Video Game General 7.0: Day Juan Ys: MoC June 9th & Wonderful 101 June 30th!

Contractual obligations to developers would be my guess.


They are offering it for free to keep it on life support.

Good to see theyā€™re adding art back to the game. My wife was appalled that they didnā€™t have art like new leaf (she was an art history major)

Hope that sonnabitch doesnā€™t sell me fake shit tho


Switch sales numbers doubled from March 2019 to March 2020

Animal Crossing is the third most successful game at launch of all time for Nintendo in the US. Only being beaten by Smash Brawl and Smash Ultimate

Despite covid-19 Nintendo plans on increasing production by 10% which equates to about 22m more units


Finally got my light gun cabinet project wrapped up and could put everything back together again and cleaned up the space.

At least I have a nice man cave to be quarantined in.


Nice. You ever play fighting games on that big display?

Whats the input latency like? Iā€™m curious.

Yeah I played Killer Instinct a shitload on there until Keits ruined it. I also played a shitload of SF4 on there prior to the current gen, and SF5 until I realized they were never going to make online not suck.

Input lag is 34ms on it in game mode. There is a HUGE difference between game mode and other modes, so itā€™s very obvious if I forget to change to game mode and start up a game. But to me, I couldnā€™t tell a difference between that and my Evo monitor. I mean there clearly IS a difference between the two, but just over 2 frames at 34ms was something I couldnā€™t really perceive at all.

When I was projector shopping input lag played a huge role in my decision on which to get. I think at the time, the one I got was one of the lowest ones, and before I purchased it, I found someone like 45 minutes away who had the same projector with a 360 hooked up, and he said I could come over and test it out. After testing it out and not being able to notice any lag, I was sold.


Thatā€™s awesome. Iā€™m usually really sensetive to that stuff but, anything 2 frames or under is often good enough for me. Matters more depending on the game too, I guess. Trying to pull of electrics in Tekken is definitely gonna be an adjustment even with only 2 frames of a difference, but not a huge adjustment.

Was curious since Iā€™m currently in the process of building a PC and Iā€™m trying to consider all my display options. I want to find a compromise between a large scale display but also low latency.

Itā€™s funny before I got into SF4, like really into it, I was playing on a DLP TV with a shitload of lag and I had no clue. Then I went to a session with people and played with way less lag and I was having trouble doing moves because I was used to compensating for the lag. Well I ended up getting an Evo monitor and then from that day on, I was super sensitive to lag and could not play on TVā€™s with lag.

But I think my DLP had like 96ms of lag. It was a huge difference lol.

I donā€™t really play fighting games much anymore, but even in any games I canā€™t deal with input lag anymore.


One thing I never looked into is are monitors that are good for fighting games also good for FPS games, vice versa? Iā€™d imagine for FPS games you also want a lagless monitor right? But they are big on their refresh rates and stuff.

Yeah, the less lag the better. I find monitors that have ghosting issues are also really fucking annoying for FPS games. So the higher the refresh rate, the better.

I found some old videos I took to compare lag between my DLP and Evo mointor
Keep in mind my camera was 30fps at the time.

Hereā€™s DLP

And then here is my Evo monitor

Pretty big difference, especially considering itā€™s 30fps.


This was me to the Nth degree because I played virtua fighter 4 evo and 5 a lot so I always had to figure out the lag from tv/monitor to tv/monitor.

Thankfully VF sets are 3/5 rounds and 2/3 Matches. So I had time to adapt to whatever lag there was. Usually lol.

Itā€™s funny cause VF is essentially FG trigonometry and Iā€˜Ve never learned frame data for any other game but I knew I had to for VF if I wanted to be even competent at it

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Why are the chairs blocking the stripper pole?


Yeah donā€™t think my wife really would dig putting it to good use like that.

I just took a video showing the cabinet in action switching between the games. I also finished Carnevil for the first time ever. The final boss being named ā€œToken Takkerā€ was pretty awesome lol.


Where the hell is he getting the whole ā€œ100 MPā€ tops thing. Aerith in my game has more than that.


No idea. MP up materia letā€™s you go way beyond that too. I havenā€™t read the article but maybe the dude isnā€™t even done with the game yet lol


Bethesda chasing Mick Gordon away by their stupid move with Doom Eternalā€™s soundtrack ā€¦ Iā€™m not defending this pantsonhead move.