Literally just make it Lost Planet 2 but bigger and prettier, and bring back the original’s thermal system management since they nerfed the difficulty in 2
I have Sekiro but i been avoiding that shit like the plague, i stay gettin my ass stomped out. Ima get back to it tho after I finish my less challenging backlog first
“Look at that scrub over there, I bet he hasn’t even beat Sekiro with no deaths and a set of donkey bongos on day 1. Pathetic!”
Epic’s finally rolling out some much needed features. But only for a few games.
I bought Lost Planet 2 twice, once for each console. I also took off a week from work for it.
No regrets.
Only thing you proved is you have comprehension difficulties, but if it helps your low self esteem stay trashy.
Actually it proved you either never played Sekiro, or you sucked massive dick at it.
My self esteem is plenty high. Shitting on your awful arguments is just me correcting misinformation. I would hate for someone to get the wrong impression about a game due to your dog shit hot takes and awful ability to analyze quality content.
You keep your self esteem up playing Slash, a game no one but you plays because it’s dog shit and has awful balance.
I still have the vid on my youtube. The vids description goes over his position. I think there are even quoted lines in it tho I could he wrong on that. Either way it summed up his argument then showed in video how wrong he was.
So yea could just repost the video I guess.
To the contrary I played Sekiro without much difficulty but stopped due to its lack of anything to keep me engaged and frustrations with its world design. It is not misinformation, it is an opinion.
I don’t play fighting games for self esteem, I play them to curb my more violent tendencies together with daily exercise.
The fact that you do not like Slash is irrelevant to me. Versions of Ki and Sol are the only thing imbalanced about Slash and exclusively using #Reload versions of them makes it so that every character in the game is on an even playing field. It has the content of later revisions without the unnecessarily added mechanics of later revisions and better balancing than previous iterations. You are the one that is spreading misinformation.
Your opinion about movement in Sekiro was factually wrong. I proved it wrong. No one gives a shit about an opinion that is verifiably wrong.
Sounds like you need therapy.
Slash has some.of the worst balance in the entire XX series, this is verifiable so no you are spreading misinformation. As usual.
My issue with Sekiro was not with movement mechanics but with navigation and how the world went out of its way to waste my time.
Name an example of a great match up imbalance in Slash that does not involve Ki and Sol.
P.S. Therapy is for the weak.
Sounds like you went into the game knowing it had Souls-like conventions and decided to bitch and moan anyway. You wasted your own time, not the game’s fault in any way. That’s some seriously weak shit.
Remind me (and preferrably everybody else) to never get anywhere near close to you, be it in public spaces or private ones. I’d prefer to stay alive for a few more years, thank you very much
I am the least of your worries. I do not attack without good reason.
Yea no worries guys. He has fighting game therapy to keep him in check.
yet you literally just admitted to basically being mentally unstable
Only in response to very specific stimuli which should never be an issue in any respectable area with decent people.