many people are gonna be going to AB?

Just curious

I like it!

anyone know where to get a good dual mod for the TEs? I want to get my PS3 to do PS2/PSX as well. I don’t need a 360 mod for it, cuz i already have a 360 stick, but i’d like to be able to play CvS2 and other older games on ps2 with my TE. Anyone with any info, it’d be greatly appreciated!

yo will this idea about the dan thing sounds familiar, didnt someone tell you this idea a month ago o.O

yo street did i meet you at pax? i was the dhalsim player at the tourny

also im going to AB with my company

Yea Lucky im the big guy Matt that made top 20 with you on saturday. I was in red takin videos of the SSFIV station Seb wasnt recording. I got some videos of you owning with Dalsim that are going out on my youtube page. I didnt give out my gamertag at PAX so you wouldnt have known. But its cool were from the relitivly same area.

It seems Ewic is actually gonna create a program to keep track of our rankings so shout outs to him this means every match will count. The first few hours we can do with no rankings then id say around 8 or 9 we start till 1am.

to be honest smooth brought it up to me a while back about 3S, and when you told me about it again I said “ima bring it up with wall and smooth it sounds fun”

but ya ask em i brought your name up when i brought it up again

and this idea def sounds fun

haha im playin im not actually mad, it sounds like a sick idea. wed probably use it an toms too

wall i dont want to say anything official but it did seem like you could crumple off focus just slightly faster
just a lil though

no not that i heard the crumple is different for lvl 2 and lvl 3