Video Game General v8.01D : PC Gaming Golden Age, Big Box (Part 1)

I actually remember really liking that Van Helsing movie. That’s a character that could definitely use a dope modernized game/movie.


I still play Yugioh. That’s my contribution for “bad games” I still enjoy.

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I’d say YGO is in a much better place now since the meta use to be you and your opponents show each other your opening hands and whoever can’t counter the others opening hand loses lol

Eh that’s still the case more or less. There’s just about 2x more things that CAN counter an opponent’s opening salvo in the opening hand.

Also it teaches great arithmetic. You really have to learn to count to 5 these days.

feels bad man


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Pshhh not one person I’ve seenT talk about this gem of a game has ever considered it “bad.”

I finished it like 3-4X. I loved it. Last-gen was the GOAT gen imo…goddamn.


Yeah. Alpha Protocol isn’t bad. Just a lot of missed opportunities and untapped potential.

I remember it being buggy as Fuck at launch but it got better over time


It’s still buggy as a mother fucker. That’s why I would consider it “bad.” It’s almost Bethesda tier.


Oh. Lol.

It was made by Sega right? They don’t like updating shit

Edit: oh, published but made by obsidian. That explains it two-fold. Lol


Bad games I enjoy


Mod Edit: Read the rules.



Man I watched someone play through streetwise and the only thing that I can think of whenever I think about his game is this track

oh yeah and ‘CASH…MONEY’ or whatever it is that the characters say whenever they’re picking up stuff lol.

Bad game I like


Ah yes, that time in the PS2 Era where a bunch of developers thought that it’d be a great idea to use random characters to make spin off games.

ok now that i think about it technically all the drakengard games are bad but i like those games.


I know some of you guys are into Amiibos in here and have a question for you guys as I’ve never seen or held one.

Are those things more like toys or collectibles? Like are they closer to being figures a kid would play with or are they more like plastic things you just sit on a shelf? Are there any moving parts to them?

Reason I ask is my son who is 5 is super into Mario Odyssey right now and wants a Mario and Peach toy that is in their white wedding outfits from the end of the game. And the only thing I’ve seen thus far (granted I barely looked - my wife did) was the Amiibos on Amazon and they are like $25 each. But he wants to use them to play with as figures and stuff so they will be handled a lot.

Are the Amiibos good for that type of stuff, for a 5 year old to play with and kind of manhandle? Or are they going to get destroyed? Also $25 for a god damn figure is a lot!

Amiibos are collectible figures you put on a shelf. There’s no moving parts to them. You can use them to unlock some content in games but that’s about it.


Amiibos are basically Nintendo’s answer to Funko Pops.

So they’re useless but they make people feel good for buying them.