Virtua Fighter Strategy Thread

Are the characters in each installment of Virtua Fighter fairly balanced? I’ve loved VF since the very first game, but, since there aren’t many VF fans around here, I haven’t been able to play against human players since the days of VF2 (and I was just a kid when VF2 came out), so I don’t know much about character potential or who each character has dis/advantages against.

I’ve more or less used Sarah exclusively since the first game, so I’m pretty interested in learning about where she ranks in particular. I started using Lei-Fei in VF4:Evo earlier this year too, because I liked his traditonal monk design, so I guess he’s the closest I have to a secondary.

There is a tier list for VF5, but the difference between the teirs is so minimal that it doesn’t even matter. A huge, recent tourny in japan had a lion vs lion finale and Lion isone of the lowest characters in the game. Any character you pick and get really good at, is going to have a chance at winning regardless of the match-up.

hey guys, dunno if any of you play 3S, but is there a VF youtube or video provider equivalent to 3S’s TheShend? that guy is like the ultimate 3S video resource and all those videos have helped me so much in 3S. if there’s any 3D game i wanna get into it’s VF.

Look up VF5Akira and Ogikage if you want vids. :slight_smile:

Many top japanese players actually have their own youtube channels, chek them out. :slight_smile:

alright thanks

I stickied this because I am a big vf5 dork, you can catch me online gt: evoadvan


heres some combos forwolf

9p+k 63214pp

6p+g 3p+g 4p 2p 26p(there is an alternate version you can do on big characters but my notebook is at home)

46p+k p 63214pp

63214p+g into the wall then 9p+k p then 9p+k

33p+k 4k+g k (vs some characters you are going to have to dash after the 33p+k)

for most of the light characters you can do 2 p’s after 46 pk and then do his screw hook.


you run the risk that because the angle you hit them at both hits of the screw lariat wont hit

I play 3D way more than 2D but the concepts are similar when it comes to the approach.

1st understand your character(background, martial art forms, playstyle)

2nd know all of your characters moves- in Tekken & VF you will need this too increases your mix up game in critical positions

3rd (I just learned to respect this) knowing your moves frame data can change the way you waste movements.

4th most important character match-ups(what effects who)

5th What hurts(guarantteed damage, untechs, strings,etc)

6th total domination

Big difference between tekken and VF is button config and input

VF needs you to be a calm steady hand with reguards to controller input to get those tight seqeunces “impossbles” as I like to call them. They require a timimg only the rolling death cradle(King) and pauls ultimate tackle need for perfect input.

Tekken uses buffering and fast input a little more(imo) than VF but there is not but a hand full of move that would not take you a day to perfect.

VF is the better of the to though due to skill need to play and variety in movelist.
graphics are about 1 for 1 in most cases

VF more exact (VF5 changed this)
Tekken more fluent

Wolf is beating my lei fei up. I don’t know how to fight him or jeffrey.

am i gonna see any of you guys at WcG?

I’m a new player and I’m interested in playing Goh. So how do you use him?

hope that helps. My Eileen has improved from this guide too. Im new also so I cant really give you any personal advice.

Hey yall I am a pretty new player and wanted to know if there any vids of reallly good kage players, I mean like some total beasts with him so i can learn . Maybe a channel or outside wed blog or something. hey if anyone even want to be my sparring partner that would be cool. just hit me online or here.

that ign guide isn’t that great, it doesn’t give good information about the moves it mentions and the combos aren’t guaranteed.

go to

anyways about kage videos, check out this youtube channel

also search for the name Koedo.

That’s putting it lightly, wow. I expected an IGN guide to be basic but at least accurate, they basically tell you to do really shitty/unsafe moves and even have inaccurate information altogether.

You know how you spell ignorant?
walks away

youre gay as hell
walks away