Video Game General 7.0: Day Juan Ys: MoC June 9th & Wonderful 101 June 30th!

Oh, I finally got my Hardcore S run done in RE3 last night.

Just gotta beat it on Nightmare and Inferno now. After that, all I gotta do is collect all the collectibles and open all safes, and I’ll pretty much have the platinum. With 2&3 Platinumed and out of the way, I was considering going back and platinuming RE1.

Then I actually looked at the trophy list for that game for the first time in years. Holy fucking shit, this is gonna be impossible.

Some of this shit I didn’t even know was possible. There’s at least a dozen trophies where less than 2% of people have even managed to get them. Good lord. :joy:


Edge from Final Fantasy 4 (known as Final Fantasy 2 on the SNES in the West).

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Edge was a good character Stat wise.

Edit: I see everyone beat me to it already.

Also Yuffie with her ultimate weapon does the most damage in the game making her a very viable slot choice as far as performance is concerned. Personality wise I’m not a big fan of her in 7. She is better in the movie and funny enough Dodge of Cerberus.

Double Edit: Oh also Stu is a fucking boss.

Will stand proud in the shrine to my Beautiful Bunny Bayonetta.


Is that a steelbook or a regular book?

Either way I want one

It’s the hard cover guide. Real thick and sturdy. Book has heft. Go to Jason Bourne improvised weapon if you know what I mean?

Got a bit farther in FF7R. Damn Rude, lookin sharpe!


FF7RE protip:

So I’m sure many of you noticed the dodge has no iframes and guarding can’t cancel attacks so generally you need to stop attacking early to block stuff.

Well, the Parry material let’s you input a command dodge while holding R1 with circle. This dodge actually has guard frames during the first half of the animation and it still functions as a dodge as well meaning you can cancel attacks into it. It DOES have a vulnerable period at the end but this ability is the only way to block attacks while you’re mid animation.

I highly recommend it for your melee characters


FF7 has motherfucking option selects?

SRK too strong.


Oh yeah Edge was the ninja in that game.

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Where did you get that Materia?

Parry is a reward for Battle Intel 12


It’s the hardcover limited edition strategy guide for Bayonetta 2

I’ve had for over 6 years. At GameStop when we’d penny out/remove from inventory strategy guides we had to destroy the front cover for copyright protection. I didn’t like that. So I bought tons of strategy guides for .01¢ Since I felt they deserved a better a fate than being torn apart and thrown in a dumpster.

I’ve been giving them out to friends or sold them online over the years. I’ve given away two dozen guides or so and have sold probably just as many if not more but for whatever reason I never had anyone to give the Bayo 2 guide to and I was too lazy to sell it.

So, I just kinda forgot about until I deep cleaned my room about a week and a half ago.

As soon as I found it again I knew an SRKer would go bonkers for it but I also immediately thought of @radiantsilvergun3. So I PM’ed him to see if he wanted it.

I’m glad he got it too. Postal worker said his address didn’t exist and sent it to a different one which stressed me the fuck out. :grimacing:


Oh right on. I need to pay more attention to those.

Summon Spoilers…?


I just defeated Shiva.


Nice, I solo’d that one but the first time Ifrit saved my ass so I tried again without it. It’s a pretty fun fight.

And yeah, that guy has a lot of interesting materia to get, I recommend finishing every one you can

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I’ve been having a lot of fun with REmake 3. I understand the complaints of the game not being as close to the original as it should have been(the same can be said about REmake 2 to a lesser extent) but the core gameplay just feels great.

Jill has a dodge and instead of it being random like it was in the original RE3, you can use it anytime ALA RE: Revelations. Time it right and you can dodge zombies and even Nemesis, and the game gives you a nize little FLASH to let you know you did gud.

Carlos has a fucking parry into RE5 Chris Haymaker. These two mechanics specifically would have made a MERCS mode so much fun.

From what I’ve seen people aren’t too happy with the game which is just…weird to me. I’m at the final stretch of the game now…I’m at the hospital as Jill and I think this is it.

I hope I can buy Ys next month if it even releases. It’s the game I want the most this year next to Shantae and Nioh 2. :pray:


I definitely don’t mind Tifa in a China dress at all.


From what I heard, people recognize it as a good game, but not as good as RE2R.

There’s also the camp that thinks it should be DLC for it because of how short and linear it is.

I personally said it has severe flaws and it definitely doesn’t hold up to RE2R, but the foundation it was built on makes it a nice game.

Calling it bad is way too much of a stretch imo.


So basically, history repeated itself with RE3 being solid, but short, linear and not quite matching up with 2. That’s literally what happened with the original games Lol


In a way, it’s genius how faithful it is to the originals…


History: Remake


Just saying, but Hip Hop De Chocobo is the best song in the game. :triumph::ok_hand:t5: