Video Game General 7.0: Day Juan Ys: MoC June 9th & Wonderful 101 June 30th!

It’s a Ryzen 1600 actually. I wanted to build something for around $500 while still being above entry level in terms of performance, so I made some compromises. You’re right though, the nice thing about these parts is that they’re easily upgradable. Especially with this motherboard. I got a lot of these parts with longevity in mind.

So far, I’m fucking loving it. It’s ran everything at max or near max settings. Killer Instinct max settings, Tekken 7, Sekiro, Dark Souls 1&2, Street Fighter V… All flawless. Sekiro in 60FPS is just… :ok_hand:

The only game I can tell it’s working pretty hard on is Resident Evil 2, but even that game seems pretty well optimized. I don’t have to tone down the settings very much, it practically looks like it does on my PS4 Pro. I’d like to try something a little more intense like Witcher 3, or that shiny new Crysis Remaster that’s supposed to be coming out…

Even emulation runs great. Pretty much every other PC I’ve ever owned has struggled a lot with GameCube emulation, but this feels damn near flawless. I mean shit, some games run even better than they did on the system itself. Areas that get framerate drops on gamecube actually maintain stability on this thing.

I can see it struggling to play next Gen stuff at max settings tho. Eventually I’d like to get that 3700 processor and either a RX 5700 or a RTX 2070. As it stands right now though, it’s doing everything I want and then some. It just feels good to use, period. Everything loads quickly, menus and interfaces are responsive. Never had the pleasure of using a PC with so much power at its disposal.

Biggest hurdle right now is getting used to K&M. It’s really just movement. WASD feels weird as opposed to using my thumb, and my fingers aren’t quite familiar enough with split second key presses yet. It’s like transitioning from pad to stick all over again, lol.

EDIT: Got it looking a little nicer finally… Whoever in the PC thread sent me that wallpaper creator on Steam, thanks a bunch. :+1:



Just got home. Trials of Mana’s reverse cover art is sick af.


listening through some of this and the first track reminds me of that one track Assassin’s Creed II used for one of their trailers.

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Almost forgot my VGM Friday contributions.


My contributions to VGM Friday since apparently we’re doing it in here now


I literally bought a 3ds to play that game. A link between worlds helped as well, but I would have passed without the metroid release.


This made Hu Lao gate a BANGER…


Ozar Midrashim


Because FF7R.


Doesn’t Tekken 7 look insane compared to how it looks on console? The textures, character models and stages look a 100X better. The difference is crazy to me. Smoother netcode too.

That’s weird…the RX 570 should be able to slam that game @ full settings. Did you get the 4GB 570? I believe that game needs a lot of VRAM. I remember watching a DF video and on full settings it eats up like 6-7GB of VRAM which is pretty crazy.

Aim higher on the GPU side imo, I want to get a shiny new GPU in a year or two once a new line of GPU’s starts hitting the market. I’ll most likely go AMD again because their prices aren’t ridiculous, but that all depends.

Right? For fun open like a 100 Chrome tabs. It shouldn’t hitch at all. Tab in and out of games into other programs and the like too, it’s hilarious how snappy it all is.



Well, I think this is the farthest I’ve gone in a Diablo season, actually… paragon level 145 now my Wizard; I did the “Slayer” set of challenges and am on whatever that next tier is called (*The Vyr’s Set Dungeon is SO easy, btw;ha, I may just use wizard all the time for that particular challenge then)…and yet I still don’t have all the gear I want for the build; the Chantodos continues to elude me, and it takes a while to get a lot of “death breaths” for the Kanai Cube and upgrading rares to Legendary items.

I’ll have to get back to Dragon Marked for Death soon since I notice the latest update actually added 2 playable characters(!!)

Zodiac Age is on sale on Steam (at least here) so I finally picked it up.

Reviews for Trials of Mana are pouring in

I’ll wait for a sale before copping this one. The English voice acting shown in the review had me rolling.


I do believe there is a Japanese track to.


Maximillion fucked my head up with those last set of boss fights in FF7R. Apparently [spoiler]those 3 whispers were the villains from Advent Children. The track that plays is called “Advent” and if you scan them it says they’re from the future, weapons are a dead giveaway too. Sephiroth also apparently absorbs some whisper-like beings in Advent Children as well near the end[/spoiler]

Square put next level thought into this game incorporating that :exploding_head:


Yes. There’s Japanese voice acting with English subs.


I think the soundtrack thing is kinda silly. From all I’ve heard the game is great so big fuckin’ deal about a soundtrack. Course I never listen to video game music if I aint playing a video game.

I tried out this game called Dandara. I dunno what kinda game to call it. A platformer maybe, I dunno. It looked real fun in the video I watched but its not so fun playing it. Maybe it will get better after a while.

So after a beyond fucking shit day, I got to come home to this sweet thang and it made it all worth it.

@reggieh @sonichuman

I finally got my Link’s Awakening 4-Disc OST collection from Play-Asia

I’ve said this over and over again but Links Awakening is my favorite Zelda of all time and easily top 5 or even top 3 favorite games of all time. To have it’s original and remake OST physically in my hands is so fucking special to me words can’t really describe how much it’s means to me. I’m legit getting misty eyed right now as I’m looking through the books


That’s bad ass, Stu.

I need to play the remake.


That is what I am doing but I already bought the Collection of Mana at launch so I will wait. I like the demo and it plays like I had hoped the previous Secret of Mana would. But I got too many expenses and unfinished RPGs to buy another one at full price.