Video Game General 6.4: New Halo? What else?

NSO is 20$ for a year? Holy shit pay it or fucking don’t. Lmao


I dig the fact that Iga can take criticism and have fun with it lol

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Blades of Time remaster coming to switch…but why tho?

Also is anyone else having issues with the mobile version of this site when it comes to making a post? I can’t post in the box unless I copy or paste something in it and its kind of annoying.

Andy From GI and Randy Pritchford have a disagreement on what microtransactions are

Platinum teases that they have 2 wholly owned IPs in the works

Suda 51 teases announcement st Momocon

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But Randy you are a “profit only, gamer exploiting liar.”


Randy Pitchford cant help it, he is a Grade AAA cuckold.

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Jesus the BL3 saga continues.

So this is a thing.


Will it break as relatively easily as their mice?

Because even GOOD toasters don’t last more than a couple of years…

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Apparently this popped up today and there’s some speculation. It’d be nice if it actually is what people think it is but I’m not gonna hold my breath on it.

On another note if actually is what people think it is then I’d find it funny that it seemingly took pressure from another company to actually count to 3.


It is too far along for that other company to account for it.

I’ve had the same toaster for 15 years. Works fine.

Same Razor mouse for 5. Also works fine.

Love that toaster man.


You’ve been a lot luckier with toasters than anyone else I have ever known.

I had a Razor mouse last 2.5~3.

Best run I’ve ever had with one.

I’ve had half a dozen.

Nobody else makes decent feeling Lefty gaming mice.

I just take care of my stuff I guess…i dunno. I’ve never had a toaster die.

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I take care of my stuff too.

And yet our experiences are starkly different.

Life is funny.

It sure is.

So catch on fire immediately

My theory is that Cheeto dust must act as a fire retardant for most of the pro-Razor crowd.

Not RSG3, of course.

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Yeah toasters last a long time in my experience.

I don’t eat Cheetos with my electronics shrug