Video Game General v8.01D : PC Gaming Golden Age, Big Box (Part 1)

While I wasn’t able to support the game via Kickstarter…I still picked it up.


Nice man. I wanted to get my copy on Day Juan but I wasn’t able to do so. Hopefully tomorrow or later in the week. :+1:

His post wasn’t serious. I’m not disagreeing with you but…yeah. :rofl:

You guys should have seen the salt on Reddit when PoE got bought out by Tencent. “I WAS SUPPORTING AN INDIE DEV NOT SOME MEGA CORPORATION.” :frowning_face: :rofl:

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Man. I wasn’t feeling Shinobi (PS2) back in the day, but after finishing ALTTP, I threw it in for a spin and damn, I’m loving it. I’m on Stage 5-B and this is up there with Mario 3D world as my favorite 3D platformer.

This and SOR4 hit me like a truck at just having all abilities there, and being able to jump in and have a blast. This is a breath of fresh air.


I love that game (ps2 Shinobi), played the hell out of it. I wish the game (or even the manual)had done a better job explaining the mechanics, I think a lot more people would have liked it- still tough, but it’s so good once it clicks with you. A couple of minor tips, in case you don’t already know:

-Shuriken burst damage charges with Akujiki orbs, good way to take a chunk of health from an enemy without having to hit them with the sword (number of shuriken hits doesn’t affect your bass score either)

-Jump, dash, jump timed well will get you more distance than jump, jump, dash. There’s a really long jump at the end of 8-A that you’ll need every inch of distance you can get.

-Charged slash (as in holding slash down, not “orb charging”) only counts as one hit for boss scoring purposes.

-Pause and hit retry right as you’re dying, you’ll keep however many scrolls/shuriken you had before fighting the boss rather than going back to the default amount. You’ll need this when you get to the last boss. Doesn’t affect your score either. But you have to pause before the auto prompt comes up for retry or game over.

-Stage 8-B is long and brutal, don’t feel bad about running past enemies. TLB is a complete motherfucker, don’t worry about getting a high rank the first time. Bastard took weeks for me to beat the first time, IIRC (been a while since then- 02 or 03).

-You probably caught this by now, but each successful air slash recharges your air dash, but not your air jump. You can essentially fly as long as there are enemies to hit.

-Each stage (barring the boss only ones) has at least one point where you can get a full 8 enemy (I think it was 8, again, been a while) tate. Takes some herding and specific orders, but it’s there. Helps when you start going for S-ranks.

-Shuriken are your best friend, don’t be greedy with them.

-Going for S-ranks is super fun once you’ve beaten the game. Getting those 1 hit kills on bosses is so satisfying.

-Good luck with Super difficulty. I never did beat that mode without cheating.

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“metroidvania-inspired hacking adventure”


Recompile is Day Juan. Looks AMAZING. Reminds me of a way better version of Other M


so many indie metroidvanias these days, I feel like the genre is getting a bit crowded


Oh shit! W101 is or already?


Yeah…I saw it on preorder at a small discount.

Got it.


Time for me to scoop it to.

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Did you play it for the WeYou?

I actually have it for the WiiU…but never played it.


These I did not know. Good stuff :+1: I like seeing the cutscenes after Tate(?) My initial gripes with the game, I still remember and that was Akujiki, the sparseness of the enviroments, enemy character models and the low budget to the game. The hits didn’t have impact and the character models were “…eh…” The wall run wasn’t what I wanted, as I wanted more weight to it. Ninja Gaiden (Xbox) would get it right a year or two later.

I returned it that week, and just fired up Revenge with a side of Shinobi III on the Genesis for my Shinobi fix. I believe this was supposed to be a Dreamcast game originally too, which was a bummer at the time. I’m glad it released anyways, but early 2000’s me wasn’t having it.

I’m over Akujiki, the enemy character models . I like the wall acrobatics. I have Nightshade as well. I bought these a few years back after a Shinobi discussion showed up and thought I’d give them another go. Just started recently though.

I wouldn’t mind a Shinobi collection on one system. I have Arcade Shinobi on the Switch via Sega Ages :+1: Revenge on the 360, Shinobi III on the Genesis-mini, Shadow Dancer (Genesis) on a emulator/harddrive(along with Revenge and III, lulz), the two games on PS2.


Enjoy your WTF moment of the day.

If you ain’t gunna block the sweep, I’m gunna keep sweePing until I sweep your trash right out the door.


I saw the plain environments and unimpressive graphics as a solid trade to keep the game 60fps. That was actually one of the earlier times (along with F Zero X and the Ridge Racer 1 remake packed in with R4) that the difference 60fps makes really stuck with me. I’d go back to something else with a lower framerate and it just felt blurry/choppy until I re-adjusted. It also helps that I really like the art style and atmosphere of the game, really offsets the spartan graphics, IMO. Nightshade, on the other hand, I don’t like nearly as much. The poly counts probably aren’t any worse, but the art design/concept (techno BS with bug demons vs pseudo-traditional Japanese occultism) sucks in contrast, and the game is really ugly for it. Lots of other more important gameplay details about the game I didn’t like as well either.

Anyways, the zen-like state you hit when Shinobi (PS2) really clicks for you is tough to beat, and the game has a really unique feel (pure action and speed) overall. Glad you’re enjoying it, and I hope others reading are inspired to give it a shot.


I liked Shinobi on PS2 a lot. I never did finish it though, I remember killing some spider boss and then the next few levels after that I had to constantly stay on the wall because the ground was flooded.

I’m not sure why I stopped playing. It was difficult sure, but it never got to the point where I felt like I couldn’t progress or that it made me salty.

Yeah, that’s how NGII/Sigma II is for me. NG felt pretty inspired by Shinobi to be honest.

Fellas, I need your opinions on the switch lite. I don’t have a regular switch and I don’t mind not being able to dock. I’m primarily a vita man, so I’d like to know if the screen is legit, and if there would be any problems playing Diablo 3, various metroidvanias, or shumps on it. I’m about to come up on a console soon. Thanks in advance!