Video Game General 7.0: Day Juan Ys: MoC June 9th & Wonderful 101 June 30th!

More-or-less, yes. There was a vita game that was fine. It was a prequel but not really relevant. And then Lost Legacy which has Chloe and Nadine. Which was great, but not relevant to the arc of Nathan Drake.

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Having never played an Uncharted game, I might have to take advantage of that.

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I think youā€™ll dig the series a lot.

Uncharted 1 is great but hasnā€™t aged well. Mainly enemies being bullet sponges.

Uncharted 2 is considered one of the greatest PlayStation games of all time.

Uncharted 3 is the weakest of the series due to how incredibly disjointed it feels. Especially towards the end. The disjointedness was due to backstage politicking at Sony and naughty dog though. Itā€™s still an amazing title though.

Uncharted 4 has painfully slow start but once it picks up itā€™s all worth it and is an amazing end to an amazing series


Itā€™s that an archaeology joke?


Unintentional but yes.

I love Uncharted so much because to me itā€™s what I always wanted Indiana Jones to be.


Uncharted 2 is a damn near masterpiece. Incredible characters, voice acting and writing with insanely fun shooting galleries and incredibly engaging puzzle platforming. Some of the best visuals and most exciting set pieces Iā€™ve ever seen, even today.

The collection version of 2 pretty much improves upon perfection, somehow. They re worked the shooting and cover mechanics into something MAGICAL. If you play one single UC game, play that one @chadouken.


I consider Uncharted 2 of the of the best games of the last generation and the best of the series imo.

UC rankings

3/ Lost Legacy


Iā€™d put 4 before 3, but yeah, totally agree otherwise.


I may be in the minority but I felt that 4 had too much platforming/exploration compared to action.
It starts off a bit slow too.

Though the story/character stuff is better in 4 imo.


Iā€™m the only person I know that thinks highly of Uncharted 3. Admittedly Iā€™m heavily bias towards that game as thereā€™s a big focus on Sully and heā€™s my favorite character in the series.


Iā€™m gonna go ahead and add the Uncharted games to my library. Iā€™ve always thought those games looked pretty cool, just never got the opportunity to play them.

FFVIIR- after seeing universal praise here, I want to get the game, but itā€™s not available for shipping from Best Buy or Target. And Amazon only has it available through secondhand sellers for $110, unless I get the deluxe edition for $80. :unamused:

I loved Uncharted 3. I didnā€™t share a lot of the pessimism people had for that game.

Your post sums up exactly how I felt about the series.

Hmmm, now I need to play Lost Legacy. My brother just finished it and said it was solid. The thing about all of those games is I like the story, but donā€™t really want to play them again.

This was my thought about a lot of the 4th game.

Did anyone really go all stealth. I usually pick off those at better vantage points and then just start shooting everyone else.

I do too. But even among its fans a lot of people consider it the weakest, which I also agree with. As I mentioned though itā€™s of no fault of the games. It was all the well documented back stage BS that caused UC3 to have so many issues.

2 and 3 are also crucial points in a lot main characters relationships.


I love all my UC games equally.

Not a big fan of ALL the multiplayer trophies included in UC 2 and 3 though


The multiplayer modes were always fun as fuck tho. It actually seemed like they put thought into the maps and modes instead of just being a tacked on thing.

The MP in Uncharted 4 is honestly incredible. The way you can grapple hook to ledges and climb pretty much anything amounts to some hilarious shootouts.

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I didnā€™t even know Uncharted had multiplayer until 3. I never played it though. Iā€™m a grandpa who hates online play.

I remember all the hackers roaming around in UC 2ā€™s multiplayer. From the guys who would have infinite rocket launchers to the ā€œghostā€ type (players who would kill you despite always appearing dead on screen)

Yes. It is a hybrid of the ATB so you are supposed to switch.


If the AI was too good I donā€™t think the game would be as much of a challenge. And honestly I find the game more engaging when you switch back and forth. Any time youā€™re doing abilities or spells for example you arenā€™t able to do anything anyway so you can switch to another character to help build ATB faster since I active characters build it a lot slower. Youā€™ll get a lot more turns overall that way