Video Game General 7.0: Day Juan Ys: MoC June 9th & Wonderful 101 June 30th!

Hentai already did that for us though.



when Hentai has been progressive before it was cool.


Nope, instead we have a Japanese game about Antifa fighting a evil mega corporation in a capitalist dystopia aided SJWs and furries.

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Fixed for accuracy


Yuffie is top tier though. Conformer eats big bads for lunch, she can easy morph for stat boosts, and her limits are very solid

Just finished chapter 12 and have to end on that note for the night. God damn they did a hell of a job on redoing this. Even knowing it was gonna happen still brought the feels.


And they gave Wedge a really good character moment and I thought things would change since they went that far but then they shot the camera back at what he was doing as the plate was coming down. SMH. I just had to let out loud ‘bruh’ at that.


I see no issue here whatsoever

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Huh…my L2 trigger has stopped working…

Terrible time for that to happen. Unless you are within a year it might be best to just buy a new one.

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I’m just catching up on the news that Modern Warfare 2 Remastered won’t have multiplayer.

I was a lot more pissed off at that than I probably should be. Old MW2 got terrible on account of OMA Noobtubing. I remember boring people to tears bitching about that and other MW2 problems in the old COD threads. But a remastered version of MW2 with OMA changed/toned down/removed altogether would be a gift sent straight from heaven. It was a bug they couldn’t fix at the time due to IW being ripped apart, but it could have been done here.

So crazy. COD is really fucking up nowadays. BO4 was trash. MW2019 (which I did cave on and end up buying used) is the absolute best in the series in terms of audio and graphics, but they made the gameplay campy as hell. Now they’re walking away from so much money by not putting out Modern Warfare 2 Remastered. I don’t get Activision.

I can’t get mad at you for that. It’s the truth. I think getting furloughed next week has put me in a shit mode. Side note: I went to bed and @TWINBLADES was playing FFVIIR. I get up this morning and Twinblades is still paying FFVIIR :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Could’ve used all that time getting better at fighting games.



Do Playstation 4s sometimes shut off automatically? Sometimes, when I come back to it after putting it in rest mode, it’s off off. This is with no power outage in my apartment in between the last time I played and me noticing it’s off.

I’ve never noticed that happen unless there’s a power outage of some sort, so yeah that’s strange. It has the auto-off function on by default but that’s only for when the system is actually on too long.

It could be a PSU issue, or maybe it’s set to match the same state of your TV, so it shuts down completely when you turn the TV off? Just some guesses.

Do you find yourself having to rebuild the data base often or re-initialize?


I was going to suggest the same thing Martian.
Unless there a black out or brown out on that circuit in your house or a faulty or loose plug that shouldn’t happen.

It could be also your TV shutting off the PS4 as HDMI has some networking functions, like the TV has a label for what console is on, and sometimes the player active

There’s definitely some fuckery happening during rest mode, I’ve had cases where the orange LED started blinking as if the system rebooted internally but still maintained rest mode

Pretty sure the TV link feature only sends PS4 into Rest, never shuts it off completely. But I suppose it may vary depending on your model/OEM?

Just finished Ori WIll of the Wisps. Probably my GOTY for now. The game is basically perfection.

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Playing Owlboy right now. Might jump into the first Ori after this.

What is Owlboy?

Super pretty 2D adventure game (by adventure I mean metroidvania games, although right now I don’t know how much free world exploration there is, game is hella pretty though).