W.H.O. Calls For Decriminalization Of All Drugs

They are private clinics just like in the US, although drug addicts should just be sent to prison or something very similar, ie locked in a room for 23hrs a day and told to just sweat that shit out.

With a relaxing of drug laws, there needs to be a realisation that just because its legal, doesnt make its side effects any less adverse or we should let public sympathy let these assholes think they are entitled to the same kinda clinics Charlie Sheen attends on the reg.

Am defo liberal when its comes to access to drugs, but far right conservative when it comes to dealing with the fuckers that cant handle/abuse that shit.

You people know that

Alcohol is legal, but there are strict regulations regarding it’s use and abuse.

10k min fine for DUI, any crime committed while intoxicated is compounded by the fact that you’re under the influence. What makes you think that the same laws wouldn’t be in place. Some of you nigga’s

Not possible to do hard drugs without harming those around u.

That’s not true. I’ve done hard drugs and it’s never had any effect on anyone around me. I think hard drugs are like alcohol, coffee, etc. Most people have it within them to be able to do them and not get strung out, but you only ever hear stories about people getting strung out, fucked up, and ruining their lives, so of course you’d be inclined to think that’s the only way it shakes out.

The same laws for alcohol wouldn’t work for other substances, like at all. Punishment for using certain drugs irresponsibly isn’t enough. There is also the question of accessibility. If a 12 yr old could get his older Cousin Joe to run down to the gas station and grab a bag of crack, then the laws wouldn’t be working.

did a few lines of coke a grand total of three times in my life iirc back in the day. no one was harmed. found it was overrated as a drug. so nope, you’re sensationalizing things because you’re a tool of the police state/prison complex and a part of the problem. enjoy having billions of taxpayer money wasted making the country worse.

The fact that drugs are illegal are why drug gangs and cartels and shit have power in the first place.

You make that shit legal and regulated? Gangs can stay free because they don’t have power anymore.

when California voted for marijuana legislation, all the dealers and police fucktards voted against it. Because they both profited directly from it being illegal.

:rofl: Man, that joint comes straight out of a comic book.


Personally, them white wimmenz looked like they were happy enough.


Withdrawal symptoms are deadly
I pity those that are addicted. I do not wish them harm.

not possible to drink alcohol without damaging others around you neither, yet we allow it.

punishment is what we already do and its not working. if you have a bolt thats 10 mm in diameter, but your only solution to that is a 11 mm ratchet. its not gonna work no matter how hard you try.

my 13 year old brother can buy meth by asking Joe schmo for some. your argument ignores current issues, and assumes the law means shit to peopme who do things illegally.

its cheaper for the taxpayer to reform and regulate drugs and regulate users. not throw them in jail where each year costs more than 70k.