Virtua Fighter Strategy Thread


because today i’m going to buy the VF5 online 360 version and really want to take this game seriously and play it alot.

but yeah i would really like some good solid info on how the customization works
and how easy it is to get things.

What’s the excuse this time? =p

Come see me at FR. I wanna see if my rusty ass can steal another tourney. :tup:


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just got this

gt ULTRA cawmbow

i am in ohio so if you are ec/midwest feel free to add. rockies/west coast is kinda lame on the connection but ill still play i guess

nah not really. It actually takes work if your new to the game. after a while like most games the AI gets easier and easier to exploit against so it will be easier.

man i can’t wait to hop on VF5 again when i Get my 360 back. ive been playin evo forever, which sucks for me because im an Eileen player.

Boy do I miss this game.

Anyone still play it on XBL?

hellz yeah.

Really? I might have to get on then. Are there still Jacky/Krillin scrubs as far as the eye can see?
