Don’t feel bad man. I picked up the game a 4pm on Friday and finished it by 7pm on Monday. 43 hours. Did all the side quests. Only thing I didn’t do was the final round of the pull up game and procure the final summon.
All this COVID business has given me time to work on some videos. Here’s me rambling about Blasphemous for five minutes.
If you already read the big post I made here about it, the video isn’t much different. But I’d appreciate a like or two thrown my way so my existence can finally be validated
I dunno, it looked neat. Doesn’t exactly seem as high-octane as Devil May Cry but, I did dig the artstyle and how the gameplay looked. I’d ask @drizzt360 he probably played the shit out of it
Finally got a chance to listen to the wha happun episode for that golden axe game. SMH. Sega buying the company for 50 mill before they even get a game out and then dumping the Marvel movie games on that studio while they were already shitting the bed is definitely some wtf shit. Nobody could have told this guy to not drop 50 mil before he did it?