I figured out that Clouds Stinger can chase him down for an easy “stun.” You can get a couple hits in afterwards. Otherwise just block a lot and hit him with a limit break for a full true Stun.
Rufus and Reno were always my favorite minor FF7 characters from aesthetics alone. They were both characters I really wanted more from in the OG 7. Advent children just solidified my love for them.
The fact Rufus manipulates all three of those clone doofuses from a fucking wheel chair while having jenova’s head with him the whole time was fucking chefs kiss so good. Not to mention his fashion sense is on fucking point. The white duster was so baller to me as a tween.
I always enjoyed Reno’s idgaf cool dude attitude but I also loved the fact they made him hella silly in advent.
So I’m glad they’re getting their much deserved shine on in the remake.
My method of dealing with Toneberry is running away. Failing that, I cast a spell that lets me escape.
Yeah, I love how Aerith is in remake. I was recommended a vid on YouTube featuring her new VA, Briana White, showing how happy she was to voice Aerith. I knew then that they made a great choice in casting her and Birana is a large part of why Aerith in FFVIIR is so loved. I double take whenever Aerith swears since she never did in the original. It helps get her away from the pure Aerith perception weve had for tge past 16 plus years.
I gotta give it up for Tifa in FFVIIR as well. She’s very much the girly girly of the two. If was so cute seeing how giddy she got at the idea of celebrating seeing Cloud after all those years. Her VA really sells me on her. I got choked up
seeing break down and cry after the plate drops.
And my mans Cloud. He is a snarky SOB and I love it!
Yeah they’re not too much of an issue in older games but the action game nature of this one makes them a lot scarier, especially if there’s another enemy there too. And in the VR missions there’s no items allowed so it’s Raise or nothing lol
I’m not done with FFVIIr yet, but I have to say this is on the way to becoming my favorite FF of all time… probably trumping even 9 and 6 at this point. (it will depend on the future parts though)
Right now, this is a piece of art. The type of art that sheds a tear over it’s beauty.
The music, the acting, the story telling, the user experience… everything is so good.
I have to go in more detail with that Jesse death scene. The music playing, the way tifa is emotionally reacting, the dialogue/script during that moment is a high example of brilliant plot storytelling
Wow got Seph to like 1 hp and he nuked my whole party. That’s a design decision I will never be down with. Part wide moves that reduce youe whole party to 1 hp are fucking stupid on bosses that take 15 or so minutes to beat. It’s disheartening as fuck to spend all the time working and then get peace out by some dumb shit. Only time I’ve actually been mad playing this. I wish Nomura would get over this dog shit design decision. Was trash in KH1 and it’s trash here to.
I mean I still got him on my second attempt, but man, fucking annoying.
not gonna lie rufus was kinda beating my ass but i figured out you can poison him. i think the way your supposed to do it is hit him when he reloads. i just used the focus thrust so he cant counter.
spoiler below.
i get that the endgame twist means they are no longer bound by the old timeline and nobody knows whats gonna happen anymore but is the shit with zack another timeline or wierd ripple effect on the current one?
Rufus whooped my ass twice, like hella clean before I figured out a strat for him.
I think they are just making the poignant statement that Cloud arrived carried by Zack, and is now leaving on his own two feet, with a group of people he can trust. Before all he had was Zack. Crisis Core kinda drives this home in that Cloud has no friends in Shinra’s military on top him being a bit reclusive to begin with, then after the 3 years in Neibleheim Zack really was all he had and if not for him Cloud would be pretty fucked.
Just beat it myself and saw the ending. Watching the credits roll now. I can’t wait to start again lol.
I am also highly confused by all the time travel talk. No one traveled through time. Visions of the future is not time travel.
damn, i just took a short trip to gamefaqs and it’s loaded with ff7-fanboys hating on the remake because
-not atb
and bullshit like bad story, false advertising, kingdom hearts, and all that. I am so tempted to create an account just to spank those stupid kids. fuck what a bunch of morons.