The only way to make it more ATB without going fully turn based would be to turn it into XII’s system. I mean, VIIR’s is basically just an evolution of that where attacking is no longer tied to menu commands, but is instead a button (plus the addition of stagger).
The final battle at the Market. Whew, I BARELY won that shit. That last spell was literally it, had no more ethers or MP left😓
Are you talking about the final Market Coliseum battle? You’ll love it on hard mode
Hard mode Hell House summons Tonberries and the Sweeper and Cutter mechs
Got me like
So… I just made it to the Honey Bee Inn with Aerith and had to dance duet with Andrea
Hahahahaha. Wtf, thank God none of my homeboys were here to see me playin this part. You can FEEL Clouds discomfort alot more in this version😂
I “cheated,” went in, assesed, then reloaded to get my shit right. Also, Chocobo and Moogle summon.
Remnant: from the Ashes announces dlc
Is Ghost of Tsushima an rpg?
It’s like an Open World Tenchu, don’t recall it having any RPG elements
Huh, so XCOM Chimera Squad is basically if you turned an old-school Rainbow Six into a tactical RPG. That’s neat, I guess
Man on hard mode those Shines Boxes are gonna be so fucking important.
Once you get to the boss the no items req become a real issue. Not sure how to deal with this honestly. Gonna take some work. You regen mana so slow in battle and the boss fights are so long…
Late to the debate but the idea of them working on a RE4 remake is dishearteningly familiar to Capcom running a successful idea into the ground via overuse.
Hmm. Yea I dunno about hard mode. Maybe I’m too low a level or something but I just Run out of Mana before even half way through the first boss fight and then I’m kinda fucked because I can’t use a simple Ether for some reason. I was kinda worried the moment I heard items where disabled. I really dislike hard modes that remove features. Bayonetta 1 does this with NSIC mode and that one change alone made me dislike that difficulty setting. Like why not balance it around items, they exist, you’re even still giving them to me in Hard Mode I just can use them…because. Like replace the Ethers im picking up with something useful at least.
Kinda lame.
Edit: Not to poo poo the whole thing, the level up for enemies is nice and yea saw some new moves out of the Guard Scorpion and thats pretty dope. I probablt just need to be better prepared for the mode and should do clean up through chapter select to get better prepared.
Doing my best to avoid this thread until I get FF for myself.
Just popped in to say that Nintendo was finally gracious enough to now let people transfer data between the SD card and their system memory on Switch. Before, if you wanted to move something from the card to the hard drive for example, you had to delete it off the card, remove the card, shut the system off, turn it back on, redownload the game with the card ejected, and then you can put it back in once it’s finished. Fucking incredible.
They also added button mapping, which may be nice if they let you Switch the default “accept or go back” buttons without altering their functionality in actual gameplay. I’ve always hated how A and B are switched compared to literally every other controller interface.
But, hey, it’s Nitnendo. These are the guys that consider 2 themes on Switch for the past 3 years to be totally fine.
Sony announces the PlayAtHome initiative
Oh fuck that
Chakra Materia and Barret’s Lifesaver ability are super important when you have him. I’m more worried about Aerith sections. Proper usage of Soul Drain is going to be so damn important.
Try doing the stuff you missed on normal difficulty first. Especially all the Colosseum and VR simulation stuff. You’ll need the manuscripts for the extra skill points and materia. Basically don’t bother with Hard mode til you’re level 40+.
The level cap is 50 and even then you still can’t let your guard down but you definitely have more leeway. And some of the material you haven’t gotten will probably be very helpful also.
Once I beat the game I already had most side stuff finished so I went straight to the simulator and grinded the Hard mode only missions and in just trying to complete them I inadvertently powered leveled from 41 to 49.
But again, do the side stuff on Normal first til you get up to 40 or so.
FF7R confirmed to be a Souls-Like RPG.
And Uncharted 4 is one of the PS+ games this month. So starting tomorrow, you can basically have the entire series for free?
my only real question gameplay wise for ff7 is did they make the a.i dumb on purpose to keep people from just playing cloud and if the next game would suffer by adding some type of gambit system because i almost nutted up a couple of times during boss fights because in the span of 5 seconds aerith would be on the opposite side of the room from the glyph i put down.