Not saying it can’t work, just saying it’s grey market so it might not work. It’s not a huge risk, but it is one
Nice video. Already liked!
Sega being Sega. It’s the story of their life. It’s why they’ve utterly failed at everything Post-Genesis
I agree, the game could use another patch or two as it’s still fairly buggy sometimes. They’ve taken some great steps since release tho.
What platform did you play it on? I didn’t experience any of those glitches you talk about on Switch. I also didn’t really have any issues with the controls and platforming, other than some shit being cheap like enemies placed in places that knock you back.
Withbnu COVID bucks I can get a few cheap games. I checked the eShop and Streets of Rage 4 is supposed to release on April 24th for $24.99. Sucker is bought day one. Also been thinking about getting Panzer Dragoon on Switch since I never played the original.
As much as I wanna get FFVIIR (the FOMO is super real for me) I’m gonna hold off. I feel like I would get a serious case of Jessie thirst after beating it. Speaking of Jessie, I love that she got character development in this game but this girl’s thirst levels cannot be measured by anything! I would tell her to tone it down, but I don’t think she is even capable of doing that!
Misread the email. My bad
The detail on the FF7R Play Arts Kai figures are nice, but Tifa’s figure looks especially good. Something looks kinda off about the Aerith one.
I have several of the Marvel and Final Fantasy Play Art Kai statues/figures. Actually got the Play Arts Kai of Squall from a secret Santa years back. Which surprised me cause they ain’t cheap.
Anyways, I can tell you from personally owning them that pictures simply don’t do them justice.
They’re amazingly well sculpted, articulated and detailed in ways the camera will never be able to capture. They’re worth every penny.
I played on Switch.
The controls weren’t a problem, but I found a lot of instances where the character model would visually overlap a ledge and he still wouldn’t grab it. The vast majority of issues I had with the platforming stemmed from that.
I’m already impressed by the pictures and was afraid the actual thing wouldn’t live up to them. Reassuring to hear from someone that has them saying it’s the opposite. I’ve never seen them irl but have wanted some in the past, including those from previous FFs and the Metal Gear ones. Shit, this might be the one I finally bite
Oh, well if you played it on Switch… maybe it’s not so bad on other consoles? Speaking of similar games, you should make a video on Slain Back from Hell
For original FF7 fans, I have a question, but it’s sort of half a spoiler for FF7RE to even ask the question so, of those people, who’s completed the remake or at least doesn’t care if I ask the question? Is there anyone that still would want me to hold off?
badly streaming my first rpg if anyone wants to watch for the next hour or so
well that was weird the game actually crashed on me 5 min in. said the cd was dirty or sumtin. wat
You can remove that black border on the right side and just have the gameplay with your camera feed, if you go into the settings. I was wondering about this too when I streamed a little while ago so I figure you might wanna know.
ill prob do that a bit later. thanks for the advice
If you ask just put it in spoilers. I can’t speak for everyone but I’m not done. I’m about to fight the airbuster.
My favorite one I have is probably FF7 AC Rufus or the Marvel Magneto (White Variant)
I’ve seen the Metal Gear ones. I have a friend who has Gray Fox and Liquid. I really wanted the Meryl but I wasn’t really into figure collecting at her time of release and she’s pricey now.
The one thing I recommend if you want to invest in one or several is always pay attention to the average price and location of where the sender is from. High end figures and statues are heavy Chinese knock off fodder. If the price is too good to be true that’s because it is.
Buy from reputable retailers if you can like BigBadToyStore, Amazon, Play Asia or Square Enix Directly from their store. Also, if you have a local hobby store than can do special orders that’s a good route too. Almost all collectible related orders go through a company called Diamond. They only buy from other authorized distributors
Nah I’d rather wait then, thanks for the answer.