Virtua Fighter Strategy Thread

ehh. yeah I agree that is the way to go now. after playin this game and learning most of the mechanics, frame data, mixups with my character, etc, The IGNguide isnt the worst but it definately needs improvement. its a hell of a lot btter then the srk wiki section…

theres very good Kage players on the EVO2007 DVD disc 2. Veryhigh level play between Kage, akira, Shun, and Pais (Top tier characters btw) are all on there

and these youtube channels are good Kages. The thing I like about VF5 is that the community bases their youtube channels off of the characters they main.

^ those are some good Kages.

Hope I helped. pce

Other than visiting VFDC, I recommend checking out these blogs:

Well, you guys, I’m back in the Virtua Fighter saddle. I’m going to be getting the game pretty soon, and playing it as much as I can.
I’d appreciate some strats for someone who’s been playing the game casually since VF1, and wants to get serious with Pai.

I started playing VF5 last week.
I’ve played VF2 and VF3 a bit seriously, but I skipped on VF4.

They weakened Jacky a bit.
How do I get good with him again? Anything abusable this time around?
What good low attacks does he have, because he doesn’t have his low spinning sweep anymore.

Vanessa seems solid and good.
How do I play her effectively? I’m currently playing her like Jacky, so I’m sure I’m playing her wrong.


you can just type vf5 or vf5r in youtube and set it to search by date and you’ll see alot of current match videos from japan. Alot of jacky players out that way

1P, K is a pretty good low for Jacky. Beat Knuckle isn’t really too abusable since both followups are high and it’s punishable on block. 46K+G is a nice full spinning mid that’s fast. Whole lot more stuff; just go to VFDC.

Same for Vanessa. VFDC. :razz:

Her 66K and 3K are both super good, though.

nice match video

wcg japan & asia finals for vf5

Vanessa isn’t as easy to use as Jacky she has 2 full stances to master and she stays in that stance even if she is knocked down. Learning to master and switch from one stance to another is the key to really using her effectively. Here are some notes you should take into account.

She has 2 stances defensive and offensive. in her defensive stance she automatically catches any high or mid punch by simply standing still and can reverse high or mid attacks. She can negate the use of most attacks as well without reversing them known as the sabakai and most attacks high, low and mid can be negated with this method while she is in this stance. it isn’t her best offensive stance but some good attacks or combos to use are 6PKK; 6P; 3K (This can be charged as well); PPPK; PPK; 66K; P,3P (counter hit); 66PP; 3P+K (guaranteed combo starter); 4P: 1P (stops most punches low, mid, or high); 1K+G or 6K+G (good combo starters); 46KP (stops most attacks high or mid easily)

Her offensive stance is her best stance when it comes to attacking and punishing whiffed attacks and they seem to attack faster than her defensive stance. She doesn’t have any real horizontals in this stance however. some good attacks and combo are 6PKK; 2KPP; 6KKPP; 3P (counter hit); 3KPK; 66KP; 66P; 4P; K,P (counter hit); P,3P (counter hit); PPPK; 9K; HCF P (it can be charged as well); 1K+G or 6K+G (good combo starters)

So I finally found a copy of VF4 Evo and seem interested in learning Wolf, could someone provide strats and combos to use him?
Also who are the banned characters in VF4Evo?
BTW this is my first time playing a VF game since VF3 waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when there was an arcade in my country :stuck_out_tongue:

VF4 evo actually shows you high level combos and juggles you can use and all the defensive techniques you need to play the game, this is why so many people with VF5 had a dojo like the the one in VF4 evo. The quality of online play would actually improve dramatically. Many of the combos you see in VF4 evo also translates you VF5 as well if you ever get the game that it. It was an investment well worth its value many times over.

Only banned char is Dural, but I dunno if you’d be able to find peeps still playing. Think there should be archived strats on in a separate forum.

^ Prove it at NEC. :nunchuck:

This year we not letting random take the crown due to weather

So anything I can do in VF4 is possible in VF5.
Well could someone post some Wolf matches to see how I should play him properly.

^Have you checked the replays located on the disk itself? They have top players facing off on each other.

if anyone wants toplay me on XBL i have a 360 now. my gamer tag is hauntsxl.

Great thread man, keep it up. Subscribed!

No not really, it depends on what character you use, alot of stuff does work from evo but alot of stuff changed

so is this game worth playing online?