Man…we never got a sequel to DrillDozer and that hurts.
Yea DrillDozer is awesome.
“Hidden gem” gets thrown around a lot but GBC and GBA truly did have a lot of them.
One of my favorite GBA titles was SMT Devil Kids. Sooooo good. Robopon was another great creature rpg for GBC.
The zoid and metabot’s RPG’s were great too.
Dragon Quest Monsters 1&2. God so many great RPG’s and platformers
sheeeittttt, I was back into things on Remnant… this game is seemingly underrated, man. I played some Adventure mode in it with a friend; the AI is surprisingly clever…but damn it makes the game hard as hell at times, even on “normal”…but still somehow enjoyable.
Quite a varied day for a change, game-wise… right before this I joined a late-game Gears 5 Horde session, and now I’m back to my usual Diablo 3 shenanigans.
Yeah…I’m a bit burned about this.
Has there ever been a good super man game? I dont mean bearable either. I want one to be great.
Any of y’all try this game? It seems kinda cool. Only played a bit so far but its kinda neat.
Not in 3D, no.
ha, funny moments in games… I just randomly remembered Destroy All Humans, and that there was some weapon in there that made people lose control and shit themselves. Unsurprisingly this cracked me up every damn time… I still laugh remembering that shit now. I think they sometimes actually died in the process too… —it was hilarious hearing an NPC yell out “I CAN’T CONTROL…” while holding his ass running off…and I think you could actually see the shit.
…real shame that franchise was allowed to die with such a terrible sequel.
ooh, another one from way back— Primal Rage… that fatality when the big monkey “Chaos” would piss on his opponent. He actually kills you with his piss stream!
…and an all-time favorite moment of mine—Saint’s Row 2 when you could steal that septic tank truck, and actually use the hose to spray shit all over the city and anyone trying to stop you the cops roll up only to get sprayed down with the brown!
That’s a really good episode. I agree with everything they said and I really do hope the texture issues in the slums are a patchable bug. Clouds apartment door drove me nuts.
Was someone asking for help beating Rufus?
Has there been a good 2D Superman game?
Death of Superman was a good 2D beat em up. Not sure if there were others
Superman has always been a hard concept for adapting in media where the possibility to have the character accurate means there literally should be no way to die.
That comparison they did between the PSX 15 trailer and the final game really highlights the graphic work they put into this game over the years.
There was an arcade Superman game I vaguely remember… though it’s just in the “eh, it’s not terrible” category…nothing particularly memorable about it other than being the first time I even saw a video game featuring Superman that also had good graphics for the time. (*prior to that there was a Superman game on Atari, I think…but of course all those games were ugly)
and as always----easily findable on youtube… this is the arcade one I refer to… I only remember playing it a couple of times:
Some people think a good Superman game is impossible; I just think it’s had the misfortune of the wrong people developing it in the past. For enemies, you just have other-worldly threats show up, and/or some genetically engineered things (*boom, just like that = enemies that are believable as some kind of challenge for him…especially if the story has him “fresh” in the role of Superman, like the Man of Steel movie----he was only “Superman” for about a day when Zod and crew shows up.)… a writer/developer who can’t come up with a passable threat to a character like that is just being incredibly lazy, imo…or just lacking in any kind of imagination, sadly.
The Death of Superman game, I wouldn’t call it great, but it wasn’t awful ether.
The NES Superman game is hilariously bad.
You are very vulnerable as Clark Kent, you need a Phone Booth to change to Superman, you don’t really fly, and you have to take the Subway to get to different parts of Metropolis. And you can only ride the subway as Clark.
Wasn’t there an idie game in development by an Asian guy that had a random looking character pull off some impressive Superman esque stuff?