Video Game General 7.0: Day Juan Ys: MoC June 9th & Wonderful 101 June 30th!

Are you sure? Square store says it’s sold out and I’ve already seen someone has rips of the first 4 discs in youtube

Edit: actually maybe it isn’t a direct rip, nvm

Diablo 3 - the saga continues…

My seasonal wizard on Switch… “Gustav” hit level 70 now…ha, I forgot how quickly the Paragon levels go by once you hit 70. In about a minute after that I was already on Paragon level 4.

I just noticed one of the rewards is some cool “wings” for your character that look like demonic extra limbs…it’s like some weird spiky "legs"s sprouting from your back; they took this graphic from a certain enemy type, and damn it looks cool. My old friend would like this as another customization bit for his characters; haha too bad he’s way too lazy to get it. That’s still an incredibly bizarre thing to me… being “lazy” in a video game… I just don’t get it; that shit is weird to me :rofl: Besides, in terms of leveling up and gearing up… D3 has become one of the easiest RPGs ever produced in terms of that. Even without power-leveling it doesn’t take that long to hit 70, and naturally you start getting good legendary items right away at that point. (and in Season content, seasonal reward items are the green “set” items, which are the game-changing, god-level shit. Oh and he’s too lazy to try and get set items too, by the way… :laughing:)

…man, I miss playing this game with others too; I also played it with my old college buddy and his wife for a short time, along with another friend I met thru them but that was years ago.

If PSN isn’t required for Uncharted I’ll jump on that. I played the demo for the second game and it was pretty weak, but apparently that was one of the showpieces. Free games are free games :+1:

Plus isn’t required for the Uncharted Collection or Journey no, those are especially for the coronavirus situation.


Good shit. I enjoyed Journey when a friend bought a PS3. Want to play Uncharted since it’s what most PlayStation fans consider essential.

I want this to be true. Please have it on PC too.


Well this is embarrassing. We had the exact same things happen to us today.



So I beat FFVII Remake. The ending confirmed a lot of the things I was surmised in my last spoiler post. Although I do have a couple questions still.


Yeah they are definitely saying things will end up different this time. The second to last boss is essentially the protector of the original games events. Biggs is alive and maybe Jessie too. There was bed next to Biggs but it wasn’t clear if Jessie was next to him. The Zack thing is what I’m trying to discern.

While I haven’t played Crisis Core, I always appreciated the bad ass version of an end they gave him. In the original game, it didn’t seem plausible for the second strongest, only surpassed by Sephiroth, member of SOLDIER to get bopped by a few Shinra soldiers. Crisis Core literally had them send wave after wave after of them until basically Zack finally got exhausted and then they finally killed him. In the Remake ending, he appears to win. He’s still tired and roughed up, but he isn’t dead. I’m curious where things will go in the next part. Outside of all the cast members from the original appearing, I think all bets are off.

Non Spoiler, Leslie’s voice actor is the same guy that voiced Seteth in Fire Emblem Three Houses. I got a kick out of that.


Is Steam down for maintenance for you guys?

Yeah I agree


I’m almost certain Zack will still be alive. Especially because we see those cutscenes right when the party is fighting Whispers and after beating it they show Zack surviving. I’m guessing the party’s actions had some ripple effect to the past as well or something like that.

Also, I think it’s possible Sephiroth won’t even be the final badguy. The final scene where they talk together seems to imply that there’s something else he’s trying to resist. He also was seen attacking Whispers several times too and he IS the one that opened the portal after all. Not that I think he’ll be a good guy but the story really feels like it could go in any direction now.

It’s funny cause it makes the discussion about locations they’d have to visit moot now lol



More like Nintendo had that Accept/Confirm set up before anyone else and stuck with it while Everyone else can’t decide and switch between the two based on region. In Japan O is confirm and X is cancel.


My local Wal Mart was swimming in copies and they are 10 off msrp.


I didn’t get how FF7R was souls like ether.

I was kidding because you were having such a hard time taking down certain enemies because item management and other stuff

That’s cause you’re as dense as a brick.

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Will they ship it to me or would I have to go in and get it?

It’s not item management, on hard mode items aren’t allowed at all


No, it wasn’t funny Stu.
You made a stupid comment.


Haven’t even opened my copy yet. So I’ll take your word for it. Either way. It was a dumb joke

You are gonna have to go and get it unless a service like Postmates would be willing to pick it up for you.

If you are really concerned I could work something out with you and ship it to you from work. I get free shipping.

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Hard mode isn’t unlocked til you beat it once anyway so yeah lol