Video Game General 6.5: Now with more surprise mechanics

ice skates quietly away from this conversation with VT2 Kolin


No. My point is the game I bought at launch is not the game it is today. If be fine buying a new copy of V that is the build of today. I don’t want to have the game change as I am playing it. That is frustrating, obnoxious, and annoying. Like playing with that kid who always changed the rules of the game as you played it. Fuck that kid. I would rather buy a clear revision, which the state of SFV from day 1 to today is clearly a quite different product. If I bought SFV Turbo I wouldn’t have to peace meal my fucking game together with multiple.purchases for characters like I have to now. I wouldn’t have to buy stages piece meal like I have to today. If just buy the fucking update and have both games and if I don’t like the changes I can just play my old copy like I do with my old fighting games. I can play bizaare weird as fuck Alpha 2 Gold and have a laugh. Or Champion Edition cuz that game is fun. With the current set up that is gone and the delivery system is 10x worse.

But why bother continuing the conversation? What I see as massive changes over the 3 years V has been out you guys see as “a few frames here and there” so we are clearly on completely different wave lengths here as far as how impactful changes to a game are.

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Oh yeah, there has been an influx of Akuma players in t7 lately but literally every single one of them that isn’t Atif Butt, Awais Honey or Super Akouma don’t even make it out of pools. Shiiiet even poor Super hasnt been able to make it out of pools in recent tourneys because of people learning the match-up.

They’re nerfing a character because of two good Pakistani players that are so good that they’ve clapped all of the previous Korean and Japanese top players.

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I guess it is a pointless conversation cause shit like this;

If I bought SFV Turbo I wouldn’t have to peace meal my fucking game together with multiple.purchases for characters like I have to now.

Is asinine.

Version releases for fighting games was fucking ass. There is legit no case of it being done well. The addition of 2nd triggers was not so drastic that you were playing a whole different game nor did it warrant Capcom charging people for it. It never became a new game. You’re still playing SFV and from the get go they said it would be balanced and updated specifically for Esports and the pro tour.

GGXrd to GG2020 makes sense. It’s no longer the same game. Balancing a specific game or adding characters doesn’t mean a new version is needed.


Yea the conversation is a waste of time when you’re just a condescending dick head who calls people’s personal tastes and purchasing preferences asanine.


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Buying glorified balance patches and being ok with it is crazy as fuck no matter how you spin it being your preferences.

We finally got to a point where the fighting game companies don’t freely shit on us and people want to walk backwards. Balance patches are free, that’s fucking progress.


If you were to buy all content in SFV individually wouldn’t it cost more than buying SFIV plus all of its updates individually?

T7 plus all three seasons costs more together than it did for me to buy both T6 and tag 2.

Best releases are ones where you can pick characters and versions you want. Like in that one ST Release(anniversary Iirc) you can pick any version of ryu from world warriuh to St, same with Alpha Anthology. That was pretty awesome.


I don’t understand why he keeps saying I want to pay for JUST balance patches. SFVs roster is like 3 times the size it was at launch, thats not just a fucking “Balance patch.”

I think each season is 40 bucks. 120 bucks for all three seasons before the base game price. 120 is more than what I paid for my tekken 7 COLLECTORS edition. Goddamn.

Newest SFV physical doesn’t even have all of the content on the disc. Balance patches are free, sure, but they fleece the consumer in other ways between costumes, characters and stages.

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I don’t think new characters warrant a completely new edition neither. The fundamental game didn’t change because Capcom brought back Honda and Poison. Maybe if they added some new mechanics or overhaul the game I’ll be boarded for a Ultimate SFV.

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What does that have to do with me? I dont remember ever saying you guys has to think it was.

You guys are perfectly welcome to like the new delivery system. I fucking hate it and its turned me away from quite a few fighting games. I think its dog shit and costs me more money in the long run for ultimely less content. If they did this system back in the day there would be no Alpha 2. It would be SFA3 Max. Deal with it. No Hyper Fighting or Champion Edition. Just Super Turbo. Live with it. Dont care if you dont like Supers. It’s just a few frames after all.

I think its fucking awful for the games, the player base and games history. But if you disagree with me then thays fine. I really dont mind. All I ever said was I agreed with NYM that I liked that system. It worked for me and you and ESkills jumped on my shit saying I like getting fucked in the ass when it’s you silly fucks who are paying more. That I’m the dumb dumb for wanting to pay 40 dollars for Vtriggers when I never said that. Jumped on me like I have the power to reverse time. I dont. That ship has sailed. Enjoy paying more and having less overall to show for it.

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Welcome to modern gaming.

Yea I know. Apperantly I’m the asshole.

You seem to be tho one most worked up over it, but I wouldn’t call you an asshole.

i think i get where your coming from. perhaps somebody will implement some kind of version rollback feature in future fighting games.

Don’t get me started on what Activision did to CoD. Man last year’s BLOPS4 had issues that a year later got fixed but by the time the game became fun and fair the next game drops. First few months are full of BS issues that get fixed by next year and the cycle begins again.

I get frustrated when people don’t read what I’m saying or put words in my mouth. It’s an annoying thing for me to deal with. I feel like I speak very clearly and with purpose so to be misunderstood or to have things I didn’t say attributed to me is very annoying.


Didn’t they do that with a version of SFIV? I remember being able to play as past versions of characters.

Maybe if you bought every costume individually. Costumes cost more in every game nowadays. Buying everything in SFIV(bundles) was still about 200$. More if you bought day one individually.

But you also need to account for fight money in SFV.