Video Game General 6.4: New Halo? What else?




heh, good ol’ Left 4 Dead, man… the last time I was truly excited over a zombie-related video game. I think World War Z might be a bit fun… I was thinking about getting into that one since I know a certain friend plays it now… plus it’s cheap…and it’s 3rd person so that’s bonus points right there…

…but I’m not sure what more they could do with L4D at this point; it would only be new areas with a different cast of characters, basically. Then again more of the same is normally a good thing anyway…no need to re-invent the wheel when it comes to entertainment…

Bloodlines 2 will have new clan reveals each week, btw… of course I’m hoping they put as many clans as playable as possible…preferably ALL of them (but it’s the modern era so we know they’ll likely just have a few then offer more later as DLC) The only change I wish they’d implement so far is at least the option of 3rd person view. With that it could have strong potential as the greatest vampire game ever produced, easily…at least in my opinion as someone that just prefers that perspective.

The Switch version is the one I wanted but fuck those low specs. PC it is.

So how’s Blades of Times? I know it’s spiritual predecessor wasn’t a big hit, but seeing the gameplay here it doesn’t look too bad. There was a PS3 version, can’t remember if there was a ps4 versino at the moment.

The trailer was proven to be fake pretty much within an hour of it going up.

I want to sex on her tiddies.

Reviews for detective pikachu seem to be popping up and so far their pretty positive. We may actually have our first truly great VG movie. It’ll be nice to have the bar set high enough now.

I really love how that character’s whole shtick is a joke on Sean Bean playing characters who end up buying the farm in whatever film/show he’s in.


More Borderlands 3 voice acting stuff. Claptrap’s original voice actor isn’t returning because Gearbox “couldn’t afford” him.

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Gearbox can’t afford my business.

I hope most other players have spines too, and boycott Borderlands 3 into the dirt.

I haven’t cheered so hard for Pirates since Blacks Sails.


Sounds like the anthem for this thread right here.


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Meanwhile, over at Ubisoft.

Looks like they’re implementing tech to make it so that you don’t need to use keys, but games are automatically activated on your account.

So another Gaming company to Boycot, they can sit in the corner over with Epic and EA.

Nope, that honor will always belong to 1995’s ‘Mortal Kombat’ exclusively.


That is not how you spell Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider has always been a cheap ‘Indiana Jones’ knockoff without any of the charm or tension. It can’t even stand on its own merits.

Despite being a knockoff of ‘Enter The Dragon’, ‘Mortal Kombat’ manages to blow the source material out of the water in presentation.

What, No way. The Pacing was terrible, people dropped in without rhyme or reason just because the were “In the game”. MK Movie was almost Mario Bros level of Terrible.
The Tomb raider movie only introduce what it needed, had a coherent plot and it didn’t lose it self in it’s own spectacle.

MK is more inspired by Big Trouble in Little China over all.


Didn’t MK lift entire character concepts off that movie.
