Virtua Fighter Strategy Thread

It was more general advice, of course, TEG, fuzzy, and ETEG can kill Jeff but that’s something that people need to eventually learn and practice period to stop any character.

Wolf’s low punch counter is great but nobody really is going to come out using it unless they read you really good. That’s why abare attacking with jab/low jab is crucial versus Wolf sometimes (not ALL the time). If he gets you to the point where you fuzzy/ETEG alot he can then start landing 70 dmg crouch throws or use his 3 different directions for 70 dmg or delay short shoulder. Abare is always risky but vs. Wolf it’s worth it.

1 successful unlikely 60 dmg counter vs. half life throw, three 70 dmg throws, two 70 dmg crouch throws, short shoulder or knee to 70+ dmg.

And yeah, I forgot about the Aoi sweep, then again I don’t get to play vs. Aoi regularly.

Thanks for the feedback guys. Much appreciated. I haven’t posted on VFDC cuz I feel like I haven’t gotten a good enough of a grasp on the game to warrant indepth discussion. I might have to learning Vanessa on hold for a while till I get better with the game mechanics.

I really needed the feedback on taking Wolf cuz I had no idea how to fight this guy so I kept trying to use mid/long range pokes which backfired:sweat:

I don’t have class until 2pm so this morning time for that training session! I just gor KOF Reg.A too… After playing VF, KOF Reg.A (to me) is like childs play.

True that you don’t see low punch cut (or RAW, for that matter) used that often. I just felt that it needed needed mentioning since it’s a way kill low punches and one guy I play against goes for it alot…That and the last time I played Shang.:mad::crybaby::rofl:

I use and fight Aoi a good amount of the time.

I’ve had pretty decent success against Brisal’s Wolf with my abare Eileen. :slight_smile: High pressure Zenkuuhon mix ups and abundant catch throw usage. Then again, I abare against everyone so…

Brian tends to do very badly against abare, which is how I beat him dustin. :wgrin:

However abare can be very… umm… dangerous vs. people with pretty good defense like LA Akira and PheonixDTH :slight_smile:

Hey guys the VFDC wiki is flying! VF2,3, and 4 sections have been added giving people and opportunity to back track and enjoy classic VF.

In addition numerous updates have been made to many characters, the wiki is still far from being finished but don’t hesistate to check it out.

Arcadia 90 Kage added
Arcadia 89 Jeffery, Vannesa, Wolf, Akira, and Lei Fei
Black Book Combos complete for Akira, Kage, Eileen, Goh, and Brad

Many other combo pages have been started/completeled seperate of the black book.

Many strategy pages have also been started and are in progress with contributions from Black Book and Arcadia Magazine.

VF4 section has gone through some major updates by admin. Myke.

VF2 section has had some good updates too

So this month VF 5 hits the 360 and i was wondering. Would VF4 evo give me the feeling of VF5? (aoi specific) I haven’t played VF since 3 so you can say im out of touch with the gameplay.

In short, yes EVO will help you so long as you are not using EVO specific tactics (like say Jacky fPP spam and 3PPP, random beat knuckles) understand that fuzzy guarding is more useful in VF5 than ETEG.

If you only have VF3 you definately want to hit some VF4 is possible to catch up on the changes.

I’ve been reading everything I can on VF5 and I have to say thanks for the people on this thread and all the great work at VFDC. My last Vf game I played a lot was VF2 on Saturn, I played with Lion. I breifly toyed around with VF3tb on Dreamcast, but the first Soul Calibur took all of my time. and all the various fighter’s on PS2 left me little time to actualy try VF4, or EVO, plus no one played it, so I stuck with games where I could find comp.

So how is Lion in VF5? I understand he is still a good poking and low attack machine, yet with low damage potential, but can he be pretty effective if used right.

However, in DOA, I use Zack, and in Tekken, I use Steve. So it looks like Brad has a style that I would enjoy.

But which would be best for me to start off on? And is there any tips or tricks any Lion or Brad players can give a guy just starting out?

Unfortunately I am not a Brad or Lion player so I can’t give you any good P2P advice but I know where all the resources are. :slight_smile:

I highly suggest you learn VF5’s system at first as you will become a better player overall knowing the system.

Chibitox (france) has done most of the Wiki work on Lion especially his combos. In addition a lot of contributions have been made by Chanchai (portland), TexasLion (colorado), and Plasma (UK?).
Lion Strategy
Lion changes from VF4 to VF5
Lion Combos

Brad is probably one of the most popular characters in North America, this is probably due to him being the #1 character of choice by most Tekken players lol. His work has been compiled by Myke (Austrailia), Adio (UK), Ohsu Akira (Japan), and many others. The two top placing American players at EVO2k7 finals this year all played Brad (Renzokuken (NorCal) and SH (Chicago)).

Brad Black Book Strategy
Arcadia 77 article
Black Book Combos

Thanks for those links. I’ll have to wait until I get home to look at them, since my work has VFDC blocked, but not this site…yet. I’ll keep looking for any indepth VF5 sites that I can view at work and waste more of the tax payers money.

Akira Combo Help

Sup Everyone,

I’ve been trying to land Akira’s df+K+G, f+P, b,b,f+P+K combo but I can’t seem to get the timing down for the b,b,f+P+K. Is there a trick to pulling this combo off, or is the last attack like a Just Frame move? Any advice or pointers you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

just incase it doesn’t get answered in the other thread. :bluu:


If your trying to do the move like that you will never get it.

Akira’s true Dragon Lance Combo is :df:K+G, :r::p:, :l::r::r::p:+:k:

The last move, the body check is move back once, then forward twice and hit punch and kick at the same time as the second forward.

VF lets you buffer command inputs. You don’t even have to wait to see the other moves come out as long as you have precise input. Try doing the fist 2 parts then do a quick left right jerk then finish it with f+P+K

Also VF made the DLC easier in VF5 by just using :p:+:k: as the last command but it does 20 points less damage.

Also, your problem might be that you’re hitting the P+K too late. Fairly common issue.

Thanks Guys, damn I can’t believe I’ve been screwing the command up :lol:

Ok…this is gonna sound really stupid and scrubbish all at the same time, but here goes.

Is there a certian way to play Lion correctly?

I mean, I’ve been using stun/knockdown mixups for quick and heavy damage but is that the best way to win with him? I find myself doing the same thing over and over and over and that’s getting predictable and I’m trying to avoid that.

I guess I’m looking for a second opinion here. Any help would be greatly appriciated.

Well I guess that depends on your competition.

Generally step 1 strategy is to use what works till it doesn’t and then switch it up, and step 2 is to use what works till you suspect it runs dry and then mix up to catch your opponent off guard doubly.

Lion has a very scary control of space as far as VF characters are concerned. He has once of the best sweeps in the games, the best lows, and plenty of long range mids to back them up.

Are you really hitting the most damage you could in the situations in which you get your hits and counter hits? Are you using your best throw for the situation? Are you taking the best defensive choices?

Keep looking at your game from afar and keep improving. :slight_smile:

Play Wolf!!!1