W.H.O. Calls For Decriminalization Of All Drugs

Man, while I was on DMT, I saw this female higher dimensional being that gave me some of her universal knowledge. Who wants to know what she told me?

I should have asked her out on a date, but that would be like her dating a chimp.

“This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others”
-Harry J. Anslinger

Lol thats the guy who was the Commissioner of Federal Narcotics in the 30’s its not space shit people actually believed that crap.

Tho I will say im kind of conflicted if think all drugs should be legal or all but hard (mostly coke n heroine).

Cops will have to start solving other crimes. They’ll look mighty sad when there are no drug crimes for them to arrest people for, and they’re unable to solve the simplest of B&E’s. I’ve had my house robbed twice, by people that were housemates, and the only other key holders, and they would move out, and steal everything, yet the cops were unable to help either time. Fuck the police, they’re lazy, useless, and obsolete. Like the CIA when suddenly there were no russian spies to hunt down, it’s time for them to evolve into something more useful.

And as for drug related jobs, fuck them. Bitch who is clipping weed plants for a dealer in exchange for some buds to smoke/sell, can go get a job clipping plants in a legit factory, or get a job.

I hated when one of my next door neighbours was a pot dealer, and I got to watch him easily afford post secondary school with his drug funds, and party all the time with the money he made, while I was busting my ass off working three jobs JUST TO FUCKING PAY MY BILLS, unable to afford college at that time. Fuck those people. They’re why weed is still more expensive pound for pound than gold in some places. They’re why it’s still illegal. They can go get real jobs.

drug moneyyzzz is da’ bess’ moneyyzzz to have ans spend

The drug dealer cycle is kinda funny when you think about it. Dealer crops out. Dealer gets lots of money. Everybody who knows or is near dealer suddenly gets more money. Dealer eventually gets caught. New dealer shows up and starts a grow up.

Rinse, repeat, ad nauseam

I think one of my neighbors is a dealer since they don’t have an address posted anywhere.

Interesting how they’re calling for such a measure. I thought it was fringe at best to assert the notion that people are free to do as they choose as long as they aren’t directly harming/coercing others. If you want to do drugs it’s your fucking prerogative, nobody or any institution has the right to infringe on your freedoms

Can you argue that drugs are bad/stupid? Fine, assert that it’s wrong to do drugs, you’re entitled to that opinion and I even agree with you since I don’t even touch weed

What the real argument is about boils down to whether or not you have the right to take away someone’s freedoms or point a gun to their head for exercising their right to do x

tl;dr ideally people should be free to take whatever they choose with obvious laws in place (no driving under the influence, selling drugs to kids ect), jailing someone just for having a gram of coke has and always will be a form of force/tyranny

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.

this is a no brainer

only a fool or someone in power would support criminalization. someone in power wants it to be illegal because it gives the government power to become a police state. look at the horrible power abuses of the DEA, breaking into people’s homes and flash banging babies. the prisons want it to be illegal because they are privatized and they want cheap slave labor

Poor man, if he only knew that fat white women are the ones banging negroes, then he would’ve banned mcdonalds and we’d have a healthier society.

hit em wit dat nail through the helmet vid i know you got that shit on tap bruh

You are Dr. B for today. Entirely yes homo.

Well it definitely can’t be STDs.

Just ask Magic Johnson. :coffee:

Drugs will never be legal in the US, at least not until all the people who had to sit through all the Just Say No propaganda are dead and gone. Even if someone in Congress wrote a bill, the alcohol and tobacco companies would fight like hell to make sure it didn’t get passed.

But let’s say they did legalize everything. It’s not like everyone out there is going to suddenly start shooting smack. And if anything, it might make for a more educated populace about these drugs because they wouldn’t be taboo. “Reefer Madness” is funny now, but people thought that shit was serious back in the day. It’s the same reason why kids who go to backwards schools with abstinence-only sex ed programs who don’t learn the facts about sex in some way are generally your future teenage mothers/fathers in a lot of cases.

On a more personal note, I have a buddy who’s serving 20 years in prison because some chick came over to his house to shoot up, and unbeknownst to him, had done a bunch of other shit before she got there. She starts OD’ing on his couch and rather than call an ambulance because he’s scared of getting in trouble, he calls his dealer to bring some coke over to shoot her up with and hopefully wake her up (yay speedballs.) He didn’t know that in the event of an OD, you can call 911 and not get in trouble because of the doctor/patient confidentiality bit, but because stuff like that is taboo to discuss, she’s dead and he’s in prison. He wound up calling an ambulance but by then it was too late (and the ambulance wound up going to the wrong house!)

tl:dr People don’t want to get help because they’re afraid of getting in trouble, and as much as I’m in favor of population control, this isn’t the way to do it. Making it illegal and taboo just makes the problem worse because everyone’s afraid to get the facts.

We don’t arrest people for unprotected sex, regardless of how dangerous and bad for society that is (unless they are keeping an STD a secret).

We don’t arrest people for cutting themselves or piercing or tattooing themselves.

We don’t arrest people for saying racism or fucktarded stuff (ie - West Baptist Church).

We don’t arrest people for smoking cigarettes, even around other people (although laws are slowly changing with respect to this, but there are still limits)

We arrest people for smoking a plant that’s been smoked for almost 5,000 years…

also, I really wanted to post this picture:


Some of you guys are confusing decriminalization with legalization. The recommendation wasn’t to make drugs legal, it’s to change the way drug addicts are handled by the law. So instead of throwing addicts in jail they’re recommending we treat addicts as people with an illness. Which is the right thing to do.

But the US Government will never go for it.

thx buddy! i’m gonna shoot up some heroin to celebrate

(Dear NSA just kidding don’t taze me)

I bet the NSA is actually monitoring this thread. They keep track of every happening on the internet.

That’s a shitty and tired joke that is completely untrue(that is NOT how IT stuff works), and I’m fine with called petty for this.
Some bullshit.

I am abhorrently against legalizing all recreational drugs if it’s on a take-home basis. The only way I’d ever want to see them legal is if they are 1. extremely, but EXTREMELY regulated, and 2. only usable in “drug houses” where immediate and appropriate medical assistance is available for the users of extreme drugs.

it seems unlikely that we’ll ever get to the point where 7-11 is selling dimebags for recreational use, but considering how people do drugs how and when they please now, its seems unlikely drug addicts wouldn’t continue that behavior in your hypothetical, but I do think houses with dedicated staff trained to deal with drug addiction is a good idea. I think they already have this kind of thing in Ireland or the UK, although its specifically geared towards alcoholics.